Page 70 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 70
Page 6IWestern Maryland CollegeiMarch 9, 1989 Task force meets to improve Campus Safety By Brian Panelliere cers patroJing the campus, tres- for the study is the relationships passing control, and even officer between campus safety. the oilier Last November, a committee knowledge of CPR. departments, the students, and the was set up to survey and study the The task force designed a list community. Shennan told the Department of Campus Safety at of concerns which were to be ex- Phoenix that these relationships Western Maryland. This commit- amined to determine the most ap- must be improved and organized to tee, the Campus Safety Mission propriate forms of action. These provide a better, more effective TheStudentGovemmentAssociationsponsoreda"GLARSurvey" Task Force, co-chaired by Geri concerns are -broken down into service. The study is merely look- which unveiled some predictable and interesting results. Here are some Shennan and Dean Charlene Cole, three catagones. ing for the most appropriate solu- of the highlights: is undertaking this study to update The first category, concerns tion or action to take concerning When asked which meal is attended most often, lunch edged out and modify the department of the Department of Campus Safety these items. dinnerby30votes. And which meal is the best? Lunch is, by a whopping Campus Safety. staff. The task force is studying the In regards to task force goals. 97%. Thisfindingcorrelates to"Whatchangesdo you feel are necessary The task force contains three staff to determine policy for: its Sherman explained that after last in GLAR?" Almost everyone surveyed proposed to keep the Deli Bar student representatives, two fac- most efficient size, training of the year's problems. the department's open at dinner. ulty representatives, two Student officers, orientation of me officers, morale was very low, and required Other suggestions included, instituting a system to provide quick Affairs representatives, the chair- and a possible program to trans- some confidence building. Sher- accesstoseconds,stickingtosimpler, jess extravagantmeals, avoiding women, and Jerry Gooding, the fonn the officers into special offi- man furthur explained that the greasy foods, and requiring workers to wear gloves at all times. Director of Campus Safety. The cers who would have the power to department must be rebuilt, reno- And fmally, what are the most popular dishes? Chicken primary goal of the task force is to arrest (only on this campus). vated, and modified. However.the sandwiches, pizza. and yes, that old favorite, fries with Old Bay provide a safe environment for the The second category under- goal of highest importance to the Seasoning are the favorites. students, faculty, and administra- takes the study of the policies and task force is to transform. the de- SGA Officials plan to arrange a meeting with the GLAR tors of the campus. Geri Shennan, procedures implemented and en- partment into an enforcing body management to discuss the reuslts. of this survey. in an interview with the Phoena, forced by Campus Safety. The which, "...provides, maintains, concerns here are how to make protects. a safe college environ- lI;:=================~explained the-concerns.goals. and policies and procedures better ment by ensuring enforcement of procedures of the task force. According to Shennan, the documented, take measures to in- college safety policies, rules, regu- task force is undertaking this study fonn the students about the poli- lations, and state laws." through the use of a survey. This cies, design an appropriate policy Although the study is current, survey was circulated throughout concerning the entrance of security resu1ts and recomendations will thecampus to students, faculty, and officers into donns, and design most likely he implemented in administrators. Sherman was very policies and procedures which May. happy with the high response rate would coincide with the local to the survey. Thissurveyinc1uded community needs. questions concerning security offl- The third category of concerns --- Bill Desciak Billy D's Men's Lacrosse preview The Western Maryland Men's Western Maryland's lacrosse Lacrosse Team kicks off its 1989 schedule pulls no punches or ducks season with a mixture of proven from anybody, as they kick off the veterans and capable newcomers. year with a schedule that would make Notre Dame's Lou Holz Such an interesting mix will prove proud. The Terror's first five to make this season one to match-ups include four teams ACROSS remember, since there will be which are either nationally ranked some serious potential to raise Clark Hospelbom rounds out the 1. MiHnIllprtDP I. SladOD(abb ••) line. At long-stick middie the or of Division I status. 5.f1nl ..... 1. auldOD some eyebrows. "The seniors have high 9.~pllDJt(·bb r.) 3.EIIl.lllomi ..e. The Terrors are led by senior Terrors go with senior Cort 12. DolllUikllte ".LeafBkepartorlkl Sandstrom and junior Ted Graves. confidence in the team's ability to 13. DeU.'.lIItdtar 5.hblicuDORllttmelll Co-Captain Billy Hallett Hallett take MAC's and earn a possible 14. __ M'" (l1Ib r. ) comes from a banner junior year Sophomore Mark ''The Food- 15. T"'euooe'l 0.... 6. Mock national ranking," states middie . 11. BeIoDP lo_ramllJ 1.SobeU during which he became the all- Disposal" Gedney contributes Mike Maseritz. "Our success lies 19. Sweet '"' .. '.Motoadar(lbb r.) time leading scorer at Western from the bench. 1J.eo.lI ... olUman 9. Proportloll&iftlaUon At the big "D," Williams is in our ability to put out a high 1l.llIIlnlllltDI 10. Same Maryland, and was selected as an scoring offense, and a rough, lAo Edwanl'llIId
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