Page 42 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 42
Page 6/ Western Mar.vlaJ~d College/ Nov'ember 9,1989 Winter Sports Arrive President Chambers Re- the season without any yea Is R0Ie by Sieve Harlan only have one senior. We have got to get through Yes, sports fans, just when you serious injuries 10 the starters." thought it was safe, winter and sea- Guard Ed Krusinski leads the sonal sports are settling once again juniors, coming off an outstanding upon the Hill. season, and was second in scoring to Continue4 from page 1 of Student Affairs. dent of College Relations Walter It's time forthe Terrors to take to Lynch. sis of the moment. I have 10 be cpcn Dean Sayre also noted that the Wahlen] and I are rcally the support the courts, pool, and mat for the 1989- Forwards Rob Howell and Mike to whatever comes along." presidential position is meant to "keep system of the college. If my division 90 Winter season. Sherlock also combined to average The President's Office has an us on an even keel." is efficient and effective, then the Women's Basketball, Head sixteenpointsandeight reboundspcr entire bureaucracy to assist in his In making decisions concerning President shouldn't have 10 think coach Becky Martin returns with the game last season. Once again, guard duties, which consists of the Office the student body, as well as other di- about us." top three scorers and rebounders, Marc Rudolph is expected to com- of Academic Affairs, the Office of visions of the college, President Theduties of Administration and along with six other letterwinners, mand the offense, and the lone sen- Student Affairs, the Office of Ad- Chambers involves a number of Finance include items such as cam- from last season's record-setting ior. forward Dave Barnes. should ministration and Finance, and the people in decision making. pus safety, dining services, and the team. With the record of 20-5, the round out the starting five. Office of College Relations. Undernormal circumstances, the college bookstore, along with other 1988-89 Terrors were the first WMC Swimming. Head coach Kim "The president has a lot of influ- president will be very involved in the items such as building maintenance, serv- basketball squad, either men's or Easterday also returns with young ence on the tone and style of a cam- beginning of the process, presenting housekeeping, and personnel women's, to win 20 games. squads, with only two seniors for the pus," observed Dean Melvin Delmar his views and trading questions and ices. Onceagain, two-time MAC AlI- men and one for the women. A total Palmer. "His greatest influence is in answers with a committee focusing ties ~I~e~~~:~:g ~t~S~11~;:I~~~~ Star forward Barb Wolf, who led the of thirteen leuerwinncrs return for a providing leadership. Heoftensends on the problem. The committee will uons. Formerly known as the Office team in scoring, will be leading the strong foundation to the squads. then formulate a set of suggested of Development, it has three major 'rerrors omcthccourr. Center Claire For the men, captain John Thcvenoux will also add rebounding Ehlman will lead the squad into the responsibilities. punch to lhe squad. The other team water. Strong returning members are The first is Public Information, which nOI only prints The Hill, but leader is guard Caitlin Monroe. juniors Mark Burroughs and Corey also most of the student recruitment Martin stated, "We are expect- Krall, along with sophomore Mall ing a battle for a MAC playoff posi- Cook. . materials. Public Information handles tion because the Southwest Section Keith SI. Armand and Trevor media relations, sports information, should be really competitive. I know Wysong round out the letterwinners. and general inquiries. responsibility second our tearn will give 100 percent every Forthe women,leading lhesquad Alumni The Affairs, which handles all is game, and, .hopefully, that will be will be captain Helen Lowe, with matters concerning alumni, with the good enough to get us back into post- strong assistance by senior Colleen exception of fundraising. season action." Dolan and junior Kelly Zeager. Men's Basketball. Head coach SophomoresJ J. Boggs, Tracy Eagan, Homecoming, reunions, and re- Dr. Alex Ober returns with just one Dawn Rotermund, and Valerie gional meetings of alumni are their a This requires primary activities. senior on the team. The loss of Bryan Shearer round out the returners. significant amount of the president's Lynch, who LOpped the team in scor- Easterday stated, "Our main ing and rebounding during the last focus is to improve our dual meet time, since these meetings often re- two seasons, to graduation will also record. It is still very early, and the quire that he attend and, normally, be a significant factor. members arc working on their indi- make a speech. Ober stated, "Our success will vidual goals. We are looking to- President Chambers prepares his depend on the juniors. They are the wards the Conference Championships own speeches and docs not have a primary leaders, especially since we with the ultimate goal of the chauffeur, so a considerable amount NCAA's." of time is eaten up by preparation, as well as the event itself. The third and "least understood" Would you like to offer task of College Relations is develop- Discover Credit Cards? ment. Development is primarily fundraising. Are you available for only and follow up on." actions and submit them to the presi- "As thechieffundraiser, I'd like a few hours a week? On the other hand, President dent. twenty-five percent of the president's r If so, call 1-800-932-0528, extension 34. Chambers role, must, in regards He is re- can take several months. projects Wahlen, Vice President of College lime jU$t for that," Walter stated to his Affairs Some Student Larger work teaching by the same We'll pay as much as $10.00an hour. projects, such as the Hoover Library Relations. methods as other faculty. Only ten positions available. "I don't have quite that much," quired to present all of his potential several years. courses to the Curriculum Commit- renovation and expansion, can take bcconunued.vbum'sclose.Hwc're •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tee. "Most things are worked on by about to make an important request High-Tech influentially for a course," continued the vice presidents," added Dean [for money], then they [the potential "Being who he is, he can argue (the Sayre. "Studentsortcngotobim givers] don't want to talk tome, they Dean Palmer, "but he only has one president) with their concerns, but want to talk to the president. They Senior vote." President Chambers is a mem- then he usually refers [them] to me, want toseewho they are giving money to." if their concerns or 10 Dean Palmer her ex officio (i.e., by virtue of his are more academic." "The request for money is the Portraits office) of all faculty and administra- president's door is "open," bill that last step in fundraising," noted Mr. Dean Sayre also noted that the "The prospect must be cul- Wahlen. and has a vote. The tive committees (301)848-4624 I • ercises his vote at his discretion. present their difficulties to the vice their support. Dr. Chambers four 'as- tivated, and we must have their full attends president the time required to handle a concern most committee before understanding meetings by invitation only and ex- and sympathy By is usually shorter when the students and I Don Kelly first. have a meeting once a month to re- The two committees presidents he must are the Faculty that the Dean Sayre estimated view all our major prospects. Photographer chair as president "The meetings usually takcabout and amount of time the president the Administrative spends Council 2 to 3 hours, and out of that I'll . Council, which meet on a monthly on student affairs is "nota huge per- Call For Your usually 'give' the president ccntage" of his workday. basis. signments' Administration "The president, and this is true and Finance also Free Brochure weeks. Sometimcsthey'rejusrphone is a person whohasa foranycollege, put lighter claims on the President's I calls and teuers. other limes he has LO to Vice Presi- vision of what the college according workday, can be Continued tododuring the next three on page 8 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• like,"commentedPhilipSayre,Dean dent MingoleUi. "Walt [Vice Presi-
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