Page 51 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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November 30, 1989/ Western Maryland College! Page 7 WMC Volleyball Season Ends Phoenix meetings are held each Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the basement of Daniel Terrors Advance to Second Round of Division 11/ MacLea. This will be the last issue of the National Tournament Fall, 1989, semester. ADOPTION again on Western Maryland as the On Friday, November 10,West- by Ed Rigling Division III National Tournament ern Maryland faced another branch Having previously beaten most berths were announced. of the State University of New York We are a happily married, childless couple who can not of the teams in their bracket, the Due to their fantastic 45-7 ree- in the second round. This time the have children of our own. We very much want to adopt Western Maryland volleyball team ordand their outstanding MAC tour- opponent was SUNY Cortland. an infant. Legal and medical expenses paid. looked solid going into me Mid-At- nament play, the Tenors entered the The beginning game was similar lantic Conference Championships National Tournament against the to the Terrors first game against over the November 3 weekend State University of New York SUNY Brockport. Legal and Confidential. The only obstacle that stood in (SUNY) at Brockport as their open- SUNY Cortland won the first Call Collect: Piper and Phil their way was nationally-ranked ing round opponent game 16-14 after rallying from a Juniata College, who had beaten the Jumping off to a quick start, the deficit 301-340-7472 Terrors twice in tournaments before Terrors led the first two games of me WestemMarylandtiedthematch the championships. match 13-11 before SUNY Brock- at one-game a piece with a 15-10 win, Western Maryland played well port came from behind both times to only to lose the last two games, and Rape Myth # 21 and cruised past Widener College. win, putting the Terrors in a nearly thus the match. 15-11 and 15-13. Myth: Itwon't do any good to reporta rape unless your clothes arc tom Elizabethtown College, Upsala Col- insurmountable hole. Although ushered outof national and you have other visible physical injuries, because the police won't lege, Susquehanna College, and Get- With the threat of elimination competition. there were still several believe you. tysburg College to the final mood towering over them. the Terrors re- highlights besides the national play. fad: The classic case ofthe hysterical, battered, and bleeding rape and a showdown with Juniata. grouped and struck back by taking a Senior Linda Biawec sang her viefim is rare. The majority ofrape victims experience shock or Playing the role of the nemesis 10-0 lead in the third game on the swan song, concluding the finalmatch a numbness, and display few serious physical injuries. Most once again, Juniata controlled the way lOa crushing 15-1 victory. of her career with 24 kills and ateam- police investigators realize this and do not make judgements based Western Maryland team and elimi- The Terrors continued to ham- high 385 for the year. solely on the condition of clothing or a lack of physical injury. nated the Terrors in three straight merSUNYBrockponduringthefinal The Terrors also established a For help, or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention games to claim their nimh straight two games as they ran away with the new school record with a 46-8 rec- Service. Our services are free and all inquiries are confidential. MAC crown. match with successive' 15-4, 15-4 ord. A day later, arayofhopeshined wins. Hotline: 857-7322 orr ICe: 857-0900 News In Brief Continued CHINESE RESTAURANT Hunan Downtown Continued from page 6 of hearing loss and the effects of a Szechuan Westminster Of special interest are excerpts Western Maryland College has lackofhearingonthepersonalityand from Handel's oratorio, "Judas Mac- seats available in the following six behaviorofinwviduals,willbetaught Cantonese 59W. Main SI. cabeaus," which depict the events January Term courses which are by Dr. Hugh Prickett Polynesian 848-0919 surrounding the origin of the Hanuk- designed for three weeks of intensive "The Plain People: Anabaptists American 876·3166 kah celebration. and eclectic study. in America" will include a study of Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out WMC theater student Derner- The January Term, which runs Anabaptist communities inAmerica, 11 AM-lOPM Sun-Thurs & II AM-II PM Fri-Sat rios Lambros, with the assistance of January 3·23, offers courses for two- especially those whose separate life- l':::::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::==:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=~ Todd Robinson. has written narra- hour or auditing credit. style is symbolized by their plain r tion to accompany the oratorio ex- "Business in Literature," taught dress. cerpts. by Dr. Ethan Seidel, involves the The course will be taught by Dr. A resounding "Hallelujah" simi- study ofliterary selections thatdepict Gregory Alles. RIIIARCR PAPIRI lar totheending of Handel's Messiah theworldofbusinessinvariouslights. "Issues in Biomedical Ethics," will end the oratorio. Students laking "Language, Lit- taught by Dr. Louise Paquin, will be 19,278 to choose from - all subjects The new conductor, Margaret erarure, and Power," taught by Wil- an overview of ethical issues which Order Calalog Today with VisaJMC or COO Boudreaux, earned her Doctorate of liarn Spence, will study literacy and arise in the study and practice of .. 8qnq;,~~J:7~~?2 Musical Arts in Choral Conducting language in a multi-ethnic society, biology and medicine. at Boulder, CO. with special concern for difficulties All Western Maryland College Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Assistance She also served as assistant con- faced by minority groups. studentsmusttakeoneJanuaryTerm 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN, Los Angeles, CA 90025 ductor for the University Choir and "Multi-Cultural America: course while enrolled. Custom research also available-all levels the Opera Theater of the University Whose Roots Should We Preserve," All of the courses areopen to the of Colorado. taught by Lisa Pecoraro, will involve public. Individuals mterested m taking The concert IS free and open to thedebateabouttheeducatIonalsys- a January Term course should con- r-------F~;~0;-------, the public. For more information, tem'sfailuretopassonbasiccultural call Dol Myers at 857-2559, or Mar- information. tact me Registrar's Office at 857- garet Boudreaux at 857-2558 or 857- ''The Silent Minority," an ex- 2215 for the necessary registration Carriage House Liquors 2879. amination of the common etiologies forms. 113 W. Main Street Rally Planned Against Lenient Judge Westminster ... Specials On December 10 at I :30 p.m., yea.r-oldgirl. Coors, Coors light & Extra Gofd AccordingtoJaniceNaim,presi- there will bearallycalling for theres- However, this was not the first dent of the Coalition Against Por- $11.99 case/cans ignation of Montgomery County time thatJudge Cave has caused con- nography. "child pornography, which Beck's tz-pack $8.99 CircuitCourtJudge William M. Cave troversy in the sentencing of a child actually is filmed child-sexual abuse, Busch and Natural light infiontofthecourthouseinRockville, molester. Accordingto!.heMolllgom- isa particularly heinous crime against Maryland. ery County Journal, four years ago, children." $8.99 case Judge Cave recently sentenced he gave a ten-year suspended sen- If you areinterested in attending Seagrams V.O. 750 ml $7.99 Derrick Anthony Parker toonly three tence to a child pornographer and the rally, please contact Bob Brown Mix and Match Wine Coolers $3.99 4· pack days injail for the rape of an eleven- placed him on five years' probation. through P.O. Box 127. 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