Page 103 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 103
May 2, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 7 Golf Team Captures Conference GREEN TERROR SPRING Matt Levy mate Jeff Dierks by one. For team's mark was not being able SPORTS RESULTS After last year's seventh place Comes, it was his second indi- to win their own toumamcms. finish at the Middle Atlantic vidual title of the year. He was The Green Terrors finished sec- Here arc the results, records, and highlights of all WMC Conference (MAC) Champion- low scorer at the Mount S1. ond at both the WMC Invita- spring sports from April IS-April 27 ships, the Western Maryland golf Mary's Invitational, which West- tional, and the WMC Spring BASEBALL (12-11) team said that they would win it ern Maryland. Dierks.the team's Classic. At the Invitational, 4/16-vs. Moravian (W2-1) all in 1991. The mission was low scorer for the season, fin- Western Maryland lost to Eliza- tligtdighi: Joe Herman attoweaiusi one hu accomplished this past weekend. ished nine strokes behind Comes beuuownbyonc suokc. Theone 4/17- VS. Messiah (WIO-9) The Green Terrors captured with a 232. stroke turned out to be a hole-in- Highlight: Team jumped out 10 a 6-{) lead. their first ever MAC crown since For Western Maryland, win- oneonthePar3,HoleI2. Atthe 4/23- vs. Lebanon Valley (L5-4, W5-0) llighligtu: Ron Chanski pitched a two-hit stuaous 1978 with a team score of 934 ning the MAC Championship is Spring Classic, the Green Terrors 4/24- vs. York, Pa. (L9-3) over the 54 holes played at the the icing on the cake of an in- lost to Division I Navy. Ilighlight: leffWrablel had two hits. Shawnee-on-Delaware golf credible season. The Green Those losses are now on the 4/27- VS. Gettysburg (L4-1, WIl-3) course in Pennsylvania. Thctotal Terrors finished the regular sea- backbumcr as Western Maryland lIigllliglll: Joe Perone hit a grand slam home run. was a commanding 12 strokes son with a team record 68 wins. will be the ream to beat in 1992. GOLF (68-18) better than runner-up Following the flrsnoumamem of The chances of a second straight 4/15- Dickinson lnvitational-znd out of 17 reams Susquehanna. the year, Western Maryland fin- title are good with Comes and flightight: Tom Brandl was /com's low scorer with a 75 Steve Comes won the individ- ished in either first or second Dierks returning next year. The 4/16- vs. Loyala. Bucknell, and Georgetown- 2nd place ual title as he shot a seven-over- place in their next seven invita- Green Terrors lose JUSt one l/ighlighl: leffDierks led learn with a 76 par223. The sophomore.entered tionals. starter, Eric Watkinson. Arcpcat 4/19- vs. Franklin & Marshall (W421-5 I5) the final 27 holes trailing team- The only blemish on the of this article is very likely. 0 Highlight: Brandl led learn again with (J 82 4/20- Naval Marine Corp. Invitational- Sth out of 10 teams Football Team Loses Three Players 4/24--- vs. York, Pa. (L402-406) t scam WMC was the only non-Division Highligiu: Coach Sprague Still Optimistic About Upcoming System Highlight: Eric Watkinson shot a 79 MEN'S LACROSSE (5-6) Matt Levy opened up the scoring for the will try to play again," said 4/17-vs. St. Mary's, Md. (WI6-11) RobJohnson, Tony Spagnola, eventual Homecoming upset of Johnson. Highlight: Tory Kasemeyer scored six goals. and Mike Wright have left the the Red Devils. Spraguesaidthathewill move 4/19- vs. Franklin & Marshall (LI2-IO) Western Maryland football team, "Robbie is a great kid," Spra- defensive back lames Martin 10 Highlight.Clark: Ilospiehorn scored four goals and will not take the field when gue said. "The door will always Johnson's position. Marlin was 4/24--- vs. Drew (L 18-12) scored three goals Price and Craig Wanner jJighlighl:Andy the Green Terrors open their be open." also a receiver in high school. each season against Albright on Sep- Johnson said that he is unsure Returnee Damon Lewis, and 4/27- vs. Swarthmore (W23-7) tember 14. of his future plans. He will at- rookie Wayne Brook will also Highlight: Wanner scored five goals and assisted on five ''These things happen every tend Carroll Community Col- be used in place of Johnson. others year," Dale Sprague, Western lege in the summer, and look at Spagnola quit the team in WOMEN'S LACROSSE (3-6) Maryland head coach, said. both Morgan and Frostburg Slate what is being called a "mutual 4/18- vs. Gcttysburg (Ll2-7) "You're going to lose players as possible transfers. Football is agreement" between Sprague, Highlight.Robin Lang and Shannon Smuii scored two goals from year to year." questionable according to his coaching staff, and the so- eacn. Johnson has recently with- Johnson. phomore noseguard. Rob Rim- 4/2()- vs. Dickinson (L8-6) drawn for school. The sopho- "If the opportunity is there, I See FOOTBALL, Pg. 8 Col. 1 ltighligtu: Stephanie Gra« scored IwO goals more said that Western Mary- 4/23- vs. Notre Dame, Md. (WI6-4) land was not right for him, and it ttighliglu: Grau and Janet Seward scored/our goals apiece. was lime to leave. 4/25- vs. Swarthmore (WID-6) Highiigtu: Lang and .lenny PreSIOn scored II/ree goals {/flier.e. "There was nothing I liked 4/27- vs. Susquehanna (WIS-2) aboutWMC. It'sagrcatschool, IIighlighl: Crau scoredftve goals but it's not for me," Johnson SOFTBALL (14-8) said. "I was unhappy all year." Johnson, a wingback, was 4/16- vs. Franklin & Marshall (W3-1, L6-2) llighlight: Marilyn Naas allowedjuslfour hits in Ihe win. once again expected to join Eric 4/17- vs. Gcttysburg (L4-2, WIO-6) Frees in a backfield fcared by llighlight: Team sr.ored six runs in sixlh inning of win. Green Tcrror opponents. In his 4/19-vs. Washington (WI I-I, W6-2) first two years combined, llighligfu: Sarah Kephaf/ went3-for-4 in Iheftrsl Rame Johnson rushcd for 967 yards 4/22- vs. Dickinson (W8-), L3-0) and 11 touchdowns. The West- I!ighlight: Claudia Hencmyre had three RBI's in lite win. minster native also caught 29 4/23~ vs. Mount St. Mary's (W9-7, W7-0) passes for one touchdown, and Rob Johnson, seen vs. F&M in 1989, will not play for WMC l/ighlighl: April Ommerl won bOlh games 4/24---vs. (L7-6) Messiah returned two kickoffs for touch- in 1991. I/ighlighl: Danielle Haskins IUid a Ihree-run mple downs. His l4-yard touchdown 4/26- vs. Gallaudet (W8-2, W 14-(3) run versus Dickinson this year llighliglll: 14 runs mosl by leam this year Fitzgerald's MEN'S TENNIS (3-9) Personals Carriage House Liquors 4/17- vs. Gcttysburg (L9-0) 4/18- vs. Catholic (L6-3) I/ighlighl: Chris Conklin won only singles malell BEC- The pany .. dance ... Specials ... 4/24--- vs. York, Pa. (W9-0) magic ... com & rain ... in your Coors, Coors Light, llighlighl: Team won all six singles malr.hes in .waight sels eyes .. walk.. MSL wine .. Coors Extra Gold Draft case/cans $13.49 WOMEN'S TENNIS (3-7) basemcnt. .. the magical tent & 4/16- vs. Washington (L9-0) bird ... study breaks ... 21 L. Keystone & Keystone Light IIighliglll: Katie Names lookftrsl sella aliebreaker 301. .. Key Wesl. .. the drive .. case/cans $9.99 4/18- vs. Gcuysburg (L9-0) don't snorkel-sail off into the 4/19- vs. Dickinson (L8-1) sunset .. Red Lobster ... Ar- George Killian's case/bottles & cans $14.99 Ilighlight :Names and Suzanne Slephano won allhird doubles. nold ... insanity ... noillu.~ions .. 4/23- vs. Notre Dame, Md. (W6-3) fate.. sometimcs when we Seagram's VO 1.75 liter $17.99 Highlight: Laurie Himmel won in bolh singles and doubles. touch gather ye rosebuds in MEN'S AND WOMEN'S TRACK (0-9,1-7) time see you this summer!! Heineken 12-packlbottles $10.99 SEE ARTICLE ON PAGE 9 Love-TEQ.
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