Page 64 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 64
Page 4/ Western Maryland College/ March 1,,1990 Editorial: In Praise of Cable The average S.A.T. score of filiated colleges and universities. demic institutions, which are eighty-four." that the introdoction of cable tele- the incoming Western Maryland Beginning next fall, all stu- planning to follow in Western Another channel that will be vision to a campus that hungers student has allegedly dropped two dentsofWMC will be required to Maryland's TV signals. offered is ESPN. The Econom- for learning will help to increase hundred to three hundred points attend the three weekly library C.A.B.L.E. hopes that, byof- ics, Science, and Philosophy Net- class auendanceand participation over the last fifteen years. services: Thursday, Friday, and fering several alternative chan- work is intended primarily for as well as student knowledge of This decrease has worried Saturday nights from 9:00 p.m. nels, students will cease wasting athletes who need supplementary several broad subjects. professors and students alike. Pro- until 11:30 p.m. their time and money spent on a help fulfilling their BLAR's. However, some experts are fessors fear that this statistic may Secondly, as was reported in western- Maryland education iri Also offered will be CNN, wary of cable television's long reflect the fact that a different the February 15, 1990, issue of frontof non-productive programs the Chemistry News Network. range effects. breedof students ispursuing post- The Phoenix, the semester course supplied by the major networks, From the comfort of their own They assert that some stu- secondary education on the Hill, load for Westem Maryland's pro- and that they will instead tune in room, chemistry students will be dentsmaydeveloplaboratoryrats, students who put non-academic fessors will be reduced from four to such educational emissions as able to watch instant replays of whileothersmayspendalloftheir activities before their studies. to three. MTV. their chemistry labs. time in front of the tube watching, Likewise, students, blaming Consequently, professors Mathematics Television is a Jane Madden, wife of ex- for example, Math Television In- a recent trend towards emphasis will be able to spend more time channel created for students who RaiderscoachJohnMadden, from stead of attending Dr. Clark's on panyingand intercamality ,are with students outsideoftheclass- are experiencing technical diffi- her locker room, will give play- lecture. (One suggested remedy afraid that their peers will not room (e.g., in thehallways. on the culty in their attempts to pass one by-play details of beakers crash- was to paint antennaes over the challenge them as much as in the basketball court, incounseling ses- or all parts of the Mathematics ing to the floor an8 toxic acids blackboards.) past sions, or just over a beer) instead Proficiency Examination. eating away at careless students. Students may become so in- In light of the development, of in the classroom, where some Every hour, several different In addition, the entire cam- volved inlearning via cathode ray the administration of Western of the education in question has professors will appear on a video pus will also benefit from CNN, tube that they never set foot in a Maryland College has taken the allegedly takenplace. and will teach varied mathemat- being kept abreast of the latest classroom again. bull by theboms andproceededto The final measure was the ics lessons presented in the fonn developments in Dr. Smith's Theadministration isnot con- combat the menace with three recent introduction of cable tele- of catchy tunes. cancer research. cerned about these occurrences measures aimed at restoring the vision to all of the residence halls, One example is Dr. George The final station to be of- happening, believing that, in the traditional virtuesofstudyingand including the Garden Apartments Micbael'shitTwant Your l.oga- fered is HBO, Human Biology long run, students will come to hard work. and the PA houses, on campus. rithm": Office. Students will be able to use cable television as a power- The first measure was begun Thelong-awaitedarrival was select from G-, PG-, R-, or X- ful, supplementary educational earlylastsummerandisstillunder brought about by a special board "Logs are natural rated anatomy lectures. tool and will not abuse iter substi- construction, with completion appointed by the president. Logs are fun Before students can tune in tute it for a classroom education scheduled for the fall of 1991. C.A.B.L.E., the Committee But know that you can't to the educational programs on or actual studying time. Whenthelibraryiscomplete, Against Being Less Educated, has Take the Jog of none." cable television, students must However, if all goes as there will be adequate seating for sought primarily tomakesure that first purchase a cable decoder box planned, the cry from many easy the entire student body inside. WMC students receive educa- Other selections include for $35from Dr. Seidel in Memo- chairs and sofas will be "WMC: In order to increase the tional training twenty-four hours excerpts from Professor Prince, rial Hall. Wants More Channels." amount of time students put into a day, feeling that the average of such as "Tonight we're gonna However-, for only $5 more, studying, the administration will fifteen hours spent in class each party like it's forty-six squared students can buy one from their establish mandatory"library serv- week was not sufficient. minus one hundred twenty-one local Phoenix representative. Surgeon General's Warning: ices," similar to the chapel serv- Thisbrave,newplan has been plus the integer seventh root of The administration of WMC This editorial contains much ices found at most religiously af- heralded by several other eca- sixteen thousand three hundred initiated these measures hoping non-factual inrormation. joe.· OH- :rO~... 1..-001<- OveR. Ii"eIlE To8. :1USr FOe. A- t"EW t-\I N V~ . '10u c.M\! S PM1E".__..JJ. ... Editor-in-Chler .BobBrown r+ ~W i'-\lNUT8S/Jb6. BuslnessManager ···· 5tefllllieR.5haffer <, AdvertislngManager AndreaCovington Copy Editors . .Julie E. Baile, Meg Gobrecht Sports Editor Steve Harlan Photography Editors HelenLowe,JonMarsh Cartoonist < ••••••••••••••• Kellie Marsh Production Asslstanls Michelle Kloss, Kellie Marsh Reporters J. 1. Boggs, .Andrea Covington, Juan Hidalgo, Michelle Kloss, Mike Kubacki, EdRigling, Todd Robinson, Wendy Rudennan, Lee Spector, Laurence SIeCk, Claire Thevenoux Advisor Dr. Pamela Regis The Phoenix is published hi-weekly hi-whatever method works. Our editorial office is located. ..hold on, 111 get back to you. My favorite program just came on cable television. _ fin~opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the administra- lion, the faculty, the students, The Phoenix staff, or anyone at all. In fact, the Editor finds his editorials under his pillow the night before copy is due. Blame them on the truth fairy. Editorials are the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief. Letters to the Editor Jmust be one page. typed. double spaced end signed. Include a phone nwnber for verification. Address mail to: The Phoenix Wesrem Maryland College Westminster,MD2lI57
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