Page 96 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 96
PageS Western Maryland College April IS, 1991 INSULTS, from Page 4 O'Connell Discusses Admissions Issues and referred (0 Afro-Americans. So, I am forced to swallow my ISSUES, from Page 3 mittee. the Budget Committee. bring more minorities to WMC. been eliminated and replaced by anger and perform to the level expected of me. Then, I go to O'Connell. O'Connell said that and the college executives. O'Connell also hopes to in- an academic success program, is a realistic Spanish class where Mrs. Pick the decline in WMC students in O'Connell said.and for the dip. crease the number of non-tradi- Both programs were designed to goal that accounts recent years has been caused by raves about how thrilling last a statewidel3% decline in 18- tional studentson campus. "Half prepare academically below nigfu'sfilm was. Nevermmdthe year-old graduating high school WMC has received 77 depos- of my brain is geared towards average students for college only black man lucky enought to its so far. which is two and a half recruiting adult students," she work, according to O'Connell, find film work in a Spanish movie seniors. The admissions office times higher than the numberof said. but the success program does was called "nigger" about a half is working to increase conver- deposits this time last ycar, ac- Non-traditional students fill notrequlresummercoursesprior sian rates. the rate of applicants a dozen times. Consequently, I cording to O'Connell. The out an application but do not to freshman fall semester like am once again left with the bitter who pay deposits and indicate number of transfer applications write an essay on their applica- the early admission program. taste of ignorance in my mouth. their intention 10 come. to com, has also increased two and a half tions. according to admissions WMC has accepted 50 students Metz. dip. bat the demographic My point is quite simple: if a times since last year and WMC counselor Sandy Metz this year under the academic film thai is oprional 10the public Thc goal for admissions this has received deposits from II said the admissions process for success program, O'Connell can be cancelled because of its year is 392, which O'Connell transfer students. non-trads was more "flexible" said, and those students will be offensiveness. why is it in the said is 58 below full capacity. Admissions is also increas- due to their age. required to carry less than IS curriculum that it be a mandate The goal was formulated by the ing minority scholarships and In addition, O'Connell said credits and attend tutorial ses- 10 be graded on watching and Enrollment Management Com, visits to urban schools in order to the early admission program has srons. 0 reading something (hal is just as blatantly racist. if not more? Individuals that supposedly screen such films and bookswith and The firstLaserWriter far more academic sense than I are lacking the common sense in knowing what should shouldn't be required. If Mr Fannin decides not to watch the thatfitsinyourwa11et CAPBoard films, that is his choice. But if Idon't watch my Spanish films and I don't read my text, I fail. Yes, there is a difference, Wake up Western Maryland and realize that it is 1991 and there arc no more niggers 10 refer to. Stan using your minds for more than just spitting out infor- mation and think about the con- sequences of your actions, or lack of it. There is no reason why I can -I receive the same 520,000 education without hear- ing the word "nigger" all day long. Gel rid of the Spanish film-nobody watches them anyway-and start editing the stories we are responsible for reading. I can guarantee that Afro-Americans on this campus will comprehend their assign- ments without "nigger" being a part of them. Eric Byrd '92 Introducing the affordable Personal LaserWriter LS TENNIS, from Page 7 rain Erika Beren gucr -G il, sopho- Now you can get impressive, professional- more Katie Keller, and fresh- rich, high-definition graphics at a rate of up men Laurie Himmel and Katie looking documents without having towait in to four pages per minute. Names have two wins each. Junior Dedic Laird has the other long lines to use the laser printer over at the And, perhaps best of all, it'sfrom Apple - Grccn Terror singtcswin. Names computer lab. scored the only point versus designed so now you can get everything out Johns Hopkins. The Personal LaserWritenS printer isthe of a Macintosh' computer that Apple ,_ The women 'ssquad.coacbed by Joan Weyers, have had their most affordable Apple· LaserWriter ever. Ithas built into it. Not just the power to look _ share of problems in doubles. your best. The power to be your besr .. The Green Terrors are4-14 with the power to let you produce crisp text and wins coming two coming from the combination of Laird and freshman Stephanie Rood. The teams of Berenguer-Gil/Names. and Himmel/KeJler have the other wins. Both teams have three matches remaining, including today's contests. The men host Catholic, the women travel to © 1991.f!filI'COmpulrr. tnc. App/e.liJetV!fi/I'/Of.,J(). Mlla"nla0. /Awr'J7n1erlilld '71Jef'Ol/'l'l' /IJ be.lllur bes/" tire regislered ImdemarksojApP/I'ClJmpuler./llc Gettysburg. 0
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