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INSIDE: lFocus On A StudenL. __p, 2 Edltoria1 ••_•..._._. __•__..p.4 Spor15.._ .... • p. 6, 7 Vol. X, Number 11 Western Maryland College AprilS, 1990 Student Affairs Office Western Maryland Combats Role Examined Minority Faculty Shortage by Jon Whitby statements, a number of students It's thefirst day offreshman from various types of housing With Attractive Package orientation. You arrive. deter- were interviewed. mined to make your first year of Criticism of the two mainly college a roaring success. freshmen dorms, Rouzer and by Mike Kubacki After a few weeks, your en- Whiteford, was the most exces- Theproblemofattractingmi- tbusiasm has been dampened sive. Among those interviewed, nority faculty is a difficulty com- slightlyupondiscoveringthalyour cleanliness was the most com- mon to the whole country, notjust roommate is an oddly affection- mon complaint here at Western Maryland. ate weightlifter named Bruno. . ''The trash cans in here are However, WMC does offer yournext-doorneighborhasapre- alwaysovertlowing.sopeoplejust an attractive package for profes- dilection for playing "Guns 'N' dump their sluff on the floor be- sors, according to Dean Melvin Roses" during your preferred side the cans," said one Rouzer D. Palmer. sleepingtimes, and the bathrooms resident. "WMC is close to major re- have unidentifiable substances "At times, it gets to the point source centers, such as Johns growing on the walls. where you can barely get to the Hopkins University; is close to While it'ssafetoassumethat stairs because all of the [garbage) cities such as New York, Phila- very few freshmen havetoendure blocks the doorway." delphiaandWashington;hasgood atravestyfiketheoaedocumerued Other complaints included benefits; and salarywise, competes above.the adjustment tnliving on the noise and occasional lack of well with schools like us across campus is seldom an easy one. heal Another resident suggested the country." Part of the function of the thattheproblems"mightbepartly Some of the benefits WMC Student Mfairs office is to make because the dorm is mostly fresh- offers toprofessorsareretirement that adjustment easier, not only menvbunharvall ureallytakesis plans, tuition programs for mar- for incoming freshmen but also a few people to make things bad ried faculty with children, and for upperclassmen who continue for everyone else." paying the way for professors to to encounter problems with their McDaniel and Albert Nor- attend professional association living conditions. manWardhallsscoredabithigher meetings, and, according to Dean "I think we give students with students. However, some Palmer, "not every school can say many more [living] options than' problems similar to those in that" other larger schools," says.Ioanne Rouzerand Whiteford were found, There is also reduced cost Goldwater, Assistant Director of albeit toa lesser degree, including housing for faculty and a liberal Student Affairs. noise, sporadic heat, and the con- sabbatical leave policy. "I believe lhatthemajorityof dinon of the bathrooms. "Thus, we can put together students here are satisfied [with One female ANW resident an extremely attractive package, LeRoy L. Panek. Assodate Ik!an of Audemlc Affairs Pboto by JOIIM..... minority faculty is that there is a Also, largely black insum- their living conditions]; if not, 1 explainedthataparticularannoy- at an extremely attractive school, scarcity in the minority faculty tions,suchasHowardUniversity, hope they will feel comfortable ance is the parties held in frater- in a wonderful geographicalloca- market. Thus,asDean Palmerputs are afraid that other schools will coming to us. n nity clubrooms. People go up- tion," adds Palmer. it, "there is fierce competition for lure away their minority faculty. To test the accuracy of these Continued on page 2 The main problem in hiring them." Continued on page 3 Sidelights Arnie Eases Career Anxieties by J. J. Boggs As the end of another school What did you do over Spring Break year and graduation approach, seniors begin to panic when they 1990? think about life after WMC. Fortunately, they now have Karen Arnie and Western Maryland'scareerservicestoease their anxieties. However,as Arnie hasillus- trated throughout her first year, the Career Center is not just for • Home seniors. III Work The Center provides individ- m Florida ~ OtherPlaces ual help with career decisions, q Other academic major choices, and job searches (part-rime.full-time, _ summer, and internships.) Other services include spe- '1% cial programs for groups, work- Sample Size: 200 Source: Phoenix shops forall students. andaIumni connections.
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