Page 101 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 101
May 2, 1991 Western Maryland College PageS 60 Seconds on Campus Bob Kirkendall Who is your favorite professor and why? Kelly Kendall '93 Jon Johns '93 Matt Calender '93 Ed Jacod '91 Sherr; Sriepman '93 -Psychology -History -History/Biology -Business -English Dr. Colyer. He's Dr. Hartman. Dr. Neal, because Professor Dill- Dr. Panek, because not really strict about love how the mate- whatever he starts, he man, because I love he askes the most coming to class and rial we go over in always finishes. his take home final interesting test memorization is the class is relevant to exam. questions. only way to learn. the test. EDITORIAL, from Page 4 and over on this topic is that itis one of the groups are oppres- Letter to the Editor: Why Don't the point that it seemed "to be NOT the duty of the "op- sive of another, we should More People Join The Phoenix? avoided. And what little dis- pressed" to educate the "oppres- EXPOSE this ignorance by al- agreement there was, was sor." And the "oppressors" lowing it and there, letting it Editor, As I ncar the end of my first year as adviser to The Phoenix, I crushed by very vocal and ar- should lake it upon themselves kill itself under the weight of would just like to take this opporumay to thank each and every staff ticulate speakers. to become educated about the moral justice. member for the time and energy you have devoted 10 the newspaper Maybe the questioning "oppressed." Yet, all the while We also need a discussion this year's editors, Phoenix speakers had a point For ex- I heard the same speakers say that lays everything on the this year. I am especially gratefulto for not only their role in making Julie Baile ~nd Andrea Covington, ample, onc of the round table the oppressors are happy and line-not as an act of polemics The Phoenix a much better newspaper, but for puumg up wah me. members was (ired of being content where they are. or to score debating points but Your patience has not gone unnoticed called on in class as represent- Now consider, if someone is for the sake of airing truths and Few students, I suspect, can ever appreciate the long hours and ing the black race. She was happy and content being the getting at the root of serious never-ending demands imposed upon student journalists-who tired of being treated differently "oppressor" arc they really problems and then we can stan often labor long into the night with little expectation of reward or because she was black. Now, going to go out of their way to to solve them. recognition. Indeed, student journalism truly is a labor of love, and some of her thoughts arc proba- educate themselves on the We will never achieve any- I suppose thai's the way it should be. bly true and maybe she might "oppressed?" How arc they thing as long as a one-sided Nonetheless, it troubles me that so much sweat and tears is be correct on some of them. going to understand the side of "corr ecr thought' is never expended by so relatively few students. True, the size of The Y ct. when an audience mem- the oppressed unless the op- opened to challenge and frcc Phoenix staff has grown this year, but there is still plenty of room ber commented that it might be pressed themselves let them discussion. John Stuart Mill left in the paper's basement office for new members. The appropriate to be questioned as know? If it's not the duty of the statcs thauhe auainmcmof uuth paper will need more reporters, and photographers, and copy cd i- an African American, he was oppressed to educate the oppres- is more probable between the tors. and layout technicians, and advertising specialists in the fall blasted by people who thought sor, who's duty is it? Think free debate of opposing view- Do you need to have a lot of experience to fill onc of these posi tions? that they were absolutely right about it. points then is the "one sided No. Do you need to have an interest in what's going on mound and he, wrong. Anyone, after What we need is aOne World assertion of dogma and creed, campus and a desire to bring that news to the college community? that, would have been suicidal day where diversity is rcprcscn- which are beyond dispute." We Yes. Already The Phoenix' 5 1990-9 I staff has made remarkable prog- to voice any opinion but the tativc of many differences and must now have a free discus- ress in improving the appearance and cement of WMC's student correct view. varicty-c-not just of the op- sion and get at the root of diver- newspaper. In the coming year, there is every reason to believe that r----------, campus and off. My hope is that more students, regardless of their One of the things said over pressed and minorities. And if sity and a true "One World."O The Phoenix will continue to improve and gain new respect on HOUSE OF LIQUORS 00 major, class, or level of experience, will want to become part of this we can make The Phoe- -Eve/Yfhing in Spirits. PLUS Courtesy & Service- OFF 'I challenging and exciting venture. Together, newspaper around-but nix as good as any small-college student : Any I $1 Case of Beer : with a little more help, we can get the job done faster. I Pricec over S10.00 ,I Terry Oalton, Assisumi Professor of Enxlish (sole items excluded) I NO LIMIT • I L __ !P:s::_21: .J LETrER, from Page 4 have done? Did Mr. Hall attend Almost everyone CARROLL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER r----------, step backward. And Mr. Hail, the showing? Refuse to totcrarc is a minority. while Bird on a Wire m:.JYhave (Ilt. 140 & Englor Rd.) I SO¢ OFF casraspcrsionsonanundcscrving intolerance; correct those who I WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 I Any Case of BeerI;~I this is no reason to be indulge in it; detest it, certainly. minority, 848-1314 II reactionary. But do nOI demand that I be from seeing a film on Iappreciate Mr. Hall'sremark Lotto & Lottery Headquarters I (W~~~Li~7r")~ : ' that "we did not indicate to any- prohibited because you find it un- Prlced under $10,00 ~...• campus FINE WINE & SPIRITS one that the showing be suitable. If you arc offended, THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS L __ ~~=:/:__~.~'.J cancelled," bur I am baffled don't watch it. What, then, should CAPBoard Coleen Klasmeicr '93
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