Page 98 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 98
Page 2 Western Maryland College May 2, 1991 Concerns Discussed by Pat BI"ckman's ' From the Bottom, Up Student Affairs Committee COMMITTEE, from Page I to warrant a facility on campus. However, Voss slated that a "Don't mourn, organize!" a questionnaire given to faculty, facility on campus might attract rnorc non-tradiuonnl sur- students, staff, and non-uuditionat dents, her comrntuce concluded which is a long range goal of the 10 the four years [have spent at WMC, I've much to see WMC become a humane, creative seen dozens of my peers choose to leave the environment for all people; stuccms, faculty, that the care needs arc strong, college. A final decision had not school. Mostofthcm were good sruccmsandutl staff and guests alike. BUlthe task of making "but not overwhclming'tcnougf been reached at that Lime. 0 of them wcrcgood people. But they all decided that vision become reality will inevitably fall on that WMC just dido 't have what they wanted. committed students and working people who They found it dry, boring, spiritless, lacking in have not bought in to the mainstream lie. LOOKING FOR A JOB? any sense of community, and JUStplain not I urge all of you who feci cheated and put worth the money. down by the current system on campus to get Usually they tell me they feel that the ad- together and work for change. Join together in Young Growth Company Seeks ministration in place now, but for a few excep- the knowledge that issues of race, sex, sexual Executives to Distribute #1 tions, is working to turn WMC into a diploma preference, environment and class are rooted in factory. Simply pay your money, be quiet the same ground. Respect each other's differ- Products in Billion $ Health unless you can make the school look good, then ences but work together as much as you can to and Fitness Industry. get your diploma and get out. Students and help each other make this a better place for ev- working people have little tono say inwhat gees eryone. International Expansion on and faculty arc frustrated, mainly because Two years agoadminisuatcrs were telling us Beginning This Year. higher level administrators use this place as a that campus wide recycling was impossible stepping stone to further their careers and to Just this fall someone told us that students Unlimited Income Potential play Out their pcny power trips. would never gem vote in the Board ofTrustccs. I agreed, and still agree, with their assess- Less than a hundred years ago, women couldn't ment of the atmosphere at WMC, and I re- vote in this country. The list goes on and on, but Call TDR Associates Marketing Division spccied their decisions to leave, but it made me the point is that change is not impossible even if (301)857·0125 sad. It made me sad because each time one of it is hard. People always say it takes a long Lime, them left I felt a little lonelier and like the task and that's true. So we had better stan now! ahead of me was a little harder. Idecided \0 stay Write for the paper, get jobs on campus, here because my academicdeparunem had what make connections between students and work- I wanted, but also because I wanted to change ing people, and most importantly, form a union what I found to be the bad points of the school of those who wamit 10be better. Work for each Along with the problems mentioned above, other as well as for yourselves. Environmental- many of us know the social atmosphere at ists need to be in touch with race and class is- GOVERNMENT WMC is lacking, and that our campus is fraught sues. Poor people and people of color need to with classlsrn, racism, sexism, heterosexism understand environmental issues. Students and JOBS and other forms of oppression. All this can working people need to understand each other's outweigh the positives of the school for many needs and hopes. It gees on and on Buildeon- people. especially those who aren't white, ceo- nccuons! ncmically privileged or m the political main- So when next semester starts and the admini- $16,040 stream. stration keeps playing its same old game, re- Ifwe each face the negatives on campus only member that people united area powerful force. $59,230/yr. as individuals, we will inevitably become over- And remember the words of Joe Hill who told whelmed. BUl if we face them as individuals his friends just before the copper bosses had united together, we shall overcome. I want so him executed, "Don't mourn, Organize!" 0 Call 1-900-468-2437 WMCR 640AM; Cable 3 24 Hour Hotline As We Get Older, We Get Better This Year Next Year • More Music • New Management ~~ .• OU 5EO • Cable Broadcasting • Opened Music Format ~~t110~EO\'a ,\\ C. • More Giveaways • Extended Hours ~ = J!/ p\,\ot\Og·O. • More Requests • Even More Giveaways 140 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER. MD 21157 • New Studio • More WMC Sports 848-2844 876-1330 Services Proviietf This year may be over, but don't QUALITY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING miss out on the BEST MUSIC next BOOKS MANUALS ANNUAL REPORTS BUSINESS FORMS year on WMCR 640 AM, Cable 3. TWO AND FOUR COLOR BROCHURES Same 'lJayServiu On Qui.c.{_PrintOrders Pick Up And DElivery Service Available WMCR-We Just Play Cool Music 21 9i:ars oj serving tfi.e community r--- - - ------- - --- - -- - ~
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