Page 71 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 71
March 9. 1989/Westem Maryland College/Page 7 JimCardea Swimteam breaks records at MAC's It's allover. The color and affs, how about that baffling for- pageantry of the Intramural basket- mal? 1M athletes across the cam- ball Tournament sadly came to a . pus, reacted with s~ock and anger close last night as a new 1M hoop last week when this year's format By Sieve Harlan champion was crowned before an was announced. The zany set-up anticipated standing room only left the Hazers one win away from The Western MarylandSwim Freshman Matt Cook placed crowd at the PELC. the finals. while their first place Team completed its '89 season at second in the l00-meter and sev- At this very moment the new counterparts "Bachelors Best" had the Middle Atlantic Conference enth in the 200-meter butterfly. champs' motorcade is probably to win an additional game to make Championships on February 23. Cook's trial time of 54.87 seconds making its way down Pennsylva- it just as far. 24,and25.Inthethreedaysofthe in the lOO-meter broke the record nia Avenue, receiving a Westmin- This year's set upalscexposed meet, five WMC school records he set in November. Senior Cap- ster-style uckertape parade, before the dark side of intramural hoops, were broken, and one title was tainSteveHegnaplaced tenth in the throngs of loyal fans and well- as the dreaded scheduling conflict defended. The Terror men placed lOO-meter backstroke, yet broke a wishers. This wild celebration is reared its ugly head. The Preachers Ieighth out of thirteen and the Terror ten-year school record with a time the climax of this season's exciting were forced to forfeit their opening women were eleventh out of four- of 2 minutes and 12.26 seconds. edition of the Road to the Final round play-off game, due 10a pre- teen. The last record broken was in the Four (or in this year's case, the vious off-campus' commitment. Junior John Ehlman success- 200-meter freestyle relay. The "Road to the Final Three.") This was especially disappointing fully defended his title in the 50- team of Cook, freshman Trevor There was no shortage of ac- considering that they had targeted meter freestyle while breaking his Wysong, Hegna, and Ehlman set tion prior to thefinals,as the field of Although Steckel has admittedly the game for an inspirational come- own school record with a time of the new record with a time of 1 fifteen teams was eventually been struggling this season, he is back. 21.84 seconds. Ehlman also broke minute and 33.54 seconds. The whittled down to ten for the play- still capable of exploding at any Instead. theBetes scrimmaged the school record in the lOO-meter only member of the women's team offs. Among those were the sur- time. He showed this prowess by among themselves tcpass the lime. freestyle with a time of 49.39 sec- to place was freshman Valerie prising Pipes, who used a furious erupting for double figures against "I scored 48 points," gushed Jim onds. He placed third in that event Shearer, who placed eleventh in the late season surge to squeak into the the Sig- Eps. He has still not Convery after the pick-up game. Both records were set by Ehlman lOO-meter backstroke. tournament behind freshmen Tony reached his full potential, however. Convery hoped to duplicate that on the 27 and 26, respectfully, of Ammirata and Jake Neel. When asked to comment on his outstanding performance in regula- 1988. The Pipes also possessed two season, the exasperated Steckel tionplay. . secret weapons in Eric Frees and pleaded, "Don't print my stats." One of the more intriguing Andy Steckel. Frees who has been Speaking of unsung players, play-off matchups had the Phi described as "out of control" by his how about Bill Desciak? A couple Delts who disposed of the Fearless teammates, silenced his critics by of weeks ago, I took a lotofheat for Forcasters, piuedagainsthe Bache- coming up with a key steal against giving such lavish praise to the lors Best. According to Mike the Independents in a convincing slick backcoun man. 'The guy Schmall, the Phi Dells ducked the first round play-off win. With time never started a J.V. game, "com- Bachelors during regular season I runningoul,thePipeshadthegame plained teammate Dave Cadigan. play, claiming they couldn't field a well in hand when Frees streaked Well, since then Dez has been out tearn. That same night, Schmall by a bewildered opponent for the of the lineup with injuries suffered alleges he saw the Phi Delts in the theft. as the frenzied crowd roared during alate-night altercation. The Pub dancing the night away. As with approval. Beres unsurprisingly have lost two this column went to press, Schmall One of the most vocal support- games as a result Talk about no was looking to pull the plug on the ers was the bulky Steckel. whose respect. Unfortunately there was Phi Dell's jukebox, as his team massive arms are rumored to have more bad news hoped to waltz intothefinaIs. Until inspired his team's unusual name. While on the topic of the play- next time sports fans Coach Martin "disappointed" over bb1h;. 'tt won' do any good to report a rape unless your clothes the injuries, because are torn and you have other visible physical police won't believe you .. loss of slot in NCAA Tournament fRt The classic case of the hysterical, battered and of rape victims bleeding The majority rape victim Is rare. experience shock or a numbness, and display few serious physical injuries. Most police Investigations realize this and By Steve Harlan do not make judgements based solely on the condtUon of clothing or lack of physical InJury. The Terror women finished They are only losing one member to their post-season play on February graduation. "We will have primar- For help or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention 23 with a loss to Franklin & ily the same tram," stated Martin. Service. Our services are free, and all inquiries are confidentiaL Marshall in the semi-final round of "The starting five will be intact the MAC Play-offs. This lossledto depending on Claire's situation." another letdown when the team did Claire Thevenoux is the junior not receive a slot for the NCAA exchange student who charged Fitzgerald's Division III Tournament onto thecourtthis season tolead the "I was definitely disap- team in rebounds and was second Carriage House Liquors pointed," slated Head Coach only tojunior Barb Wolf in scoring. Becky Martin, in reference to the Theotherthree members of the 113 W. Main St., Westminster NCAA Tournament. "Our record five returning will bejunior Caitlin reflected the talent and excellence Monroe (who led the team in free of the team." throws with a percentage of 79.2). specials this month ... The women were in the Top Melissa Hallmark, and freshman ....Coors. Coors Light & Extra Gold $11.99/case 20 of the nation in regards to win! Angie Alfano. loss percentage. The team entered Coach Martin feels that next ....Beck's 6pack $4.99/ case $17.99 theMACPlay-offswitharecordof year's team will be even better ....Heineken 12 Pack $8.99 19 wins and 4 losses. The first because "This year's freshmen will game was an 89-82 win against and 5. "I have no regrets about this have a year's experience." With Budweiser. Bud Light (cans) $11.99 case Moravian in the quarterfinals. This season. The record stood for it- everyone returning for next season, was followed by a 51ยท84 loss to self," stated Coach Martin. the Terror women can definitely Cash and Carry while supplies last. F&M. The women finished the Next year's season should be strive to better the excellentaccom- '88-'89 season with a record of 20 just as exciting for the women. plishments of this past season.
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