Page 43 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 43
November 9, 19891 Western Maryland Collegel Page 7 Field Hockey Sticks It Out Through Disap Phoenix meetings are held each Monday of Daniel at 6 p.m. in the basement pointing Season Maclea. All are welcome, including our by Ed Rigling season with a 7-7 record. lead at 2-1. Washington again came own staff members. Though far from disastrous, back to tie and eventually won wilh Do you remember the running captain Becky Barlow was "kind of under a minute to play. - gag in the "Peanuts" comic strip where disappointed. Wejustneverseemed In the final game of the season, ADOPTION Charlie Brown is about to kick the to be able to reach our full potential." the heart had seemingly stopped football and Lucy always pulls itaway SeniorCait.lin Monroeadded that pumping as the Terrors fell 4-0 to We are a happily married, childless couple who cannot at the last moment just before he can "there was sort of a loss of morale Lebanon Valley College. have children of ourown. We very much want to adopt kickil? rowards the end." Realizing lhat their field hockey Like this cruel joke, lhe Western Still, fate seemed to conspire careers were over, both Barlow and an infant. Legal and medical expenses paid. Maryland field hockey team has had against the Terrors as they lost Monroe seemed to look back with victory slip from its grasp in the matches toWashington College and mixed emotions. "We were a good. waning moments of its games time Frostburg Slate University in the last .team, a close team," Becky began. Legal and Confidential. and time again. Call Collect: Piper and Phil minu:::!~~~~::;:~tober :'i~~:~;~;~:t~~~:s~:.~asget- After having high hopes of a 301-340-7472 Caitlin that she would added great season in lhe beginning of the 21,lheTerrorsledlhegamel-0,lhen "miss lhe people I played with more ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ij year, the team finished, not with a Washington tied it at I-I, only for bang, but wilh a whimper, closing the Western Maryland to again take the than the game. Ihad a lot of fun." III Rape Myth # 30 Frees Tops' tOOO-yard Mark in Rushing Mx!h: The expenditure of money on food, transportation, or recrea- tional activities while on adateentitles a man to sexual favors from his by Steve Harlan vember2. This feat has certainly also ing by Ken Wilson of Lebanon Val- date. gained him publicity with the news- ley that dominated the first half. It fa.t1: No one has the right to touch the body of another person The Terrors closed lhe monlh of papers in the area. wasn't until the final quarter that the without that person's permission. Acceptance of gifts. favors. or Octoberwilha38.2610ssatLebanon Adding to the offense, quarter- Terrors took the advantage. Hamm attention does not alter tbis fact. Valley College. back Mike Hamm passed for for 105 rushed into the end zone twice for However, lhebigstoryforWMC yards, improving his total t0691 yards touchdowns. TheTerrors brought the For help, or more information. call the Rape Crisis Intervention was again sophomore tailback Eric overall. Sophomore split-end Andy score within 5 points when Lebanon Service. Our services are free and all inquiries are confidential. Frees. Frees rushed for 113 yards, Steckel caught passes for 37 yards to Valley's Wilson scored his third including a 64-yard touchdown run, push past the 500-yard mark in re- touchdown of the game to complete Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857-0900 to shatter the I,OOO-yard mark. in cetving with a total of 503 yards on the scoring. rushing for the season. the season. Overall, Lebanon Valley, aver- As of October 28, Frees had Lebanon Valley cut loose from aging8.0yardsperplay,ranupatotal FAN'S gained 1,023 rushingyardsand 1,270 the Terrors' weakened defense in the of 641 yards, compared to Western CHINESE RESTAURANT yards inall-purposerunning,averag- second quarter to score 31 of its 38 Maryland's 286. ing 128 yards per game. points. However, the Terrors also The Terrors' last game of the Hunan Downtown Thisaccomplishmenteamedhim scored on an 89-yard kickoff return season will beplayedathomeagainst Szechuan Westminster an interview with WBAL- TV, Balti- by freshman Rob Johnson. Johns Hopkins on November II. As Cantonese 59W. Main Sl. more, which was scheduled to air Yet, it was the combination of~ofOctober28,HopkinswasslilJ win- Polynesian 848-0919 during the 11 o'clock news on No- receiving by Brian Wassell and rush- less on lhe season. American 876-3166 Volleyball Squad Advances to MAC's Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out llAM-lOPM Sun-Thurs & I1AM-llPM Fri-Sat by Ed Rigling loween Classic, the team won the used to it After a while it [the tOUT- consolation bracket, losing only to naments] become worth it." The Western Maryland Volley- Allegheny and Juniata, which is DianaPalmcradded,"lthelpsto RISIARCH PAPIRS ball squad continued in its pursuit of ranked number two in the nation. bring the team together, because you the Middle Atlantic Conference This past week, the Terrors play together more." 19,278 to choose from - all subjects (MAC) crown over lhe past several cruised past Gallaudet as they pre- Heading into theMACChampi- Order Catalog Today with VisalMC or COD weeks by cruising past Gettysburg, pared for the Middle Atlantic Con- onships. the Terrors had a balanced Messiah, and Gallaudet to Improve ference Championships held at Hav- attack with Diana Palmer (306), Kim .. 8~oq;,~,?'24~9.~~2 its record 1040-6. erfordCollegeon November3 and4. S1. Clair (284), and Linda Biawec Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Assistance After winning their own North! When asked about the seemingly (282) providing the majority of kills, 113221dahoAve. #206·SN, Los Angeles, CA90025 SOUlh Tournament, the Terrors trav- grueling schedule. captain Diana Heather Wakefield leading the team Custom research also available-all levels eled to Messiah the following Mon- Palmer said that "it [the schedule] in serving aces (77), and Linda day and won soundly in threestraight doesn'tbothermc.Istudyonlhebus Biawec topping the squad with 38 games: 15-4, 15-7,15-7. and on Friday nights so I can make solo blocks. r-------F~OO;~;-------, The Terrors then played Get- the most of my time when we get On Monday, It was announced tysburg at home and participated in back from the tournaments." that the team had gained a berth into the Elizabethtown tournament to Freshmen Heather Wakefield the National Championships. Play Carriage House Liquors complete a hectic week. At the Hal- and Jennifer Staub agreed "We're begins Thursday at Juniata College. WMC Ice Hockey Team Joins Mason Dixon League 113 W. Main Street Westminster by Ed Rigling a 9-0 loss to Georgetown. The Hoyas quickly. Specials this month ... racked up 18 penalties during the Still, the show of support from Coors, Coors Light & Extra Gold Allhough a well kept secret, the game with the majority occunng in other WMC students seems to indio Western Maryland Ice Hockey Club the third period. The team began to cate a fascination with the team. $11.99 case/cans isbecktnacuonagamthisyear. After come together during a 4-2 loss to Hopefully, the squad will begin Heineken 12-pack $8.99 a shaky "season" of scrimmages last Johns Hopkins only to fall short to to gel together as the season pro- Keystone & Keystone Light year, the team has become a part of Gettysburg in a 7-3 loss. gresses and be able to record a few $8.99 case the Mason-Dixon League and has The two major weaknesses of marks in lhe win column this year. Peachtree Schnapps 750 ml $5.99 started the season with an 0-3 record. lhe team appear to be the lack of Upcoming home games include Going into their game with only playing time together and.8 shortage George Mason on November II, Mix and Match Wine Coolers $3.99 4- pack one practice, the squad quickly of players. Wilhonly12individuals Dickinson on Nov. 15, and Geor- L _B.!'!!.e!~~J.!~:.s;..C!!!!!,!!,!!~~'!2~'!s _.J learned lhe ropes of the new league in on the roster, the lines tend to tire getown on Nov. 29.
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