Page 46 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 46
Page 21 Western Maryland College! November 30, 1989 Blue Exposes Cafeteria Inspection Letter by Bob Blue totally disregard tbe report and give insisted on staying up to watch other evil newspapers tharhad quoted the police raided the kitchen to re- Bob Blue. on sabbatical since you more information so that you can Arsenio Hall. him as saying, "I saw lOO%improve- move the excess Daryl Hannahs.) last May, has returned/or the final rely on rumors as well as falsities. Honesll y, how can you argue ment in cleanliness." We arranged for an indepcnd- issue of thefall semester. It is true that we """failed""" against stubborn hot dogs? They He claims that he had stated, "I ent sanitation audit which resulted in He intercepted a fetter that was (but not that we ""failed"", "failed", were using such elaborate arguments! see'd 100% improvement in cleanli- no serious offenses. but pages and to be sent OUi to all students from or failed) six out of the last five in- The second was that we stored a ness." pages and "pages" of recommenda- Dining Central and asked to have it spections in the raw score category. can of a kerosene, arsenic, and flea Miss Feetley concluded that the tions. I'd like to share a few. published here, in our forum, the Marilyn Law states that wemust powder concoction one shelf up, food temperatures on the serving lines The four-valve water dispenser people's Phoenix. receive 70 in the raw score and 85 in Instead of on the bottom shelf where were "excellent"; that the volleys at had been partialJydiluted with grape, the cooked score, or else we have to it would surely do no harm, because the net were "excellent"; thatthesalad orange, apple, and pineapple juices WMC Foodorandum go to jail. we can't pass Go, and we when it's on the bottom shelf, the bar temperature was"excelient"; that as a money saving procedure to cut can't collect two hundred jello mag- increased atmospheric pressure the lemony shine on the dining tables back on the cost of water. To: Faculty, Staff, and Roaches gots. causes the molecular structure of the was"excellent"; that "excellent" was The audit recommended provid- From: Tom N. Geri, Dick TresGlar We received 37 and 48 respec- diphenhydralizine molecule torecon- "excellent"; that bad was "excellent"; ing pure, notjuiced down, water from Date: Not since high school tively (which add up to 851) figurate into one which neutralizes that quotation marks were "excel- those dispensers, no matter what the Subject: Food Disservice We bad two (3) five-point viola- any potential badness. lent"; that not using the word "and" cost to our dining service. tions, which cost us the first down, I spoke toourunbased, unbribed, before the last phrase in a series of Second, the condiments such as Some of you mayor may not took us out of field goal range, and unpaid inspector, AndreaFeetley ,and phrases was "excellent," ketchup, relish, and mayonnaise- know that an article appeared or did forced us to punt from deep in our to Harry Fwris, the director-of cam- The problems which occurred breakfast table habituals-are putout not appear in The Karroll Kounty own oven. munityhygiene, whoseofficestaffis during our most recent inspection, at 7:00 in the morning and left out Times on November 31 which The first was that our cooked hot solely comprised of a very large, which were cited in the article, were uncovered until lunch. vaguely outlined detailed informa- dogs were silting out instead of cool- bonnet-wearing man with calloused very minor: food debris buildup on The audit recommended selling tionon the last few health department ing in the regridgerator (a.ka. the knuckles. floors, counters, tables, crash cans, them out at 6:00 a.m., leaving them inspections of our dining hall. gridge) even after we specifically told Mr. Funis told me that he was and stationary employees; improper uncovered and unregridgcrated, so The information was accurate them that it was well past their bed- misquoted by The Karrou Kounty or no labeling of indigenous rodents; that they will develop the critical but not necessarily true. time. Times, The Washington Poach, and and a Splash! buildup on milk, ice seven-hour film on the exposed sur- Iwould like to comment on and But they acted rebelliously and The Baltimore Stun, and by all the cream,andsodadispensers(forwhich Continued on page 5 With Macintosh you can even dothis: Madntosh' computers have always been easy to use. But they've never been this easy to own. Presenting The Madntosh Sale. Print... Through]anuary 31,you can save hundreds of dollars on a variety f················································ of Apple" Macintosh computers and peripherals. . Quit ~Q So now there's no reason to settle for an ordinary PC.With The Madntosh Sale,you can wind up with much more of a computer. Without spending a lot more money ti. The Macintosh Sale. Now through January 31 College Store or The Office of Academic Computing Contact EdHolthause, 857·2477
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