Page 105 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 105
May 2, 1991 Western Maryland College 1990-91: A Terror of a Year Matt Levy and Ed Rigling (9/]5190): An early season eon- Johns Hopkins (2/2/91): One Fora few years on the Hill, fercncematcb-upwith thc archri. shot best describes this game: there has not been a lot to cheer val Bullets proved that this year's with little lime left on the shot about in the field of athletics. Terror football squad was for clock, Debbie Shockley had the During the 1990-91 season, the rea1. Down 28-25 in the closing basketball and was not Iacing thc Terrors have Jived up to their minutes, Andy Steckel's lZth basket. She tossed up a Hail name, and provided many memo- reception of the game gave the Mary and got nothing but net for rable moments. As sports edi- Terrors a first-and-goal inside uucc as the Terrors upset the tors on The Phoenix, we have the one-yard line. An ill-con- Blue Jays 65-5 I. With less than selected the top five gamesofthe ceived quarterback sneak by a full bench, a team that was tied for e Western Maryland year, along with our picks for Mike Hamm led to a fumble and defeated players and teams, both men's a Gettysburg recovery, shocking ~~~.p]ace,and had won nine in a ~ and women's, of the year. So, the home crowd, and dashing without further ado, here they their bopes of winning the game. I. Football vs. DickinsonE' For hiscffon, Steckel was named (10/13/90): Listed in the USA ~ Top Five Games or the Year Sports tttustrateds Small Col- Today as one of the top Division::: S. Softball vs. Lebanon lege Player of the Week. III games of the week, the team --,----:- ,---- _ Valley (4/6/91): Pit.ching car- 3. voneybau vs. Etlzabe- did something it had not done for Volleyball, seen here winning over Dickinson, is our choice ried this team throughout the thrown (10/3/90): In a crucial six years: win a Homecoming for Women's Team uf the Year. year, and it was never more evi- road game, the team fell behind, game. Not only did the Terrors put behind the gbostsofd isastcrs with IS.4 IX)inL\ per g.unc. The dent than in this doubleheader losing the first two gamcsofthcir defeat the fifth-ranked team in past with a 14-7victory,:tndour junior also led the baskcrbat! Over two seven inning games, best of five match. The Terrors the South region, but they pulled choice as Game of the Year squad with an average of S re- pitchers Marilyn Naas and April suddenly turned it on, crushing into a first-place lie for the con- Male Player of the Year: bounds, 4.4 assists.and 5.(1 steals Ommert allowed just three hits the home team 15-3, 15-4, 15-4. ference. As the game went on, Eric Frees (Football/Baseball) per game. On:1 basketball squad on their way to two shutouts and This was the gut check that the crowd of over 4,200 slowly This choice seemed obvious that had only eight members at an early lead in the MAC South- Western Maryland needed to sec believed that the Terrors could With 1,594 yards rushing, the most, Shockley and the whole west with a 7-6 record (2-0 con- if they had what it took to go all win. When Eric Frees crossed junior tailback set season and team had to log some heavy court ference). the way. They did. the goal line with 52 seconds left career rushing records for West- time, making the season and each 4. Football vs. Gettysburg 2. Women's Basketball vs. in the game, Western Maryland em Maryland. Asthctcampostcd game seem that much longer its first winning season in nine Honurabte Mentions: years, Frees wasa potent rushing Sherry Albright '94 (Field force, causing defenses to key on Hockey/Track), Alice Smith '91 him, allowing the rest of the (Y.ollcyball/Ficld Ilockcy), CI:UJ- offense to open up. He finished dia Hcncmyrc '92 (Soccer/Bas- fourth in Lhe nation for Division kcrball/Scnba!l). Marilyn Naas III rushers, and needs only 443 '94 (Volleyball/Softball) yards to surpass Navy's Napo- Men's Team of the Year; leon McCallum as the state 01 Golf Maryland'sall-limeleadingcol- It wasatoss-uo.burOotrwon lege rusher. out over Football due to us ever- uonorabre Mentions (in or- all record of68-IS. Whether or der): Rob Newman '93 (Swim- not people question the validity ming), Joe Herman '91 (Base- or the team's win total. they ball), Mike Sherlock '91 (Bas- cannot question the talent ketball), Jeff Dierks '93 (Goll). women'sream oft he Year: Female Player of the Year: voueyban Debbie Sbocktey (Soccer/Bas- New coach Jolene Jordan- ketb,lll) Hcovcrnad high expectations to ~ This one was a tough choice, livc up toartcr replacing Dr. Carol r.';; but how can you argue when a Fritz. Thc result was a 33-H ~ playcr leads two separate teams season. and another trip 10 lhe :. in scoring? Shockley led the Middle Atlantic Conference ~ women'ssoccerteamwithscvcn ChampionshipsmJunial<\, where III ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~!~:~ยท~;~~~~~~~goals women's basketball team lhey ImlLO the defending cham- _j and eightccn poinL~, and the - pion hOrTIe team Track and Field Teams A Step Behind GOVERNMENT tysburg and Johns Hopkins. Saturday, the Green Terrors lost SEIZED Matt Levy and Ed Rigling Amid a rough season, several to Gettysburg and Johns Hopkins. Both the men's and women's members of the squad have ]:X!r- OUL~tanding members for the track teams have struggled formed well individually. Derek team include freshman Sherry Vehicles from $ I00, throughout the sc.'1son, but have Johnston has placed for MAC's Albright, who has qualified for Fords. placed many individual members in the 5,000 and 10,OOO-meLCr the MAC's in three events, hav- Mercedes. into the upcoming Middle Atlan- runs. On Saturday,Johnston won ing finished first in the shOlput lieConfercnceChampionships. the 5,OOO-metcr run. James Mar- anddiscusatthcF&MmeeL Ken- Corvettes. The men's team ha~ failed to tin also qualified in the 100 meter dra Wcible set a school record in Chevys. win versus its nine op)XJnenL<;, run as well as qualifying as partof the 3,OOO-mcter run and has also finishingtenLhoutoffiftccntcruTIS the Western Maryland4x ]OORe- qualified in the 5,OOO-meter nm. Surplus. in the Messiah InvitalionaL In !ayTeam. Heather Hunter has qualified in Call their first quad mcct, the Green For the women, they finished three events, with Jonelle Leith Terrors finished last out of four sevcnth out of Lhirteen tcams in qualifying for one MAC Cham- 1-900-468-2437 teams. Western Maryland then the Messiah Invit.alional. In their pionship event. Hunter, a fresh- 24 Hour Hotline finishcd fourth out of four tcams quad meet at Messiah, the women man, won three evenL~ Saturday, in a quad meet at Franklin and finished third out of four teams, and set school records for the Marshall. On Saturday, the men but they finished last
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