Page 74 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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.. ,'.,'. 'J .. ',' .. 'j.:. : ••. , , , . , ~', t, '. Page 2IWestern Maryland College!April 13, 1989 'FANS. CHINESE RESTAURANT Jaques Brei to be performed at WMC Hunan Downtown Szechuan Westminster Cantonese 59W. Main St. Polynesian 848-0919 by Alicia JanneyIWoody American 876-3166 Cornell perfonnance requires actors to feel the music as they sing it." Senior communications major Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out The soul-stirring musical Coleen Foley perceives the revue revue, Jacques Brei is Alive and as "intensely political, yet beauti- llAM-lOPM Sun-Thurs & 11 AM-llPM Fri-Sat Well andLiving inParis, will be the fully romantic." Likewise, gradu- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• final theater production of the something." ate student Kathy Shilling calls • :Math Career Night • spring. Exploding with passion, Mary Lee Schmal1, musical Jacques Brei "very eye-opening . . Jacques B,,{ attempts 10 explain director for Jacques Brei, feels that and true to life." is Alive and Well the revue is very unique and that it JacquesBrei of human values • the manipulation · A °119 t 7 30 pm : in a not-so-perfect world. is music to grow to love." Jacques and Living and runs through the a: : pn in Paris will debut The company is very enthusi- loss, waste, brutality, Brei explores April 20th in the Leidy Room • . Weinfeld describes it as "an anti- and impotence while compassion, 22ndandagainthe27th through the therevue. asucabout simultane- DirectorTim All shows begin at 8:00 p.m. revealing ously 29th. • dote forfutility,as assiduous warn- understanding, love, and inti- in the Understage. Admission is • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ing for the future." macy." $4. Reserve seating only, please Mike Pressimone. a member Armand "Rock" Reiser, a phone 857-2448 for information Summer Employment: of the cast, adds that "It is unusual sophomore communications major and reservations, means really to find music of the cast, says "The and member that The Kite Loft 504 services suffer from Ocean City, MD Looking for athletic, student ignorance personable, high achievers to assume responsibility in re-offered during the month of fun retail. Excellent pay By ~ennyOtto April. The 504 Office, interrelated and extra rewards to the with "Don't undertake vast projects the with the Academic Skills Center different ideas," states half-vast. goals, iselso yet fulfilling successful. bumper sticker tacked up on the found in the basement of ANW. at the 6th Sf. and Boardwalk bulletin board TheASC Academic Matt Jackson, director (504 of Disabled Student Office), Services Skills Center. is one vast the two services Call 301 289-7855 project with vast ideas which has seeks to converge "centralized ap- into a more The fault of not been fully utilized. this, according to coordinator proach." The name "504 Office" Randy Roberts. lies in the general comes from Section 504 - The JOB lack of knowledge or perhaps sheer - Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which is a law found under public educa- ignorance on the pan of students of lion stating students that disabled job \"jobl 1. a: a piece of work; specll. a this useful service. cannot be discriminated against in The Academic small miscellaneous piece of work undertaken a facility developed Skills Center is any way on campus. Dean by or ordered at a stated rate. MacVittie, Assistant Dean of Aca- Right now, Jackson works demic Affairs, and is located in the IF with 23 undergraduates by helping rate iratI 1. a reckoned value. basement of Albert Norman Ward. Matt Jackson, Coordinator with scheduling. classroom prob- Roberts' job is to coordinate stu- of 504 services lems, prospective disabled stu- dent tutors on campus, to provide a dents, personal counseling, and mon-ey Iman-el 1. something generally series of constructive workshops, Whether the workshops were even deals with disabled relatives accepted as a medium of exchange or means and help students who are either on well-publicized cannot be an argu- who want to attend graduation, but of payment. Academic probation, or just need ment for this lack of auendance as need special accommodations. basic aid in their studies. Roberts advertised through per- Perhaps a stigma is also placed on The dilemma that has devel- sonal letters to students on aca- this office as Jackson stressed that oped, however, is that the center demic probation, signs around he not only works with physically has had a very feeble response campus, and notes in "WMC This disabled students, but also with since its birth about a year ago. Week." ones who have mental learning Roberts claims this could be due to Although Macvtuie had pro- problems. its obscure and inconvenient Ioca- bation students in mind when she "This place exists for number tion on campus, but places more formed the Academic Skills Center one. If you have problems as a blame on the general lack of coop- on academic probation this semes- room. I am here to help you out," you (there are just under 200 students result of any sort of disability, - years InMarch,Robertsheldaseries have people. "People view the center as said Jackson. slow This includes to not should not tough itcut in the class- eration towards his facility. "I"vebeenateacherfortwenty for these ter), it is not exclusively prob- I think I really and something reading to offer," he said. from lems remediation. being able lO pass the math profi- There is a stigma at- 1 of workshops management to note- tached lO it," said Roberts. his grades, ciency test the message con- areas Anyone that covered In general, from who wants to improve time Skills Center that the Academic said, "Be successful Roberts the turnout fortunately, for these LOOKING FOR A SUMMER JOB, CONTACT taking to stress during finals. Un- cut backonacademlc anxiety.or in life as veyed by Jackson and Roberts is THE MARKETING OFFICE AND SPEAK WITH helpful sessions was zero. Roberts by setting goals and managing and the 504 Office are open to all MARY JO COLBERT. (EXT. 295) feels that no matter what kind of time," can certainly find the work- undergraduates. hand" It is a well-quali- shops useful, no matter what his or is always you are, "there student fied "helping that can im- room for improvement" her OPA. The workshops will be prove anyone's skills.
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