Page 73 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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I'.'l , \"t' ',1 , """"""'" ,,', •• /.", ,. I Inside: I, BillyD-page 6 Letters- pages 4,5,8 Bob Brown- page 5 I Western Maryland College Sexual assault policy to be set by WMC committee By Erwin Gonzalez is writing a policy to declare that sexual assault will not be tolerated In a recent study published by on this campus. "Ms." magazine, 32 university! According to Susan Glore, the college campuses from coast to policy is to include the definition of coast were surveyed and the infor- rape,resourcesforvictims, ways to mation compiled is as follows: avoid high risk situations, informa- tion on the frequency of rape/sex- ·1 in 4 women surveyed were ual assaults on college campuses, :;:~s of rape or attempted ~.#'" and infonnation on how drug and alcohol abuse makes people vul- 084% of those raped knew their nerable or effects sexual assault. attacker and 57% of the rapes Also, guidelines for housing, the happened on dates. code of student conduct, and sanc- ·1 in 12 of the male students tions against a student who has surveyed had committed acts been reported for rape/sexual as- Wages to increase that met the legal definitions of sault will be addressed in the forth- rape or attempted rape. Susan Glore, WMC coming policy. By Andrea Covington counselor It is hoped this effort will en- ·41 percent of the raped women courage victims to come forward, The Financial Aid Office plans to increase the College Work Study said they expect to be raped report any incidence of rape/sexual wage to $3.75 this coming fall semester. or the 3.187 female college again assault to the college, and offer re- According to Caryl Conner. Director of Financial Aid, the Board of students questioned: assurance that action will be taken. Trustees voted to raise the wage in order to increase student incentive to '15.3 percent had been raped Due to these alarming statistics If this procedure is followed, the join the CWS program and to keep more working students on campus. • 11.8 percent were victims of concerning rape/sexual assault on frequency of such occurrences may "We would like more [students) to stay on," stated the Director. "We attempted rape university and college campuses be drastically reduced. can't compete with McDonald's, but we would like to try." • 11.2 had experienced sexual nationwide, Western Maryland The "Journal Of College Stu- WMCcurrently has269 students in CWS, but hasa potential for385. coercion College has established a Sexual dent Personnel" notes, "Coercive "We see the problem as a wage one," commented Ms. Conner. ·14.5 percent had been touched Assault Policy Committee. This sex isaproblem that needs to bead- In response to questions about the current congressional bills to raise sexually against their will committee, composed of students, dressed on college campuses. It is the minimum wage, Ms. Conner replied that the college has made no ·42 percemofthe rape victims faculty, administrative staff, a rep- probably unrelated to the specific plans concerning a federally mandated wage increase. The bills currently told no one about their assaults resentativefrom the Department of environment of the institution. It in both the House and Senate would raise the minimum wage to $3.85 in • Only 5 percent reported their Campus Safety, the Directorofthe most frequently occurs in a private 1990, $4.25 in 1991, and $4.65 in 1992. Congress also sets the require- rapes to the police Carroll County Rape Crisis Inter- ments to qualify for CWS, but the Director was not aware of whether -Only 5 percent sought help at vention Service, and Susan Glore Continued on Page 7 these requirements would be tightened or not, rape crisis centers of the college's counseling center, Gonzalez, jazz band headline Talent N Sidelights: By Mimi Kldeckel Do you think the government should put Instead of Pub Night being the more spending into the prevention of main attraction on Thursday April environmental disaster? 6. a crowd of WMC students was packed into the Forum to watch WMC's annual Talent Night. JOO Before the competition portion of the show began, the crowd was entertained by the newly formed WMC jazz band/workshop. Led by Stephen "Be" Eckard, the band played blues classics such as "All 60 Blues" by Miles Davis. Student performers in the jazz band in- cluded Laura Beckoff, Eric Byrd. WMC Jazz Band performed as part of last Thursday's Talent Jamie Davis, Greg Dockery, and Night I" the Forum. lead vocalistMichela Patterson. In addition to playing an hour before several original rap songs. by a synthesizer. 20 Second to compere was come- the contest, the band also provided Scott Carter, the third contest- music between each act. dian Ben Gonzales with the help of ant in the talent show, displayed The first competitor in the tal- an assistant-. Gonzalesenter- his musical abilities by singing 1 Source: Phoenix Sample Size: 128 When the music began to play, tained the crowd with magic tricks and playing the acoustic guitar. entsbow beganhisact with flashing "Son of a Son," "Fire and Rain," colored lights and a cloud of smoke. ala "Three's Company." He also held the crowd's attention with his j 1- ...1 Kevy KandCool GDC performed down-home fiddling accompanied Continued on page 7
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