Page 68 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 68
Page 4/Westem Maryland CollegelMarch 9, 1989 Editorial Residence Life changes reviewed The proposed changes inthe residence life structure represent a bold move on the part of members of the administration - they are implementing some creative hard-line ideas and thus reclaiming responsibility once delegated to students. During the sixties and seventies, students fought for autonomy from the administration. They wanted more control over their environment. They wanted more input in the way they were governed. They wanted to be responsible for themselves and for their surroundings. The result was coed dorms and the termination of the donn-mother system. Students were hired (RA's) to be the voice of authority in the dorms, and to aetas liasons to the administrators. But now students have given up the desire to remain completely in charge of themselves. Whatmightbecalledactsofrebellionor ignorance of social mores, have shown to the administration that students no longer wish tobeautoncmous. In response. Residence Life has retaken some of the responsibility for controlling dorm life by creating the new policies. The new policies include cutting the number ofRA's and HC's to make room for three Residence Life Coordinators. These RLC's will serve both as an "adult presence" in the dorms and as professional advisors for programming, alcohol and drug education, and discipline. They will be the authority of the administration living in the dorms. And, although there will not be an RLC living in every building, one will be on call every night to make rounds allover campus. The new changes in Residence Life are much needed. The old system suffered from the students' lack of respect for each other, and from their Bob Blue analyzes journalistic pursuits lack of confidence in the structure. The new staff will be stronger, more visible., and more active. Hopefully the staff will also be effective in Undoubtedly, being ajoumal- dragons-of ignorance. preventing problems in the dorms, and in dealing with the results of The changes are ambitious and they win take a lot of hard work on ist carries the most grueling de- Behold, I first met a pro- tercd the Physics Department. the partofthe statfto be successful. At this point, many students feel that mands of any occupation. choice group holding a small dem- There, the professors and physics the changes won't make a real difference in the residence hall experience. As you may remember, the onstration in front of Baker in majors have developed a modem This misconception wiUcause problems in the (all as students will expect person to last hold this position memorial (but in front of Baker, I technique for computing the age of like a cucaracha as an "We used to have to measure They squashed sion in Row vs. Weighed. tocontinue as they always have, with general disregard for rules and for example to us all. Besides not expressed to me theirconcem with the distance to the edge of the uni- each other. But the new staff structure, which will undoubtedly be more pressing the limit of freedom (or is the dramatic rise in the number of verse and then divide by the num- strictin the enforcement of policy, will clash with theformerexpectations that "limiting the freedom of the parents in this country. ber of grams in Grandmother of students. press?") there are certain rules the To combat this exponential Swivelhips homemade preserves:' The first few months of the semester will be difficult once students realizethattheresponsibility they once held is gone. Students will tesnhe journalist must remember. increase in the population ofperen- said one junior physics major, Jon Swamp, "but ever since she passed Firstof all, you play the role of tal figures, this group formed the structure after they realize that something new is running the dorms. But, an intelligence agent-a gatherer organization, Planned Children- away, we've been in a jam. The the long term effects of the proposed changes will be worth the hassle. of Important information. You hood. Planned Childrenhood is new procedure calls for finding a After the adjustments to the shift in responsibility have been made, dorm have to sift through the superficial, working with the K.G.B. in devel- very old star, such as the Balding life will be a safe, peaceful, and better experience foreveryone involved. cumbersome details in hopes of en- oping new, cleaner methods to Gray Dwarf, cutting it in half, and countering the crux of the matter. snuffourparents. This,theyclaim, counting the rings." For example, when you arrive at will help to eliminate the popula- Hark, with my head now the scene of a tragedy, the how's tion of unwanted adult guardians . swimming with artis liberalis (and .--------------------, and why's must be carefully side- Pro-choice advocates argue since it was Saturday night), I de- stepped. that the decision to terminate a cided to shift gears to the social Instead, you must take it upon parent should be made by the child environment. I headed down to the yourself to diligently pursue the and his or her hit man. Pub,which,asofMarch l,hasbeen question: "Seeing as how your Lo, Idescended into the cata- renamed the B.E.L:C., the Bever- husband and five kids have shoved- combs of the campus' largest age Education Learning Center offlbinen the bullel/made that final chapel, wandered through the (where you can take half- and one- Edltor-ln-Chlef Beth Jones curtaincall/sailedfromport/kicked many winding, cob-webbed tun- credit courses in cookie-tossing Bu.lnes. llanaget' Stefanie R. Shafter the buckef/played their last hole/ nels of the philosophy department, and advanced shoe-shouting to Production Editor Brian Sobus Production Auilant . Steve Harlan bowled their last frame/eaten the and sat in on the weekly meeting of fulfill your basic liberal arts re- Cop)' Edltora Tammie Gitt, Bev Megenhardt last NutterButter, what's your next a new, grass-roots religious cull quirements). Sport. Editor . BiU Oesciak course of action?" This cult has arisen from the Ilearned that there has been a CIIrtoonl.t Andrea ~ington And sometimes the tables get Yin Yang school of Chinese phi- revival in the practice of dating. Photography Editor . Helen E. lowe News CooIdllUltor Lee SpecIDr turned on you, and you become the losophy. Iwas invited to join them After several candid interviews Reporters •.......... Bob Brown, Shannon ByITl8, Jim Cardea, Andrea Covington, respondent to life's unanswerable and to learn more about their teach- with some of the campus' foremost Melissa Engle, Erwin Gonzalez, Steve HarIan,Mimi Kideckel, Debbie leopold, questions. "Is there life after ings. This cult, called the Pin Pong relationship experts, Ihave formu- z_ Mark death?," "Doesintelligentlifeexist school, combines the maintenance lated B9b Blue's guide to dating. Ellen Marth, Jenny Otto,Brian Panettiere, Debra Rayne, Wendy Ruderman, Advisor ... . Dr. Pamela Regis on Capitol Hili?," "Why is Chevy of a healthy table tennis physique First there's going "Dutch," Chase making another movie?" with the Yin Yang doctrines of the where the guy and girl pay for their The Phoenix;';' abimonthly publication ofWeslem MarylandCoUege. Theopinions Fully aware of the great re- fundamental balancedandcomple- own bill. expressed in columns and letters to the editorclo not necessarily reliectlhose ofthe sponsibility I bore as a journalist, I mentary forces of nature, such as Then, there's going "Irish," staff or aclmin;';'tratiort. Edlorials are the responsibility of the edIDr-in-chief, and are approved by the Edtorial Board. The Phoenix reseves the right to heacline turned my sights towards that good and bad, light and dark, road when no one pays. by the Letters must be submitted and edit for length, darity, and libelous contenl All letters must be no longer than thorn-laden path where the cam- runner/coyote, less filling/tastes Finally, there's going "Rus- to be considered. Thursday before pub6cation 1 one page, typed, double-spaced, and signed. A phone number must be included pus' problems await solutions. great, Orioles/world Series, Star- sian," where you have to stand in line for three hours, and then you Anned with an elbow and five sky/Hutch, Bartles/Jayrnes. purposes. for verification Address all mail to: ThePhoenix , Western Mal)'land College, Weslminstef, fingers. I set out on a tour around Alas. I left B.M.C., voyaged get arrested for loitering. MaryIand,21157. campus to confront and to slay the tothesacredhalls of Lewis, and en-
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