Page 79 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 79
March 15, 19901 Western Maryland College! Page 11 Senior Pride Memo II From: Bob Blue and Mike heart-felt-let-me-get-the-hand- be requested to tum in the com- WHATIFYOUCAN'TMAKE at least monetarily, which is the Pressitonem, Office or Annual kerchief-oct-of-my-pocket=thank pleted pledge cards to THE PARTY? most important way Taking you" to all of you who cough up O.A.T.M.BAL, the Office of Noperspiration. Ifthere'san -help ensure that the quality the bucks. Annual Taking of Money, Emer- emergency situation, like if you of WMC is maintained, which is This letter is a follow-up to Beer, soda, and a cold buffet alds, ,and Anything suddenly die, we'll extend the determined strictly upon its wealth the letter that aU seniors received will beserved, because they could 'Lsewecangeicurbendson. deadline by a week, just for you. and library size in their mailboxes on Tuesday, attract anybody to a social Remember, the motte is But make sure that you've -line WMC's pockets February 27. A welcoming committee of PRIDE: to attend the Party Re- pre-dated the check. We don't -hetp ensure that the College pickpockets will be on hand to quires/ndividualDoJlar Exporta- want to create any problems. is fmancially supported by the The 1990 Senior Pride Cam- collect your donations. tion from your pocket. senior class (because it's been a paign will soon be completely WHA TIF YOU CAN'T MAKE free ride so far and you don't have under way, and, if all goes well, THE PLEDGE THE COMPETITION A PLEDGE? any huge loans hanging over-your we'll have even more of your You will receive a pledge In order to make this a little What diploma? head that could prevent you from money before you know it. card/invitation/organ donor card/ more exciting and to engender a pledging large sums of money to This is the seventh annual piano donor card/wedding an- little more interest in the little We anticipate that the com- us) as it has been by those who Senior Pride Campaign Part II nouncement/driver's licenser campaign, we have created a liule petition toaddon evenmoretothe came before, so there, take that, since it was first misconceived in thank you next week in your competition. $5Q,000 piece of pocket change we hope you feel guilty now 1974. mailbox. There will bea first prizeand that each of you has already do- -help preserve and increase We are going to try to keep All we ask is that you make a third prize (we know it sounds nated to attend WMC will be the valueof your degree...literally! the details as vague as possible' pledge,signyourcard,andtellus rather odd) for the seniors who fierce, so don't wait too long to Youncednocashnow. Take while still achieving our goal. where you'll be for Ihe next thirty co-sign the most pledge cards. stan signing pledge cards. your time. Your pledge can be years. paid any time between now and THE PARTY "Get one of your fellow sen- THE FIRST PRIZE WHAT IS SENIOR PRIDE? tomorrow. There will be a social on iors to co-sign the pledge ....Any One semester of free meals Senior Pride is a special ef- As payment, we accept most Frlday,March32,at6:30p.m.,on senior can co-sign your pledge in Glar. fort to major credit cards, treasured the Dining Porch. card(includingyourself.)" (11?- -become more informed family heirlooms, and small chil- This social will serve both as AnactualquotefromSeniorPride THE THIRD PRIZE about the needs of WMC a rally for support of the cam- Memo I, italics added.) Two semesters offree meals -line WMC's pockets dren. as well as an To attend will inGlar. -become involved alumni- I I Blues By Four played in the Pub on March 8. Vocals: freshman Jay Koonin; Lead Guitar: freshman Ted Koch; Guitar: sophomore Matt Wanniski; Drums: sophomore Andy Brown. All are Western Maryland students.
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