Page 41 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 41
November 9, 1989/Western Maryland College/ Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Wendy Rudermanl Helen lowe What do you think President Robert Chambers does to earn a salary? Martin: Claudia Rojas: Ami Raveling: 5tanford Vinson: Doug Gaul d: ,Joslyn relations, Public I don't know, but I'm a freshman, so Bob who? I have no clue, but I'm sure he does I have no idea, I'd sure like to management, and his work, find out, basicallyapoliti- cian Continued from page 4 claims that he wishes a liberal educa- Hereatcollege, if a student does would like to remind. her that the uon to be delivered to all WMC stu- something wrong while drunk, he or WHAT'S NEW WITH topic was preuy popular from 1920 dents. she is made to attend a class about to 1933, when the topic was so inter- Second, he says there are plenty responsible drinking and receives esnng that organized crime saw its of places to drink on campus besides punishment. CAPBOARD?? way to kill other people over it. in private donn rooms. Except for Mr. Clarke strikes meas well-in- Ethyl alcohol is a well-known, the dorm rooms, alcohol consump- tentioned but completely lacking in legal sedative and muscle relaxant tion is illegal everywhere on campus rational thought. His policies do net CAPBoard now has two officer posttions that many people find therapeutic from Sunday morning to Thursday promote the welfare of students dur- open: after a week of mid-terms. To gain evening. Is he bringing alcohol to the ing or after college, because alcohol sucha starcrequiresatcchcl. valium, pub? Howmany studems can thepub cannot be waved aside with good in: Second Stage Chairperson: Thiscommittee 'other prescriptions tranquilizers, il- holdonaSaturdaynight? How much tentions and solid morals. . sponsors small scale musical acts (I.e. solo- legal drugs, or Zen meditation. beer can they keep cool? His policies arc half-baked and If the possibility of drinking is Third, Mr. Clarke says there are his support for them is self-contrii::-:ยท ists, duos), comedians, D.J.'s, etc. This post- taken from students, the energy that places off campus to drink, but then dictory. This man is trying to pass tion gives you hands-on experience with the ins ensues from pent-up frustration of he states that drunk driving "was a regulations thinking with his heart and outs of the entertainment industry. est-takmgfindsnewpaibs.pathsscch factor in 80 to 90 percent of traffic without using his head, and both are as demonstrations on certain presi- fatalities." Is this man just plain vitaito make policies that work. May Day Chairperson: Trns person, along dents' lawns. stupid? How does he think people Most importantly, it is none of [Students] will drink anyway, get to places to drink off campus? Don Clarke's business what other with a May Day commlttee, organizes May Day human beings do with their lives! just as they did from 1920 to 1933, Designated drivers maybe? 1990, a campus-wide tradi t ional fest ivaI. Re- His life and ones dear to him were the Prohibition era, but you can But that would [be to] suggest sponsibilities .nclude bookinq some of the en- underslandtheirmotivesforwanting that students are being responsible damaged by alcohol due to bad judg- tertainment acts andcommunicating wi th other asimplesubstance~t,intheiropin- about their drinking. If he thinks mentand bad decisions made by those campus gcoups to organize everyone's parttct- ion, makes their lives more enjoy- studentswerebeingrcsponsibleabout people. able. drinking, what's his problem? His policies are clearly misdi- pation for this annual spring event. rected frustrations over his own, or Now,Mr.Clarkenotonlymakes Fourth, he says that allowing comments that show his ignorance of drinking on campus amidst so much his friends' own, inability to make These POSl tions are open to any enthusias- college life, but he is taking measures peer pressure encourages abuse and the intelligent decisions he claims tic and organized WMCstudent. Applications to enforce his views-upon others. I therefore should not be allowed on students of WMC are incapable of. understandMr.Clarkehashadfriends campus-that they should wait until Yes, they have suffered, and are avai labIe at the Informat ionDesk and shoul d plenty of students on campus will and family ruined by alcohol and after college when they can make be turned in to the College Activl ties orr ice by follow their footsteps to disaster wishesailthestudentsofWMCwould "intelligent choices." November 14 avoid "the evil grape" and find better Where does Mr. Clarke surmise despite all the warnings. But for the ways of solving their-problems and that "intclligentchoices" are made if large numbers of students who will relaxing. not in college? whatdoes Mr.Clarke usealcoholresponsibly.Mr.Clarke's Many thanks to a IICAPBoard members I would like to direct the state- think will be so much more educa- protectionist policies are an intrusion who have worked so hard during th past few ments I suggested for Ms. Goldwa- tional about the outside world to Into their lives-and a condescending weeks to make Parents'Weekend, Homecom- tee's contemplation to Mr. Clarke in prevent alcohol abuse that the col- accusation of immaturity where none ing festivities, and Halloween Spirit Week regards to probable alternatives. lege scene cannot provide? has been proven. so successful!! In his letter, Mr. Clarke fails to It seems to me that if a student is I suggest that the WMCadmini- list reasons for these measures that not' allowed 10 consume alcohol in stralion and the remainder of the even he himself believes in consis- the privacy of his own room, the Board of Trustees would do well to All students are welcome at any tently. place he will start drinking privately dismiss their policies of disrespect CAPBoard cornmttt ee meeting. First, prohibition, the state he isinhisapartmemwherethereareno against WMC students' intelligence Come and see what we're all about I proscribes, in my opinion, has never peopleenforcingrestrictionsonnoise, and integrity. been advocated by any educator dar- mulli-litercontainers,physicalabuse ing to call himself "liberal," yet he of people. or sexual abuses. Bill Jacobs
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