Page 51 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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November 29, 1990 Western Maryland College Page 3 Focus on a Student: Tim Pfaltzgraff 8y Mike Kubacki rnent. medical school after he gradu- As one the students serving November 2 through Novcm ber Tim Pfaltzgraff, ajunior bio- "Dr. Smith does cancer re- ates lO become a surgeon. on the Food Service Committee, 4, Tim went to S1. Louis for the chemistry major, is a student search, and I do work on com- "Last summer and this Janu- Tim meets with other members BACCHUS convention, which involved in many extracurricu- pounds, which is not related to ary, I will be working at Fort every other week to "discuss promoted "responsibility and lar activities both on and off the the carcinogenic effect, which is Detrich in Frederick, which is a changes Englar is planning, and choice in alcohol." Western Maryland College the cancer," says Tim. branch of the National Cancer concerns brought by the stu- Basically, the organization campus. Tim gets a government grant Institute," adds Tim. dents." encourages responsible dri nki ng Oneofhisactivitiesischemi- for "watching how tbecompound In addition to Tim's interest Some proposed changes in- for students. cal research with Dr. Richard reacts." and research in biochemistry, he clude a new floor. a new soda As far as his RA duties go, is also a Resident Assistant and a machine, and a juice machine Albert Norman Ward resident member of CAPBoard, Boost- which will be left on all day. Todd Cioni says of Tim, "He's ing Alcohol Consciousness The committee is also trying the best RA on campus." Concerning the Health. of Uni- to get Glar to keep from running In the end, Tim is a student versity Students (BACCHUS), out of fresh bread. who balances his schoolwork theFoodServiceComminee,and Another organization Tim with a number of valuable extra- the Honors Program. belongs to is BACCHUS. On curricular activities. 0 PETITION, from Page 1 pointed. given adequate time to prepare violated by Student Affairs pol- 3) Board meetings should be a reaction and have a vote in icy and personnel in the inter- open to all students and the stu- such actions or decisions. est of maintaining a market- dent press. 7) Administrative officers able college image; 4) Student Affairs should hold should meet with students to We make the following a campus wide forum to ad- discuss their priorities and an- dress complaints from the stu- swer student complaints about dent body as a whole, the direction in which this in- 1) The three student and three S) Actions should be consid- stitution is moving. faculty representatives on the ered to improve student repre- 8) A full account of the WMC Board of Trustees should each sentation in decision making budget should be made avail- which directly affects them. able in such a way that the pri- v 6) Studentsshouldbeinfonned vacy of individuals is main- about all actions and decisions tained but the right of students (0 know how this institution Junior Tim Pfaltzgraff juggles a busy schedule as he partici- pates in many activities at Western Maryland. spends money is preserved. 0 ~ Trying to stretch do!larswhen Apple introduces the Maontosh Classic you're computer shopping doesn't mean For more information see you're \\1lling to make sacrifices That's IVh~'you should consider the new, affordable Macintosh" Classic" computer. George Fisher from It has evel)1hing you need-including a monitor, keyOOard, mouse, 2 megabytes of RAM, and J 40-megab}1e hard disk.just plug everything in and the Macintosh Classic is ready Westminster Computer Center to run, because the system software is already installed: And, thanks to the Macintosh computer's legendary ease of use, you'll be up and running in no time, every Wednesda y at the WlvICBookstore Uke every Macintosh, the Classic can run thousands of available applications that all work in the same, consistent way-so once you've learned one program, you're well on your from llam-2pm or call 848-0333 way to learning them all. And thiS isone cheap roommate that doesn't have trouble sharing The AppleĀ® SuperDrive!!:...stanclard equipment with every Macintosh-reads from and writes to Macintosh, MS.oOS, OS/2, and Apple II floppy disks, which means you can share eI. The power to be your best information with someone who uses a different type of computer. See the Macintosh Classic for yourself. It'll change your mind about cheap roommates
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