Page 78 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 78
Page 6IWestern Maryland ColJege/April13, 1989. Vernon publishes book Chambers to First Annual Road Race serve on on deafness committee TARGET Affinity Group Dr. McCay vernon, professor ness. President Robert Chambers Vernon recently published a & of psychology, has published a new book for national use called The will join other distinguished acade- The Psychology of micians on Brown University's book entitled, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Deafness: Understanding Deaf Randy Inksip Story: Keys to Suc- Council on Graduate Education and Hard-ofHearing People. cess for Hard-of-Hearing People this May. The book argues that deafness and contributed 10 a book called The group, made up of about is a psychological variable ~ that USHER'S SYNDROME: What It 40 people from around the nation, co-sponsored by the life experiences of the hearing Is, How to Cope, and How to Help will map out the future of the Westminster Road Runners impaired differ in consistent ways . Vernon has 30 years of clinica1 Graduate School at Brown with suggestions for significant change. from those of people who are not experiencewithUsher'sSyndrome Saturday, April 29, 1989 deaf. Vernon is director of the and has published extensively on "I feel I need help in figuring deaf-blindness. 8a.m. WMC Institute of Hearing Impair- This new text is co-authored out how best 10 face the next dec- ade," states PhilipJ. Stiles, Dean of at Western Maryland College ment and has received several by Jean AndrewsofLamar Univer- Brown's Graduate School, who is awards, a Special including sity, a former graduate of the Mas- gathering "a group of extraordi- Achievement Award for his serv- ters Program at WMC. Vernon, nary scholars and other accom- ice as National Human Service well-know from his expertise in the plished people who share a deep Advisor for the Retinitis Pigmen- field..callsThePsychologyofDeaf- concern for the future of American tosa Foundation Fighting Blind- ness his most important book. Scholarship." Entry blanks available at Information Desk in Decker Center Bill Desciak For more info call 876-8531 Billy D's Spring Sports predictions Well, here we are for another man. Look for strong freshman prise for coach Sam Case. He'll fun-filled spring on the hill. Ihope support combined with some hard realize that her true talent lies off your spring break was asexotic and hitting offense, and stingy "D" 10 the hardwoods (easy Becky, easy). exciting as mine - but that's be- make this a year that would make In the distance events we have hind us. Let's get back to business. my buddy George up on the a strong lot of cross-country guys Unfortunately, you guys Hudson proud. coming back. This group includes missed my predictions for The Big Men's Tennis: Doug "Lance Romance" Ripley, Dance, alias the NCAA Basketball Senior Captain Kevin Resh, Ben "The Mad Fiddler" Gonzales, Tourney, due to the timing of and sophomore Tim Ruggles are Brian "Get a Life" Tempe, Joe spring break this year. I can hon- the leading returners for the "Big ''That's Right, I'm Engaged" estly say, however, that none of my O's" (my main man Alex's) tennis Embrey, Andrew (I can '1spell his final four picks made it to Seattle. team this year. The two will also last name, so let's leave it at that), Also, Dr. Fennell (known 10 some combine for the Terror's number "The Guids" and Big Bad. Joey as "Skippy th- 'Treek") wentO-4as one doubles tandem. Mclane. well. And I have the documents to Other retwning letter winners The women's team is full of prove it areChrisWeber, Todd Geiser, Eric talent as well. Sandy "I Can't Get Well,Skip, since we are seem- Gettemy,andMauLevy. Look for This Smile Off My Face" Metz, Jill ingly of equal talent, maybe you Big Ben "Bjorn" Franklin to con- "I Can't Drive 55" Richards, and can take over my job, seeing that I tribute as well. Getting a lob over Tracey Snyder wrap up the am out of here this spring. It pays him when he rushes net is like get- women's distance. well, and the chicks never leave tingajumperoffagainstDick''1be Cubby Dahl appears to be you alone! (If you beleive that one Skyscraper" Claycombe or Hap buckling down this year, as she's I have an exquisite three bedroom "InYourFace"Pmcel. Notaneasy doing exceptionally well in the ACROSS DOWN condo overlooking beautiful on job, believe me! hurdles, sprints and jumping Women's Tennis: downtown events. Kim Loehmann is out and Westminster 1. Aralorralwtpab ..- McDaniel 4th floor ...) Beth Yingling, Erika Gil, and about, making some waves in the I.PiluleI 6.eo.tst_ l.New What were some of the disap- Jennifer "Martina" Manger are middle to low distances. Bev 11.~ l·Dnz; ..... U.V_ pointments in this year's tourna- Coach Weyers' big returners for "Nice Rock" Templon is also con- 14.~,....... S.No WIt __ t ment? They were the Big East's the '89 season. The squad includes tributing in the sprints andjumping 6.... 15.DoaIed 1'7. UIlba ... (Ubr.) (abbr.) Pitt, and Syracuse, also North some scrappy underclassmen: events. II. BID 7. f"ootbalpooll1lM(abIw.) Carolina, Arizona and the entire Regina Woolen, Lisa "Rambo" Onthemen'sside, Ethan "Mr. 10.MNMof _""_lIt •• ExIfIo.nkUu1ldMt)' :u.Ha twq .... tyol(..,.) (abbr.) SEC. Who is destined 10 become Allwine, Sarjeet Gressieux, and WMC" Langford is vaulting and 14. SoIo piefe '.No_ next year's national champs? freshmen Kim Bergen, Dede long-jumping up to par. Addition- 26.IttIkI, .". lO.~IOIIIIIctllter 21. Np.1)'aboI(abbr.) II. ~ of lIMe. 1-.. UNLV. TarktheSharkrobbedthe Binder and Gina Gargue. Their ally, freshman Brett Cohen will ncndu *"" 19. fIdro 1Iook .... 13. p._. or opnia, cradle with the team he brought combined talents should prove to contribute in the jumps as well. 31. To .. 1'.<::IuIooI.u __ 33. V...... ofldOll 19.M,J ..... '.... pter into this year's NCAA 's; next year make this year's team line-up inter- And finally, we come to the "....... 1l.111iad1 is his year. esting. Look for Manger to get a sprinters. I'm telling you ladies, we 35. Vppet' piIft of"""" as....... 31.Fr ...... ~f--' 1l.T.b~11I On campus the spring sportS surprise bid to the open. have some serious stallions here. 41.Maiepl'Ollou 11.~ ......... t.a.m scene is in full tilt. Here's what Track and Field: The men are headed by Jude Year- ....... ".- ........ ,.."r we've got: teU you, Rick Carpenter has his wood, Matt "I Forgot My Spikes" G.1'lau.ItI__,-1tImalI lO.Not Finally.the 45. RattH-.:lIIr1M1l_11d real man's sport, I "'.R_ ).I.R __ Men's Baseball: Brown, Brian Hughes and Mike l6.SilOtIlolappro 50."1 ...- .... JohnFitzsimmonscomes back hands loaded with talent this year. "Nice Wig" Kunzer. The Good l7.nn...n1 51.s.. 39.N ... ~ from a fine season which consisted In the field events we have Big Ben I>octor(aIsoknown as Coach Doug 53. MeDauI food of a .375 batting average, 26 runs, Kling tossing some serious im- Renner) has really helped these 5!.SotIu.n.It8Ie(abbr.) ".- ...- b, kPBdo-. and 27 R.B.I.'s while at third. He's plemnts along with 'The Jaws" previously timid youngsters a·Larte~;hlb 44. Deaft 59.o.td_penoII "".~(pm.) to 61. DNIrn joined by hot-hitting Bill Butz at (I'm not even going to try to spell come a long way. Oh yeah, some OLe-> 5l.No(SeoI.) left, and dependable K. C. Crystal his name. but you allknow who I'm newcomer named Bill Desciak: 5t. lMksta m- (.'.J 57.31_(abbr.) behind the plate. Other returning talking about) doing some pretty should contribute. He's not that 5I.~( .... ) starters are shortstop Ed Moriarity impressive throws himself. bad, but he really does have some 60.3.14159 , sophomore first baseman Rob First year thrower Barb Wolf cute legs. Until next time ... Howell, and right fielder Joe Her- should prove to be a pleasant sur-
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