Page 106 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Page 10 western Maryland College May 2, 1991 nuzz, from Page 3 ROTC, from Page 1 share of scholarships because a scholarship winners arc sched- TRASU, frnm Page 3 with active and regulardutyoffi- large number of them have been uled tocmcmcxtycar's freshman and the crummier it is, the more La have the ball when the wave ccrs only. This decision may af- earmarked for engineering and class. apt people arc to have crummy hit. fect MJR Albert Burker III and hard science majors. However. .. CriteriafordismissalofROTC behavior." Me Nipolois was able to ride CPTGlenn williams rcprcscma- Neikirk said, "We arc not the wave's crest while holding Lives of the U.S. Army Reserves the college administration [has programs is based on cost, cadet cops, we arc working with the pcrforrnanceatsummcradvanccd steps \0 attract taken] positive the ball underneath of his chin. and National Guard, rcspccri vcly. Anny ROTC scholarship winners camp, and the type and location students to keep a clean and He washed onto LhccoastofChi Ie Congress hasalso reduced the for them 10 late this morning. numbcrofROTC four-and three- toWMC." thcadministra- of thecollege. This past year, 50 heathy environment research in." study schools across the country had and wuhthataim, do PLA YER WALK OUTS year scholarships available and lion will pick up the remaining their units disbanded. With the Neikirk went on to say, "The END WHEELCHAIR has cut out the two-year scholar- 20% of tuition that the award disbanding of Gettysburg's more static and conversation OLYMPICS ship program, according to LTC doesn 't cover. WMCalsooffers ROTC program, Western Mary- there is about the topic the better Cinquino. In his annual report, he these scholarship students free land College now has the second the situation will become, and Due to a sudden miracle cure said, "We havcnotgoucn our Fair 0 for the paralyzing effects of polio, room. As a result, ten ROTC oldest continuous program. wewill all havcaclcan library."O one hundred and nineteen ath- letes from the major industrial- izcdnations were forced towith- draw from the whcelchairolym- pies yesterday when it was dis- covered that they could once again walk. Due to a lack of research and medical funding, however, most underdeveloped nauons are still able La field complete teams. $ This fact opens a window of op- portunity forthe underdeveloped nations to dominate the games. Risking possible embarrass- ment has prompted acoalition of developed nations to send emer- gency aid to the underdeveloped nations, in an effort to cure their teams, thus eliminating the risk 1- cr.ovcrnauonal : Jctic embar- rassment. }bur typical dot matrix printer. TAHLE, from Page I The new Apple StyleWriter. the past, meetings have always taken place elsewhere. It was decided that the college would provide a room that was suitable in size and surround- ings for these meetings to be held. "Everybody should beglad we have such a place. lt makcs us look strong and elegant," said Dr. Chambers. is also used for tial gift donors to the college. ~ch pricelooksbettertoyou? The room meetings on campus, such as for department meetings or poten- There arc several book cases, which house the books of J.T. ."..,J Lets face it.The more im- It'scompact (at just 13"x5"x 8;' itfitseasily Ward, the first president of - pressiveyour papers and in the most cramped donn room). It'squiet (so western Maryland College. Neikirk said, "We keep them to projects look,the more im- quiet you can print at 3 a.m. without waking remind us where wccamc from." The ceiling lights are recon- pact your ideas will have. up your roommate). ditioned stained glass skylights Which iswhyyou might want to know about Andits from Apple,designed togeteverything that were originally in the Fine Arts Building, which served as the new Apple"StyleWriter'printer. Itgivesyou out ofa Macintosh' computer that Apple ~ thecollege'sfirstlibmry. Neikirk crisp,laser-qualityprinting forabout what you'd built into it. Notjust the power to look .. said the glass was used to revi- talize a piece of the college's expect to pay for a dot matrix printer. your best. The power to be your best: ... past Margaret Belle, Western Maryland College purchasing Contact Ed Holthause in Academic Computing at 857ยท2477 agent, also declined to give spe- cific cost figures for library fur- or the College Bookestore for more details. nishings. She said that specific figures often arc not disclosed to protect the confidentiality of donors. One of Dr. Chambers' final comments was, "When you get into fine furniture, it'll cost you a 101 of money ..." He wasn't kidding. 0
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