Page 45 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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INSIDE: Bob Blue: page 2 60 seconds: page 5 Sports: pages 6,7 Western Maryland College November 30, 1989 College Plans Dean Cole, R.L.C~ DePina Lewis Facelift Announce Departure at the by Andrea Covington tegrity of the planned construction. Western Maryland College is "It [the consuucuonl will fit," promised Vice President Walter planning to either renovate, add on Wahlen, Director for College Rela- End of Semester to, or demolish and build over Lewis Hall of Science, in order 10improve tions. the college's science facilities. ''The Hillier Group' has a great by Andrea Covington Lewis Hall has been in WMC's sense of architectural ambiance." Two Student Affairs staff have long range plans since 1982, and it VicePresidentWahlenalsomen- submitted resignations 'and will be will be a continuation of a series of tioned some otherplanned alterations departing within the next two months. construction projects initiated in the to the campus, such as increasing the Miss Maria DePina, Residence 1960's. size of the malls and quads, removing LifeCoordinator for Whiteford Hall, Currently, the Science Building the canopy from the front of Decker will be departing this Christmas to Planning Committee has organized College Center, and decreasing the return to teaching. and is beginning to assess the needs amountof through-campus traffic and Miss DePina, who is 24 years that a modem facility would have to parking. old, fonnerly taught history at a pri- address. Because of this and other proj- vate school. "We have a good program. ects, Vice President Wahlen is fann- "IwashappyasanRL.C.,"com- we'refirsrclass.but wedon'thavea ing acomprehensive Campaign Task merited Miss DePina. "I will miss building to support that," stated Dr. Force to raise the necessary funds. several outstanding individuals that I Richard Smith, co-chairman of the Chaired by Melvin Delmar had the privilege to work with." committee. Palmer, Dean of Academic Affairs, In addition, Charlene H. Cole, Dr. Smith citedconcems such as the committee will also consist of Associate Dean of Student Affairs, lack of floor drainage, a shortage of Philip R. Sayre, Dean of Academic willbeleavingWesternMarylandon space, and inadequate ventilation. Affairs;JennieMingolelli, VicePresi- January 12, 1990. Dr. Smith noted that the space dent of Administration and Finance; Dean Cole, a lawyer licensed by problem was particularly acute. and Vice President Wahlen. the Pennsylvania Stale Bar Associa- He commented that some fac- Also on the commluee are Dr. tion, will become Assistant Dean for ulty offices were formerly broom Ethan A. Seidel; Dr.LeRoy LPanek, JudicialSystemsatArizonaStatcUni- closets and secretaries' offices. the new AssociateDeanof Academic versity. Ventilation is being handled Affairs; and two Board of Trustees It will be "primarily a discipli- r presently. Dr. Smith stated, how- members: William Dulany and nary role," Dean Cole stated. She ever, thetas more interest develops in Marjorie Lippy. will handle primarily serious offenses organic chemistry, and particulary in The new construction project will such as rape and aggravated assault. his cancer andcarcinogenic reasearch. begin after the renovation and addi- Beforecomingto Western Mary- problems could arise. Therefore, tion to Hoover Library is completed, land, Dean Cole held positions at mater. "I've gotten closer to this col- ventilation is a priority. which is scheduled to time for Florida State University and the "I'm going to miss Western lege than any other school I've ever The college also has aesthetic the fall semester of 1991. University of Pittsburgh, her alma Maryland," concluded Dean Cole. worked at." concerns about the architectural in- idel ig hts Zepp Plans Trip to England by Bob Brown Dr. Zepp mentioned that he put into this projectfor the next aca- What do you plan to do after During the fall semestcrof 1990, himselfwouldpr6bably teach two or demie year, Dr. Zepp admits that threeofthecoursesfromhisWestcrn "it's still pretty early in the game." Preliminary planning has lead to college? Dr. Ira G. Zepp, Jr., professor of reli- Maryland repertoire: "Ways of Being some criteria and preferences. The Religious," "Gandhi and Tagore," gious studies, will lead a group of • work Western Maryland students to Har- "Comparative Religions," and, he school needs at least seven or eight II TOO school laxton College in England. hopes, the course on Dr. Martin Lu- participants before the trip can be [) rctoea/ctrer HarlaxtonCollegeislocated 110 ther King, Jr. realized,anditis limiting the number miles north of London, not much In addition to the weekday of openings (0 ten or twelve. more than an hour's travel time by classes at Harlaxton, students will The committee that will select high speed rail. traveleachweekendtootherdestina- the students will include Dr. Zepp, The school has approximately tionson the Jsles or on the continent. Dean Melvin D. Palmer, and Carole two hundred students, a sizeable per- A few of the piaces that Dr. Zepp Arrieta, CoordinatorofInlernational centage of whom are international indicated included Stonehenge, Ed- Studies. students from Asia and Africa. inborough, Paris, Munich, and, at the They willlook for students whose Dr. Zepp said that the courses end of the semester, the Soviet Un- major will fit well with the program, taught there will be similar to the ion, for a week's duration. who have a minimum 2.5 GPA, who 30' liberal arts concentrations at WMC, AccordingtoDr.Zepp, "There's haven'tstudied abroad before, and at although they will be taught with the hardlyasubstitutefortravel in broad- the students' recommendation letters Sample Size: 473 Source: Phoenix distinctly different flavor of British ening your education." from the faculty. professors. Although some thinldng has been
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