Page 50 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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Page 61 Western Maryland College! November 30, 1989 Swimmers Plunge Hockey Team into New Season Tries to Break Ice by Ed Rigling loss against Dickinson in what was a As the season progresses, the better show of the team's talent. by Jc J, Boggs For one of the first times on IS. Western Maryland Ice Hockey team Down only 2-0 after thefirstpe- record, eyes were drawn to the pool The anticipated defeat was not continues to struggle to beconslstem riod, the game remained close until Theftrstofficial WestemMary- foralmosttheentirelOOO-meterfrees- enough to SQuelchthe team's enthu- as it slumped to an 0-6 record. the final minutes of the last period land swim meet of the 1989-90 sea- tyleevent (40 lengths of the pool) as siasm. As one dedicated fan com- Following aclcse match against when Dickinson secured the victory son started off with a splash. Matt Gebhard battled against a chal- mented, "What they lack in number, Gettysburg, the Terrors fell apart with a late goal. A record number of spirited fans lenging opponent they make up for in team spirit." againstGeorgeMason,agamewhich "I definitely think we're playing dotted the bleachers; however, this Theftnalscoreofthemen'smeet, Coach Kim Easterday has been sophomore coach Darryn DuShane better," sophomore Mike Eden com- wasn't the only highlight of tile meet Catholic-61 to WMC-34, did not pleased with the dedication and hard called "an embarassment." mented. "We still make some dumb against Catholic on November IS. reflect the tough competition and the work that the teams have displayed The team took another pounding mistakes, but yeah, we're playing Freshman Rob Newman glided number of personal best times that through all of the pre-season. on Monday, November 6, against pretty good for the number of guys into first place and also into a JXXlI were achieved. She stated that she feels these Loyola, in a 13-1 drubbing. we have." record for the 200-meter freestyle The women on the other hand early.individualaccomplishmentsare Having only eight skaters at the The team, which has only thir- with a time of 1:51.39, beating the were greatly outnumbered asthermal a reflection of the exciting prospects beginning of the game, the Terrors teen members on its roster, could old record by nearly two seconds scoreillustrated Catholic-79, WMC- that the season holds; were seriously jeopardized as two definitely use any additional players. After only one meet, a majority team members, captain Mike Sha- "You don't have to be a Wayne Equestrian Clubl Ski Trip at-the swimmers arealready stroking nahan and freshman Kevin Costello, Gretzky or a Mario Lemieux to play The Equestrian Club is sponsoring two Ski Trips: their way into the MAC champion- were sidelined with injuries during for us," Eden slated. "You just have to be able to skate a little." 1. Snuggler's Notch Vermont- College Week: Janu- ships. The next meet will be home on the first period. Anyone who is interested in Left with onlyonesubstitute, the ary 2-7. Condo's at slope side, parties, ice skating, Saturday, December 2, against team played as well as it could under playing for the team can contact Ed sleigh rides, hot tubs, dancing, etc. Goucher College at 2:00 p.m. the circumstances. Rigling at 848-0815 for further de- 2. Montash PA.- Ski Blast Weekend: February 2-4. Wilha week to heal the wounds, tails. ThenexthomegameisDecem- D.J. party with open bar Saturday Night. Western Maryland skated to a 4-1 ber 6 against Loyola. ACLU,Local Invite friends and family. Contact Jen cerreu at 857-9135. News In Brief $50 deposit on' both trips due ASAP. Lawyers Debate Gallery One will exhibit "The Egyp- Simbel, and the Temples ofEdfu and Western Maryland College'S KonOmbo,Ramsesscum,andQueen Lost and Found Executions tian Experience" from November 28 Hatshepsut. All Gallery One viewings are through December IS, with the open- Continued from page 3 ing reception December 3 from 2:00 free and open to the public, from Campus Safety is the murder would not be tolerated. to 5:00 p.m. in the campus Fine Arts 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday Mr. John Morris, presenting the Building. through Friday. , lost and lound office this year. anti-capital punishment view, argued The photo display concentrates For more infonnation, please call II you lose something, that the system that decided who on the people of Egypt and theirdaily 857-2599, or from Baltimore, call receives the penalty was un- activities and is the result of a 1989 876-2055, extension 599. come by and report it. trustworthy. January Term sponsored by Western All items not claimed within 30 days Since no state can agree upon Maryland College. The Western Maryland College Forty-three people went on the Choir will present a seasonal and who should be executed, the unfair may be disposed 01. abitrariness can be eliminated by trip, including eight WMC students Christmas concert on Sunday, De- getting rid of capita] punishment. and four professors. cember 3, at 7:00 p.m. in Baker Me- Thephotographs, taken by many morial Chapel. He also argued that the death Remember, engrave all your penalty was not an effective punish- participants in the trip, auempt to The concert will be conducted valuables. ment, which he defined as "swift, give some insigfnimo the ancient by new music faculty member Mar- certain, fair, expressive of society's and mystical country of Egypt garet Boudreaux, who will be ac- intolerance, and giving the offender The Egyptian tour included vis- companied by Evelyn Hering. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • an opportunity to change." its to well known cities such asCairo, The seasonal music will include Alexandria, Luxor, Memphis, and works by Bach, Handel, and Mozart, After a question and answer High-Tech • .presentation where he expressed his Sakkara as well as traditional Christmas car- session, Dr. Ashburn gave a fmal The group also visited the pyra- ols. Senior anti-capita] punishment sentiments mids, the Valley of the Kings, Abu Continued on page 7 and then concluded the discussion. Portraits Rowley Fights Ruling • Continued from page 3 "Everything is funny to some- His appeal, reviewed on Friday, Not Happy With Your School Rowley claims that he was un- body.t'conunuedgowley, "Youcan't November 17,was rejected.and heis Portraits? aware that the addressed person was draw the line. Ididn'tmean tooffend planning to request clemency from anyone, but I know what I do will, President Robert H. Chambers. Call Don To Do It Right. a faculty member. unless I'm totally quiet." Rowley has, however, promised "I wrote [that person) an apol- Don Kelly . • ogy letter. 1 told [the faculty mem- Rowley had originally planned to continue publishing personals, a Photographer ber) that 1was sorry and that 1would to fight the Honor and Conduct service which the Sphincter offers • bemorecareful. 1thought it [the per- Board's decision on legal grounds. for free. sonal] was about some guy. The However, he is now in the proc- He is also hoping to pass the Call For Your Free Brochure ! was written for the stu- ess of working on getting his suspen- Sphincter on to a new editor, but (301)848-4624 I I • • Sphincter to disciplinary plans to remain involved with the dents." However, the professor de- sion downgraded ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. nied receiving the apology leuer. probation. publication after graduation.
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