Page 52 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 52
Page 4 Western Maryland College November 29, J990 Editorial: What's Fair is Fair Letter to the Editor B~' ]\:latt Levy Webster defines double stan- walking through Decker Center same thing'? If not, I want my Student Shocked by "Scenes of dard as a set of principles that with glasses in their hands. What money back. Besides, I was applies differently and usually Can you always taught to acknowledge Mass Destruction" on Campus more rigorous! y to one group of I knew you the rulcsofthc ptacc I'm vishing Editor people or circumstances than to when I'm out somewhere. This I found myself staring at scenes of mass destruction today. another. There should be a pic- This is not the first time that I group should have been forced I was passing through Decker Center on my way to class, and ture of this campus next to the to as well. I joined several dozen other students in silent shock as we all definition. This also brings up an impor- watched a very old, very comfortable, very shady tree get sliced, tant question. If this campus hacked, and otherwise dismembered. Dangerous m urmurings of ever went dry (God forbid), mutinous vengeance slipped from some members of the crowd, would the school hold events for while others-like myself-merely stood there in a mire of MAHPERD and other !,'TOUpS indignation. like it? If they did, would alco- How could such a major project be even considered, out in hol be served? My guess is that broad daylight, after the touting ofW MC's environmental aware- they would, meaning that the ness at freshman orientation, and in view of the popular support school would break its own rules. of Earth Day and recycling programs? It is time for this campus to of course, The answer, "they" is that they (the infamous live up to their policies if they do things we do nOI like; it's pointless to name names that in a arc going to gel any respect from bureaucracy) decided that what wedidn' t know wouldn't hurt us ihc studcnts.Hwc havcto puiup Well, it has. And it will continue to hurt us, morally and, with the rules, so should every- eventually, physically. Do we really need another parking lot? one else. Can you say WHAT'S Docs Decker Center really need expansion? of Health, Physical Education, FAIR IS FAIR? I knew you Recreation, and Dance) were could 0 Both of these problems have less costly (long-term) costs. But even if they arc necessary-and I am willing to give the people Editorial: Let's All Raise Our Voices and costs-aren't there more suitable for weighing in various needs who made this decision somecrcdit places for expansion and parking lots? By Pat Blackman proud 01 But nothing will nity to inform people about is- Aside from the inconvenience and the noise (which many Students here at WMC arc change unless we all point out sucswhicblcare about.and nine residents were no doubt unprepared for), there is (or ought to be) what we think is wrong. times out of ten when someone a more accessi ble decision -making process for such major changes hears about something they in our campus. (I wonder if our alumni sec it the same way?) hadn't heard before and it boLh- I've been told that studcms supply aboui S! % of the college's crs them, they begin 10 think yearly operating budget. How many corporations would forget about it. to ask the controlling interest's opinion about major works? But I've also found that even The answer of course is thai, if the "controlling intcrcst"-thc if people care, they easily fall pcoptc=-don't make noise and voice their opinions, they don't into feeling helpless unless they exist. can be pan of a structure which It's too late now to "save the trees" that we watched being ,11 lows then to participate in ac- hacked up today. It's too late now to ask the people who live and uon work on this campus for their input. That's where I think a lot of But it's not too late to keep from making this same mistake us arc about student issues on agam. campus. We all have our prob- So let's all make some noise. lems with what's going on, but Jim Vowles someofusaren'tawarethatthese affairs, among other influential little things arc part of a bigger acmintstrarors.Iacunymcmbcrs. 'willingness' of thisadministra- group of problems. And those The Phoenix and students) within a week or tion to listen to us. They need that realize the broader level the student rally, our input on these issues. En- often feel helpless in the face of Editor-in-Chief , " , " """.""Julie Baile All of this to a new rollment is dropping and higher bureaucracy and the static power Business Manager ·"""·.· "" ,, Andrea Covington mood (maybe not so new) ccucauonts bccomingabuyer's of the administration. Layout Editor ..· " " ... ".""" "".Constantine Frangos among students; they arc fed up market. Well, we students arc Well, now we arc in 11 posi- Sports Editors "·" .."""".""."",, Matt Levy and Ed Rigling with to the buyers! Andcvcryliulc thing tion to move to action. If you Production Assistants .""." .." "" ...... ".Andrea Covington, go having tharmakcsthisplaccsccmwrong aren't aware of what's going on, Meeghan Ziolkowski quatcsay indccision-makmg that or unsatisfying for us is really a stan talking to people, read the Cartoonist .."" ... " ...... " ........ Greg Street directly affects them, and they threat to the continuing prosper- postcrsand the petition (sec page Photographers " " .. Bob Kirkendall, Jenn Scott arc finally ready to do some- institution in the end. one), and ask yourself what you. Reporters ....... Pat Blackman, Andrea Covington, Lauren E. thing about it have known many people think is wrong. Then go to Himmel, Andrew Krcvolin, Mike Kubacki, Ifeelthat u'sexcuing, but it's who didn't return to this school, Alumni Hall and speak up! Your Jcnn Scott, Mccghan Ziolkowski not yet enough. So this is an usually because of a collection peers will be there to listen, and Advisor " " " .. " Terry Dalton open appcal toa!l the students at or little things thm didn't make they will be recording your griev- Thanks and love to Bob, Tammy, Michelle, Mom, and Dad WMC. the big thing (tuition and room ances and bringing Lhem to the for your support this semester! Good luck Andrea! lEB Wc arc nor yct unucd.and wc and board) worth it powers that be the first week in need to be. We don't need to Finally, Ithink it's important December the Phoenix is published bi-weekly bi-tho above staff. The have the same ideas.or the same that we dispel the Myth of Stu- Aftcr that, we'll sec what opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix grievances, and we don't even dent Apathy; you know, the one happens. But don't forget that staff members or those of the administration at Western Mary- land College. need to agree on what we think that causcs shon-sigtncdadmtn. you nrcan important pari of what the best solutions arc. But we istrators to say, "Students don't happens. The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. nccd to gcucgcthcrandraiscour care; why don't/hey do some- This docsn' t need to bea fight Lencrs to the Editor must be one page, typed, and signed. voices so everyone can sec Lhat thing about il." (In other words, between the students and the Please include a phone number for verification. Letters to the there is a problem here and that it'sYOURfauhthatthingssuck.) adminiSlration, nor should we Editor arc due one week before publication. studenL~ want changes. Now I'm not saying that there blame anyone person for what's Address mail to: The Phoenix We all want WMC to be it isn't ap
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