Page 47 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 47
November 30, 1989/ Western Maryland College/ Page 3 Foreign Languages Suffer from Shortage of Money, Student Interest classes won't conflict." guage department is caught in a vi- by Mike Kubacki Italsomakes it easierforthe stu- cious circle. Today, and in the future, there dents. because "they don't have to TheWMC BoardofTrustees is are and will be many jobs available follow as many time codes," unwilling to offer money, she re- for bilingual people. Next year, the department isob- lated, for more professors until there The foreign language department raining a satellite dish, which will is demonstrated a demand by the at WMC offers many programs to makeitpossibleforsmdents to watch student body for more. foreign Ian- help people take advantage of the op- Spanish, French, and German televi- guage courses and multiple time portunity to become bilingual. sian shows. periods for those courses. Dr. Thomas Deveny, chairman Dr. Deveny is also optimistic However.shebelieves thatthere of the foreign language department, that the department will be purchas- would be an increased interest on the wishes that people will realize the ing software for computers. part of the students if more courses imponanceofforeignlanguagestudy, He feels that the software will were offered. hoping that students will further make it easier for students to learn the If students cannot fill their need advance their foreign language stud- language. for foreign language study at WMC, ies. Theforeignlanguagedej>artment foreign language majors have the One year of foreign language also has affinity housing. The French opportunity to study abroad. study, or passing a competency ex- club resides in a PA house, and the By studying abroad, students amination, is required in order to Spanish club has a suite in Daniel gain another viewpoint of life. It is graduate from WMC. MacLea. also a great learning experience. Last year, students studying for- When asked why only one time Dr. Deveny encourages all stu- eign language had to go to theirregu- period is offered per semester for dents, whether foreign language lar class period for four hours per upper level courses, Dr. Deveny said, majors omot, to study abroad, and he week. ''There is a small enrollment, and the encourages advisors to recommend In addition, they had to watch a one year foreign language require- to their advisees to study abroad. weekly movie and attend one and a mennakesup toomuchoftheprofes- Most of all, Dr. Deveny encour- half hours of drill sessions per week. sors' time." ages students to keep up with their This year, students have to at- Dr. Martine Motard-Noar, pro- foreign language study or to further tend five hours of class per week and fessor of French language and litera- investigate that option. the movie. ture, contended that the foreign lan- Sphincter Editor Faces Blackout Darkens Disciplinary Action Stu dying Eff0rts by Andrea Covington ThcOffice of StudentAffairsis meeting was rejected. although Sm- . The Office of Student Affairs discipliningRowleyonthebasisofa dent Affairs did offer to reimburse haspresseddisciplinaryactionagainst personal message believed to be him for the cost of the trip. the editor of The Sphincter, Christo- addressed to a faculty member. He was, therefore, tried in ab- by Andrea Covington Reactions on the part of the stu- pher Rowley. StudentAffairshadnocomment. sentia, in accordance with the guide- dent body were mixed. Several stu- Rowley, who also functioned as Rowley claims that the college lines for Honor and Conduct Board On the night of November 20th, dentswerefrightenedabouuhestorm reporter, cartoonist, lay-out editor, has not afforded him due process hearings. during a severe windstorm, Western and the blackout and business managerofthepublica- under the procedures of the Honor The Honor and Conduct Board Maryland College experienced an Others reacted with concern to tion, is being disciplined under code and Conduct Board. suspended Rowley from Western electrical blackout that lasted eighty the unsubstantiated reports of the 14 of the Proscriptions on Conduct, Advised to appear before the Maryland for the rest of this semes- minutes. sighting of two tornadoes in Ta- which prohibits "lewd, indecent or Conduct Board on Wednesday, No- ter. Fortunately,onlyverylightdam· neytown that "were heading right for obscene conduct or expression on vember 8th, Rowley did not attend A history major. Rowley is a ages, downed tree branches, and a the WMC campus." college-owned or controlled prop- due to the required field trip for his senior who was scheduled to gradu- cracked pane of wire glass in Memo- Others enjoyed the strong winds erty or atcoJlege-sponsoredorsuper- History of Western Art class. ate this December. rial Hall, were reported. and the anarchy that blackouts tradi- vised functions." His request to reschedule the Continued on page 6 Several students who had been tionally foster on campus. Campus halls Morris, working on papers in the Writing Safety and the Residence Life staff Rasinsky Debate Center in Memorial Hall were caught locked and secured all residence unexpectedly by the sudden stoppage almost immediately. just trying Capital Punishment of power, and they subsequently lost Eric Chase, Residence Life Co- computer files. ordinator of Rouzer Hall, cynically In most residence halls, students commented, "We're to studying for tests were forced to keep people from 'raping and pillag- "camp out" under emergency light- ing' everything." by Andrea Covington history of capital punishment, where Quakers had mandated it for two of- fenses. ing in the hallways. Dean of Student Affairs Philip he noted that 2124 people were on their ar- One student telephoned her Cell R. Sayre noted that all residence life On Tuesday, November7th,Phi death row as of December 31, 1988, Both lawyers presented Biology professor to relay the details staff are trained to deal with a black- Sigma Tau, the Philosophy Honor twenty-three of whom were female. guments, and then were given an op- and !,he difficulty of trying to study. DoL Society, sponsored a discussion on Only one person was being held ponunity to answer the arguments of The staff of Whiteford tempo- Unfortunately, some staff had capital punishment in McDaniel for a non-homicide offense: a rapist the opposition. rarily suspected that someone was difficulty communicating during the Lounge. in the state of Mississippi, whererapc Represcntingpro-capital punish- trapped in Whiteford's elevator. blackout, according to Mark Mully, The discussion was held between can bring a death sentence. ment, Mr. Rasinsky argued that not Students went to each floor and Building Manager of Decker Center. two lawyers, Mr. Marc Rasinsky and Another historical fact that he only did capital punishment legiti- pounded on the elevator doors to "We have no flashlights, no Mr. John Morris. mentioned was that English Com- mizethepowerofthegovemmentby ascertain whether anybody was in- walkie-talkies, and no way to com- MediatingthediscussionwasDr. mon Law had originally mandated satisfying society's perception of punishment side. municate with Security," he stated. F. Glen Ashburn, Chairman of West- the death penalty for fourteen of- justice, but that capital high value of reaffirmed society's fenses;Massachuseueshadmandated When Campus Safety manually The campus telephone system, em Maryland's Sociology Depart- opened the elevator, however, it was which is operated by computer, was ment it for thirteen. human life by showing deviants that discovered to be empty. down during the blackout. Dr. Ashburn presented a brief Even the pacifist Pennsylvania Continued on page 6
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