Page 77 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 77
April 13, 1989 !Western Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Helen Low('jWendy Rudennan Do you think abortion should be illegal? Definitely not, it's a NO!! If you take away a Yes!!Noonehastherightto No, Ithink it should be legal No, because it's destruction woman's own right to her woman's right to do what take life, even ifit is only the under certain circum- of freedom. body and the government she wishes with her own potential to be life. The stances. Also, it is safer if it should have no say in it. body then you are setting Catholic Church, which I is legal. her back more than 100 follow, also does not permit years. it. People should be care- ful! Debbie Thigpen Natalie Regensburg David Dinges Stephanie Cordom Daniel Mills Bob Brown Blue notes tuition increase at Mid-Western Maryland College I recently visited the exiled by last week's mark-ups in the Bob Brown who is taking some College Bookstore. your payment you will receive a courses at nearby Midwestern • Room The new library, which prom- complimentary set of Ginsu Maryland College, down the road III Board ises to be one of the mostsplcndif- knives: one for tomatoes, one tocut in Midwestminster. He gave me a m Tuition erous in the country for a college of soupcans, and one for the cafeteria copy of aletterthat the President of our name, will be constructed, steaks. If you are one of the first thecolJegehad sent to all of the stu- amazingly enough, without the 100 callers, you will receive, at no dents just before Spring Break to faculty and students being able to extra cost, the amazing new announce the upcoming rise in tui- use it. Cadbury's Diamelle Condom. Include tion. BobBrowngavemeacopyto 1987.88 1988-89 1989-90 By doubling the size of the Please, send no cash. $849.95 for shipping and handling, share with yous here at Western School Year library, moving the sixth floor into and allow two semesters for deliv- Maryland, hoping that we'd never the basement, the second floor to ery. be subjected to the same kind of Trucknegie Foundation for attending Midwestern Maryland the top level, and the card cata- foolishness. MakingaKilling,madesuchavisit College In 1989-90 will be: logues into the bathrooms, we here Toodles XOXOXO, himself. at Midwestern Maryland are un- Dear Midwestern Maryland Stu- During his visit. Professor Room: 1,763.00 derlining, bold-facing, italicizing, R.H.Rooms dents: Kleenersadmittedtomethathehad Board: 2,183.1415926535 and superscripting our commit- President Despite the fact that ice, snow, bowel disorders and that small lib- Tuition: 6 zillion.45 ment to provide you with a solid, and air surround us as I write this era] arts colleges like Midwestern 2MUCH4U2P.AY well-rounded liberal artseducauon P.S. After extensive research, irre- we it financially deemed have letter, we all can take heart that I Maryland are 'the entrepreneurs' as well as twice the number of sponsible to start a campaign to can write in any kind of weather of American higher-priced educa- In addition, to support our desks and walls on which 10 in- raise $8 million in order to provide and that another spring is upon us. tion. You can be sure of that. standing faculty and students, we scribe your personal comments. eight thousand $1 000 scholarships/ Those who journey to 'The Such salvation comes by way have embarked upon- a major ad- As Professor Kleeners ob- grants. Such tomfoolery is no bet- Mound' in the spring, but particu- of administrators who are dedi- venture, the cost of which will not served, 'I believe in my pancreas of ter than our country mending its larly between March 20 and June cated to the subtle art of tuition be borne by junior Scott Errand's pancreii that there is no beuer military budget toprovide food and 20, are undoubtedly oppressed by hiking. Too often, at the large, tuition dollars. I speak, of course, preparation for bankruptcy than better jobs for our poor. It also Midwestern Maryland's scenery, basically research-oriented institu- you silly persons, of the plans to you get here at Midwestern Mary- shows ignorance to the fact that its social stagnancy, and its prom- tions of the land, 'undergraduates renovate my yacht. ..I mean, the land.' • ise of tuition and room/board price get their money's wonb.' At a Hooville Library. ('And all the And while you may get edu- libraries make a campus, not the growth. smaller college, wehavethepoten- Hoc's in Hooville joined hands cated here, it is the providing of students. Recently, Dr. Takemtu tiaI to avoid this sort of corruption. around the Administration build- - --I Kleeners. a philosopher named Yet the cost of the 13:1 stu- ing and sang songs of joy, un- ~~~~~s~.~i.~~gc~~~~~:':::~ fFINANCIALODE - MudflapvilIe's 1988 Professor of dent/faculty ratio which allows daunted by the Grinch Who Stole premier institutions in the United IEducation's price has risen SOhigh I beer and the keg. I States. IImust renounce the Year by the Council for the M.W.M.C. to provide a truly ex- Education. ') So hurry up and send a check IIn order to sport next year's bill I Advancement and Augmentation pensive education is not insubstan- The cost will be supported of the Cost of Education and by the tial. Accordingly, the expense of entirely by.the sale of Fort Knox or for $15000 to M.W.M.e. With 1!!~1~~o~m_r~~~~e!J
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