Page 100 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Page4 Western Maryland College Editorial: One World? Thomas E. Quirk The issue of "diversity" at agenda in defining diversity. WMC has been quite contro- I thought many of the events versial this past year. The One for that day were well planned World day was a very good idea I felt that the round table did and start for promoting diver- well in voicing their concerns sity on campus. I applaud the and feelings and I complement efforts of all who took pan in their efforts of communication. organizing and realizing this J also think it is beneficial to event. However, I have some have many discussions of di- reserved observations. versity. And I think it is good It seemed as if we were coo- for the oppressed to share and forming in celebrating diversity. help one another grow with I noticed that diversity came mutual support and understand- mostly from the so named "op- ing. pressed" groups. If we were However, this discussion did really trying to celebrate diver- not accomplish much else. I sity why were there not other felt the serious issues were once tables for many organizations again shoved under the rug. representing all different views? There was really only one cor- Why wcrcn 't invitations sent out rect thought for that to all groups to be represented? discussion-t'potuicalty correct Is not diversity itself defined as diversity and we all love it." variety and difference-not just Everyone had something posi- as a push for minorities and the tive to say. Controversy and oppressed? It seems apparent confrontation was "worried" to that someone had his or her See EDITORIAL, Pg. 5 Col. 1 Letters to the Editor To the Editor of The Phoenix and the Western Maryland Community: Editor, no means change our views on crimination or complication It has been brought to our attention that two pieces in the Inregards to your feature.story the issue. involving individuals or groups were drasti- concerning the cancellation of Another point that I wish to ofpcople. There are many more recently released Fall 1990 issue of Contrast cally revised without the prior knowledge or permission of Bird on a Wire (April 4 Issue), I make clear is that we are not activities to involve ourselves the authors. The works "Hugs, Kisses, and Backrubs" by am appalled by the simplicity of forced to do anything we don't with on campus than one movie by Kathy Bare and "After Thoughts of Basic Training" such an obscure problem. It want to. If something is consid- that is considered unsuitable for Elizabeth Webster were erroneously altered by a member of seems to me that the members of ered to be demeaning or offen- viewing. the Contrast staff without the consent of thc other members the Gay and Lesbian Alliance sive, we are not entitled to be We arc all mature adults, and of the editorial board. It has never been the policy of (GALA) arc afraid that we may involved with such occur- most of us are able to make our for publication. develop a certain attitude from rences-we have freedom of owndectsions by now! Besides, Contrast to edit works submitted We sincerely regret this incident and any embarrassment the film that may be considered choice. in life we will always be un- offensive. OUf views, no matter If one is so insecure about happy about something, so why caused to either Kathy Bare or Elizabeth Webster. which side we take, will not be something which is considered should it be any differcnt now? Ua Jenkins '91 effected in either way by one offensive, he/she docs not have Things arc not going to be great Managing Editor. Contrast simptccbaractcr in a film. Sure, to be involved. However, no all the time; we all have to MelGibson isa very well known matter what movie is viewed, accept the bad with the good. actor, but his character will by there is always some SOil of dis- Ronald W.llurd '94 The Phoenix Editor, ence and commitment towards sion of certain national publ ica- Congratulations! The Phoe- that humane environment and tions not to advertise cigarettes Editor/Cartoonist Andrea "Dictatorship" Covington nix is becoming a true forum for takca stand to refuse advertising or alcohol products, and the Grand Poobah Assistant Editor Jcrm Scott the debate and discussion of is- fromalcohcl-relatcdcntcrpriscs. position of some institutions to Business Manager and God Scnd Laurie Lutchc sues of importance to the west- In my career as a health care relinquish investments in ciga- Copy Editor (Who Should Be Canonized) ..".....Julie Baile em Maryland College commu- provider, I have yet to see one rcuecompanics. Ihope,in keep- Layout Editor "".Constantine "Oh my God!" Frangos nity. It is most exhilarating 10 positive behavior as a result of ing in line with its apparent Sports Editors&Reportcrs&El'erything Else ..... Man Levy see such active dialogue taking alcohol usc/abuse which sup- commitment, The Phoenix staff and Ed Rigling place in the paper, especially on ports a humane environment will give serious debate to the Monday 6AM Fools ..."", .....Jenn Scott, Andrea Covington, Constantine Frangos the implementation of "a hu- Such a stand would seem to me issue proposed Photographers ..."....."" ...."... Dan Holoski, Bob Kirkendall, mane environment" at WMC. 10 parallel the divestment in Thank you for listening. Helen Lowe, Jenn Scott Now, I wonder if The Phoe- corporations which have hold- Marlene Clements, RN Reporters , Pm Blackman, Andrea Covington, nix is ready 10extend its influ- ings in South Africa, the dcci- StudentHealthServicesDireclOr Lauren E. Himmel, Mikc Kubacki, Thomas E. Quirk, Todd Robinson, Jenn Scott, Joe vcmetu Editor: phobia, racism, or sexism arc pathizc wirh Me. Byrd's concern "Cartoonist Anonymous Lunatic Cartoonist In response to last issue's good things in themselves. Yet about the film EI Nido, J would Mr. Nice Guy (Ha!) "" " Terence A. Dalton devotion to the dismay about must wc not chcoscdctibcrarcly, remind him how absurd it would is published bi-weekly hi-weirdos! The opinions The Phoenix homophobia and racism on cam- each and every day, to convert be, indeed, how impossible, to expressed arc the only ones worth listening to! Torn Quirk is pus, I would like to add my frus- the narrow spirit of a bigot into rcmovccvcry work with t.heword God! trated voice to the hubbub our own self-affirmation? "bitch" in it from viewing eligi- As a woman, I am faced with J strongly disagree with Mr. bility. How about every work The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. the dilemma of having to either Byrd's assertion that "one offen- containing the invective "fag- But it's the endof the year so you're gonna have to wait three months before you ever see them in print. demand that the ignorant voices sive remark is certainly enough got?" TAD-They should all get As, they busted bun. that pervade this campus be si- to cancel a film CAPBoard had True, these insul ts are disgust- Address mail to: The Phoenix lenced, or to rejoice in the right planned to show." Offensive to ing: there is an insidious atmos- 2 College Hill wc all share to vocalize a senti- whom? No amount of censor- phere of intolerance all around Western Maryland College ment, however unpopular. ship will put an end to the name- us. But reinstating the Index isa Westminster, MD 21157 Noone could argue that homo- calling. And while I truly sym- See LETTER, Pg. 5 Col. 4
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