Page 49 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 49
, . t ~. "".'" •.• November 30, 1989IWestern Maryland College! Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Wendy Rudermanl Helen Lowe What is your greatest health or safety concern on campus? Sean Vis: Ric Nepomuceno: Laurie Prochaska: Todd Diamond: Kimberly Hildebrand: I really don't have any The alcohol restriction on Walking around campus That Iwill eat a Glar spe- The insane speed demons health or safety concerns campus: I think it pro- at night for fear of being Cialty, "meatloaf," and in the Whiteford parking on campus, except being motes drunk driving to all attacked. or raped. later that evening I will lot. run over ~y campus secu- the people who party off blow chunks all over my rity on their golf carts. campus. comparative government homework. Blue Believes Bugs are Bad Th~ Phoenix is exterminationstoeveryuurteendays looking for a few Conttnuedfrom page z Al!houghthehea1thdeparuuent Ifyou have any requests or eon- good writers faces-an innate.protecuvereflex-; has not cited us for a roach problem, instead of biweeldy. fo r before the lunch period ends. we have identified the areas (i.e., the Finally, there was not enough kitchen and cafeteria) which, unless cems, please talk to the manager of smoking in the cafeteria by the em- cleaned thoroughly and often, be- the dining hall, Mr. Gregor Samsa. ployees dwing meal times. come dirty. dards to be so high ["Gosh, even next sprIn9 • In conclusion, I want our stan- The audit recommended hiring Tocombatthebugproblems, we fifty(27)supplementarysmokingem- haveimplementedtwo(6)newclean- higher than before, Wally?"] that we _ ployeesandplacingthematfive-foot ing procedures. never receive low scores, because if T. k t l thl square intervals in the dining area 10 Pirst.wehavemstalledbugnlght- wehavehighstandards,greatresults Ia e pa r In IS give ~e ~e~ a neal, professional, li~hts so the roaches ~ get u~ at automatically follow, right? That is what our staff has been even distributionover the foodon the nigfnand gcpotty orraid the regridg- ~~~~~:~ ...~O~~~~~~;~l:Qn~~~~va IuabIe wr I"t"1ng table!ISO, the increased production ~~~~;~~:t,~~~~:1n~;~~!~~; of smoke, when inhaled by the din- leaving messes on the floor which that is what I will continue to require ers, will, as everyone knows, deaden could cause embarrassing odors. and expect. . their taste buds. Second, we have increased our experience" Harbold Addresses Drinking, Safety Continued from page 4 less deep. long-term attachment. primarily those who already agree Meetings are every propnate way or against their wishes. The causes and effects of this and do not need to be told. Ifso,I've On the other hand, personal re- phenomenon are too involved for a wasted my time, and The Phoenix's sponsibility may also include avoid- letter of this sort, even if Iwere vain space. Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the ing such behaviors as drinking until enough to claim I knew alilhe an- Butmaybethesewordswillspark someone to think about the above one passes out and making the effort swers. issues in a new way, and if so, I basement of Maclea. to lock one's own donn room door. Buta1ongwiththcmuch-debated Unfortunately, the concept that alcohol problem on campus, maybe. haven't utterly wasted [my] effort. another person's body can be one's we need to look at the relationship Iwelcomereasonablediscussion plaything is fostered by an all-too- patterns of the student body as well. of these views ,in these pages. through "Shame!" or "Butterftles are people, too" common attitude on campus these Again, the issue is one of per- the mail,orin person, and Ithank the You sit in your dorm room days, that of sex as a recreational sonal responsibility veI5USpopular editor of The Phoenix forgiving me Playing basketball with used Kleenex activity. much like drinking or play- pressure. the forum in which to express them. Instead of broadeningyour horizons ing frisbee, rather than as an expres- But unfortunately, I am afraid By writing for the Phoenix. sionofmutually-feltemotion-much that in writing this I am reaching Tom Harbold ,\'..
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