Page 69 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 69
1,\" March 9, 1989IWestern Maryland CollegelPage 5 60 Seconds on Campus Helen Lowe/Wendy Rudennan What do you think of the proposed changes in housing and Residence Life? Ithinkit'sashamethat I think it's ridiculous There will be no inte- I don't think freshmen I think it's good be- they have to do this because girls and guys gration between the should be segregated as cause the freshmen because of nasty stu- are going to get tu- sexes. The guy's dorm they are now. This [the have a lot of problems dents. gether anyway. isgoing to be destroyed. new changes1 will just adjusting and it will make it worse. help them. Maybetheir GPA's will improve. Sam Parsia R.J. Measday Craig Ejk Tami McNealy Dina Soliman News In Brief ... --- Mary Baschoff WMC hosts book review The Hairy Ape doesn't monkey Maryland: A Middle Temperament, 1634-1980, a history of this state, will be reviewed on Thursday, March 16, at noon, in McDaniel around Books Sandwuhedln series. Lounge by its author, Dr. Robert 1. Brugger, as part of the continuing Brugger is editor of the Maryland Historical Magazine and is also No matter what your plans are effective backgroud "grinding" tively. Also, the male supporting editing the personal papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower at Johns Hopkins this weekend, make sure you set factory sounds, the realistic light in cast, especially Frank Kratovil as University. Brugger's book, which has been called "the best history of aside time to see WMC Theater's the furnace, and the appropriate- Paddy, did an outstanding job. Maryland ever wriuen," by Baltimore Sun columnist James H. Bready, production of The Hairy Ape. If ness of the will-designed costumes The contrast between the was commissioned by the Maryland Historical Society and you weren't in the audience for one work well for the production. lower and upper classes is expertJy The audience is invited to bring a bag lunch, and beverages will be of last weekend's shows, you defi- depicted by Miller and Domser, provided. Since the series is designed for people to attend on lunch hours, nitely don't want to miss your last withtheuseoflighting,costuming, 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each session will be allowed for chance on March 9, 1D,0r 11. He has set, and props. This was particu- the arrival and departure of participants. The Hairy Ape is an intensely transformed ... larly exciting in the scene which Heyen to give lecture dramatic play which presents chal- takes place "after church." The use lenges for all aspects of the theater. mainstage into a of masks on the upper class mem- William Heyen, winner of many poetry prizes in the past two Even with the inherent difficulties steel jungle. Over bers is intriguing, as is the por- decades, win give the third annual Christopher Bothe Memorial Lecture of the play, DirectorRonMiIlerhas one thousand trayed and costume of the ape in the at 8 pm, March 7 in McDaniel Lounge. done an excellent job in adapting zoo. Heyen, a fanner Senior Fulbright Lecturer in Germany, will also be Eugene Q'Neils work for ihe stage. pieces of steelpipe By far, the most incredible, a pan of the spring visiting poets series sponsored by the English Speaking of the stage, De- were used to "cage powerful aspect of this production Department. signer Ira Domser has once again by Andreas Wood as the lead char- Heyen won the Borestone Mountain Poetry Prize in 1965 fora poem outdone himself with the set he has in" the actors and acter Yank. Quite simply, his per- inPrairie Schooner. He was awarded the Tietjens MemorialAward from created. He has transformed the the audience ... formance is flawless. It is very rare Poetry magazine and the Witter Bynner Prize for Poetry in 1982. Alumni Hall mainstage into a steel to watch an actor and believe that Heyen's poetry and criticism have appeared in nearly every jungle. Over one thousand pieces he has truly become the charcter. American literary review and in most recent anthologies. He has of steel pipe were used to "cage in" The characterizations by the Not a moment goes by, however, published more than a dozen books and chapbooks of poetry and edited the actors and the audience as well. actors (with the exception ofa dis- that an audience member sees two collections of contemporary American poetry. Heyen has also won Members of the audience sit high tractingly poorperfonnance by the Andy Wood. He is exactly what fellowships from theSUNY Research andGuggenbeim Foundations, the above the stage on steel scaffold- ship'sengineer)areexcellent. RJ. Eugene O'Neil had in mind when NEA Individual Creative Writing Program, and the New York ing, seemingly becoming part: of Measday as Mildred and Connie he created tne character of Yank. Foundation for the Am. the action. Geerhart as the aunt performed an Wood's facial and body expres- The annual Christopher Bothe Memorial lectureship was established One of the things that makes a extremely effective scene together. sions combine with his excellent in 1987 by his family and friends to support a day of residence at the play is attention to detail by the These parts are double-cast on al- line delivery to create a com- College by a visiting writer, who meets with student writers in and outof director, set designer, and actors. tematenights with Debbie Thigpen pelleing, professional dramatic class and gives a public reading/lecture. Bothe, WMC class of 1972, was In The Hairy Ape, details like the and Wendy Ruderman. respec- performance. a poet, award-winning journalist and printer who died in 1984.
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