Page 76 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 76
Page 4fWestem Maryland CollegeiApril13, 1989 Editorial Apathy is not a valid excuse Apathy is 00 longer an excuse. It used to be the most common response to the question "What is wrong with this campus?" Every time an issue was raised that had to do with the disintegration of the morals, attitudes, and especially the lack of involvementofWMC students, all conjectures were silenced by the word "apathy." It seemed plausible enough. After all, if students don't care about anything, then they won't be politically involved, join clubs. or become part of the volunteerism movement. But wait- from the reaches of the campus, something is happening. The very people who have been accused of doing nothing but swilling beer and locking themselves into the watch-out-for-e I mode, ace working for world peaceandhuman understanding. Students at WMC actually do believe in things and they are involved in causes. For example, last Sunday's "March for Women's Rights" in Washington, D.C. attractedsix-bundred thousand of people from all over thecountcy,includingatleast40from WMC. Men and women/rom this campus marched to gather the support of the nation in order to pass ERA and to support the legality of abortion. The purpose of the annual event, Amnesty works for freedom,consciousness led by the National Organization for Women (NOW), is to enlighten the nation and the world for the necessity of equality as the first step to peace and justice. Editor: view so long as peoples' rights are Amnesty, there are other divisions Also, the Amnesty International chapter on campus is experiencing The WMC chapter of Am- upbeld aswell. "Student Action" is a pro- increasing support from students and faculty. The group which was nesty International is quickly Another question frequently gram issued every month relating started last fall by Professor Christian Nichols and a few interested growing into one of the largest asked is. "How can I change toaspecificcountry. Thisprogram students, has blossomed into the most active non-Greek organization on extra-curricular groups on campus. things?" The WMCchapteris what allows students to learn about gov- campus. They write letters to oppressive governments in order (0 free The group, in its first year of is termed as an "Urgent Action" emmentsofdifferentcountriesand ''pcisionecs of conscience" and to support human rights a1l over the world. existence, bas already sporisored network, which means each week a see the changes made in them due They have been involved in a massive recycling effort in conjunction with several petition drives,participated newsletter is sent 00 the group nou- to their actions. The goal of the the Ecology club. The two groups are working to secure the nation's in a national Amnesty convention fying them of a prisoner in danger. WMC chapter is to move into Stu- ecological future by reusing aluminum from cans. Most recently, in Baltimore, planned a benefit The members of the group write dent Action by the end of this Amnesty held a benefit concert to raise money for their cause. COlleen,recruited a liberated pns- letters to different governments semester. The Black Student Union sponsored an impressive Black History oner of conscience to speak on informing them that they disagree Besides Urgent and Student Month earlier this semester which included a march againstcacism. The campus, participated in the Coali- with the inhumane treatment of Action, Amnesty sponsors many students involved in this group work constantly against racial tion for Environmental Concern, these people, and request that they enjoyableactivitiesforall students. discrimination of any kind Their presence OIl this campus has drawn along with holding regular meet- betreated fairly. While this protest The most recent activities were a people together by causing everyone to rethink their attitudes and ings and lener-writing sessions. may seem weak, the volume of prisoner of conscience who spoke prejudices. Many people ask, "What is letters sent makes for bad publicity in McDaniel Lounge and a benefit So apathy reaUy isn't campant atWMC. But. maybe a few apathetic Amnesty International?" It is a for the government. This method concert. minds who won't look any farther than their own back yards ace the real world-wideorganization dedicated of protest causes about 50% of the Meetings are held every Mon- reason for the college's ever-present problems. to upholding human rights in all prisoners adopted by Amnesty to day at 6;30 in Memorial 113. For ,.....-------------------.nations. Amnesry recognizespris- be tried fairly and in some cases to more information, contact Chris oners of conscience in countries be released. Davisat848-41170rSamPacsiaat around the world, making no dis- While the Urgent Action net- 876-8354. criminations against any political work is the largest portion of Sam Parsia Walsh urges balloon ban on campus Edltor..fn-Chlef _ _ _ _•.__ Beth Jones Business Mansget' _ _ Slefanie R. Shaffer Production Editor_.._ _ _ BrianSobus Production A.. itant _ _ _. Steve Hartan Editor: turtles that have washed ashore It would be impossible to follow Copy Editors " _ TammieGilt,BeY Megenhardt,AUsa~ How many people remember have been examined - half of each balloon and to watch each Sports Editor _ _.._.._.._.._ BillOesClSk the year 1987? It was the year that which had plastics in the digestive animal. Andturtlesdon't return the Cartoonists .._ _.._..Andrea Covington 864 dolphins beached themselves system. cards. on oue shores. Everyone probably But, not only is sea life My pupose of this letter is in :~~o:::;!~~;~:::.::.::.:.:.::.:.:.:.::~.::~:.::.:.::.::.:.:.::.:::.~::.~::.::.:.:.::::.:::::.:::::::.:::.::::.:~~!e~: the sludge, full of affected.l00%of15speciesofsea hope that our college can join other remembers Reporters Bob Brown. Jim Cardea, Andrea.Covington. plastics and medical waste that birds' chicks have had latex in their schools and districts in a "no Melissa Engle. ErwinGonzalez. Steve Hartan.MimiKldeckeI. Debbie Leopold. plagued oue shores and caused a bodies. This was found in New balloon=policy. This would mean EllenMarth. Jenny Otto.BrianPanettiera, Debra Rayne,WendyRuderman. Mark Zerbe masssuicideofseaanimals. Again Jersey, Massachusetts, Florida, that at special occasions, instead of Advisor _ Dr.Pamela Regis recall that year, to be precise, Texas, California. and Hawaii. launching balloons, take alternate remember Labor Day. On that day Many organizations and courses -find a non-dangerous ~:r==~~~~~:~~r:!~ti:~~:!~~=r;;~:~os~i~~thn: a 1,000 pound leatherback turtle, schools launch balloons for pen way of celebrating that won't kill staff Of administration. Editorialsare the responsibilityof the editor-in-chief.and an endangered species, washed up pals or celebrations. One group of innocent animals. are approved by the EditorialBoard.The Phoenix reserves the rightto heacline at Sea Girt, NJ. In an autopsy, a students in Virginia released For more information please and editforlength,darity, and libelouscontent teners must be submitted by the latex balloon was found in the balloons in hopes of receiving apen contact: Balloon Alen Program, 9 :~~:.~:;,~f:}~s~~a:':=·:~~~~u~:r~~~~n~u= pyloric valve. This blockage pal. One of the balloons was found Pine Fork Drive, Toms River, New for verificationpurposes. prevented thepassingoffood to the in Scotland. Can you imagine how Jersey 08755. Address all mail to: ThePhoenix . Western MarylandCollege.Westminster. intestines - the turtle starved to many may have landed in the L ..::M::"":!;Ia::"":::...,:;';,:I1;;;57:;_. ..1 death. Sincethisincidem,allofthe ocean, killing sea and marine life? CyndyWalsh
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