Page 104 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 104
Page S Western Maryland College May 2,1991 Matt I..j!vy's Sports Profile: Kendra Weible After the Buzzer lauren E. l-limmel Kendra Weible is currently ranked third in the conference for the 3,000 meter run, and seventh JORDAN AND BULLS WILL WIN IT ALL for the 5,000 meter run. She is a sophomore, Well, my NCAA pick was wrong, and its tcoearfy to tell pystcal education major, with a minor in commu- ifmy baseball prediction will be right. Now, I will give the nication who says, "I ran track my senior year in NBA playoffs a shot. One thing's for sure: the two teams that high school. but I was slow." reach the finals will go through playoff hell to get there. J Weible played basketball in high school and don't see many upsets, except that Boston will beeliminated thought that, because of her size, it was too com- in the firstround,and Portland will not reach the finals. Out petitive. So she decided to run. Her favorite part of the East will bctheChieagoBulls. TheSan AntonioSpurs about track is that, "you can rcally see how all the will represent the West. Michael Jordan will enter Mister hard work pays off." Robinson's Neighborhood, and come away with a champi- Without the suppon of her coach and friends, _ onship ring after a tough seven-game series. It will come Kendra says she would be nothing today. ~ ~ down to the last shot, and Air Jordan will sink it. "My coach, Doug Renner, has believed in me.ยง as a runner and a person, which has carried me to ~ I'D GO TO CANADA FOR THAT MONEY new heights," Weible said, With his personal services contract, Raghib Ismail can Weible's outside interests include any other:; make as much as 26 million dollars over four years after SPOrt, poetry, and music. "I play the guitar," she E signing with the Toronto Argos of the Canadian Football commented. # League. For that money, I'd learn how to speak French, Renner says about Weible, "She's my most - ---,----,----,--==-:-======== convert everything to the metric system, and root for the dedicated runner. She does the extra work!" She Blue Jays (well, only Mookie Wilson). has set a school record for the 3,000 meter run at Was he right in going to Canada instead of opting for the I0.46.2,and Renner says, "She has the potential to NFL? Absolutely. If you want reasons, I'll give you 26 go National." 3,000, and 5,000 meter runs. She won the 3,000 million of them. Ismaitcan goto thc Nltl.later on. Herschel meter run .and placed th ird in the 1,500 meter run Currently, Weible has qualified for the Middle this past Saturday versus Gettysburg and Johns Walker, Jim Kelly, and Reggie White started off in the Atlantic Conference championships in the 1,500, Hopkins. 0 USFL. Warren Moon and Joe Theisman went to Canada. Ismail will have time to prove himself. Meanwhile, he can Spring Sports Wrap-Up '91 count his money. FOREMAN SHOULD CALL IT QUITS Matt Levy and Ed Rigling After stalling 0-3, the team George Foreman captured the hearts of sports fans as he Baseball: 12-11 overall, 7-3 got its act together and pulled out Men's Tennis! 3-9 overall, battled Evander Holyfield for Boxing's HeavyweightCham- MAC-Southwest a .500 season in the conference. 0-5 MAC-Southwest 2- The team stalled thcseason pionship at the age of 42. Although he lost by unanimous The team was in the hum for Lack of defense was the team's 2 before dropping seven in a row. decision, Foreman proved that his comeback was for real, the conference title until the last major downfall, as the goalies Scou Aquila and Chris Conklin and that he still had some fights left in him. He should now dayoftbcseason, where they fell often faced over thirty shots a tied for most singles victories retire for good. Don't ruin your image, George. Call itquits short against Gettysburg. Pitch- game. Tory Kascmeycr led the before a fight becomes the joke that was expected from this ing told most of the story as Joe with five each. The doubles last one. You have nounng else to prove. You are (he Herman finished 4-2 with an team with 40 goals combinauonof'Doug Raihalland people's champion. Leave it at that Women's Lacrosse: 3-6 Adam Scot! Imrsnco 4-5. ERA under2.00. Their inability overall, 04 MAC-Southwest Women's Tennis: 3-7 over- I REMEMBER WHEN ... to produce runs when they needed Having lost its all-time lead- all, 0-5 MAC-Southwest This is the last issue of The Phoenix. for the 1990-91 them most led to the team's ing scorer in Ann Kangas, the The team stumbled out of the school year, and it also marks the end of The Buzzer, The downfall. young team was given no help gate, losing four of Its first five column has given mea forum toexpress my views on spons, Golf: 68-18 overall, 3-2 in from its schedule, facing two matches. Suzanne Stephano fin- and I hope that it's been interesting material for you to read. match play nationally ranked Division III ished 4-6 in singles, while the It's now time to clean out my locker (my dorm room), put the At one point, the team fin- teams in their first three games. doubles combinauon of Stepha- pen and paper away (pack up the car), and call it quits ished first or second in six con- Stephanie Grau led the learn in nie Flood and Dedic Laird POSted (graduate and return to New York). secutive tournaments as they set goofs with 17 a3-4mark. Covering the Green Terrors during this season is some- a school record for most wins in Softball: 14-8 overall, 7-3 Men's Track: 0-9 overall thing that I won't forget, because it was such a memorable a season. Jeff Dierks led a bal- MAC-Southwest Lack of depth hurt the team one for sports. Teams that lost in the past, like football, anced squad in scoring and won Like the baseball team, pitch- overall, but Derek Johnston, became contenders. Others, like volleyball, kept on with the Individual Medal as Low ing was again the story for the James Martin, and the 4x 100 their winning tradition. When I come back for future Scorer in the WMC Spring Clas- softballsquad. Marilyn Naasund Relay Team have qualified for Homecomings, I will talk about this year and how the SIC. AprilOmmertcombincd for five the MAC Championships. Terrors lived up to their name. I will miss reporting them. 0 Men's Lacrosse: 5-6 over- shutouts with the backing of a Women's Track: 1-7 over- all, 2-2 MAC-Southwest stingy defensive unit. They were all L----- ---.l - __, in the hunt fora conference title Like the men's team, depth Conference (CFC) Champion- comment. until the last week of the season, was a problem. Sherry Albright, FOOTBALL, from Page 7 ship. Spagnolacouldnotrcacncd Western Maryland iscoming and set a school record for most Heather Hunter, Janelle Leith, mel will replace Spagnola, who for comment. off its first winning season since wins by a Green Terror softball and Kendra Weible have quali- recorded 69 tackles last year, on Wright is transferring to Indi- 1981, as the Green Terrors fin- squad. fied for the MAC's. 0 the defensive line. ana University of Pennsylvania. ished 6-3-1. Sprague said that According 10 Sprague, this According toSprague, thesopho- the loss of three starters hurts, lineup change would have taken more will hang up his uniform but don't count out the 1991 place anyway. Rimmer has had and concentrate on academics. season. a good offseason, and there was "Wright made a decision "I think we'll be every bit as a concern about the defensive based on the fact that he wanted good as last year, maybe even strength up the middle. In two of a bigger Physics program," Spra-. better," said the head coach. the last three games last year, guesaid. Sprague sees the CFC com- the opponents (Lebanon Valley Wright, a defensive end, had ing down to four teams: Dickin- and Johns Hopkins) ran with 43 tackles last scaspon. and led son, Geuysburg, Johns Hopkins, great success up the middle. the team with 6 1/2 sacks. His 13 and Western Maryland. Johns Hopkins, alone, ran for tackles for losses also led the "Last year, we were unsure," 323 yards as they stopped the Green Terrors. Sprague did not Sprague said. "This year, there Green Terrors from capturing name a replacement for him. is a good air of confidence on the the first Centennial Football Wright could not be reached for Hill." 0 r---- -- ---- -
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