Page 66 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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"' ....j Page 2IWestern Maryland College/March 9, 1989 Gallery One to feature members Talent Night returns with new judges oftheAEA By Jenny Otto tertainment will be performed by a the actualjudging. Nonewilljudge to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The judging problems en- non-participant of the show. both performances to ensure im- Phoenix Staff The show's opening will be from 7 countered by CapBoard's Talent This year's chairperson, Mer- partiality. TheMarylandmembersofthe to 9 p.m. on February 28. Night last year have resulted in an ryn Cantrill, also has another solu- In addition to judging prob- Artists Equity Association, Inc., a More than 220 artists are overhaul of the judge selection and tion to eliminate discrepancies in lems, Talent Night also suffered national organization of profes- members of the Maryland AEA judging processes in preparation judging. from over-crowding in "the Pub. sionals from every visual arts field, Chapter. Artists are accepted on for this year'scontest to be held on "This year for judges, we are This year, however, the show will will display their works in Gallery the basis of educational back- April 6 in the Forwn. asking for representatives (prefera- be held in the forum to eliminate One in the Fine Arts Building from ground, past and present art activ- Wendy Davis, last year's bly the presidents) of each campus overcrowding. February 28 until March 17. ity, and commitment and exhibi- chairperson explained, "Last time, group inclunding fraternities, so- Talent Night is open to all but Gallery One hours are lOa.m. tion record. thetalentshowgotoutofhand. We rorities, other Student organiza- auditions are mandatory. All tal- let one group play afterwards and tions, two faculty members, and ents are welcome to auditon. some other people thought that it two secretaries. This will give us Prizes are being offered. The was unfair that the group got more between 10-20 judges," said Can- winner will receive $100. Second expsoure to the judges and audi- trill. and third prize winners will be ence." She explained that the high awarded money or gift certificates. This problem is being met number of judges is crucial for Also, according to Aleta Bruno, head-on by taking several precau- having and objective, widely-rep- 1989 May Day chairperson, the tions forthe 1989 show. Davis says rcsentanvepanel. Alsosomeofthe three winners will have the oppror- that everyone will be given equal judges will only attend auditions tunity lO perform during the festi- time this year. Also the fill-in en- and some will only be present for val this year. Tom Harbold seA offers fantasy and adventure Hunan Downtown Knights in shining armour. prowess in annual elimination The Society is very conscious Szechuan Westminster Fair maidens. Noble lords and tournaments or tourneys. In these of providing for its members a Cantonese 59W. Main St. brave deeds. Many of us have . the best fighters - many of them "total. medieval experience," Polynesian 848-0919 dreamed of somehow riding a time knights of the realm of travel, therefore, all participants in fonnal sometimes from hundreds of miles events are expected to dress, talk, machine back to those glorious American 876-3166 days of "once upon a time" - go away, compete for the crown, and and act, insofar as possible, in the on, admit it! There's something the honor of their ladies. character of some person living in Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out about the Age of Chivalry that Escapism? Definitely! But no the time period covered by the holds a continuing fascination for moresotban,say,footbaJl. And the SCA. This is rather broad - \==ll::AM=-:::l=O=PM==:S::::un=-=Th=:W"S=&=ll=AM==- ::ll:=P=:M=Fn=· =- S::::'::t==\ ~~thr::~ih~~~~~~~:~~~:::~esc~~t!~d;~~~~~o~ loosely, any time before 1650, so there's a lot of leeway for original- WMC STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF! grad school, to the greenhouse et- and related fields. ity. The atmosphere at an SCA feet, to AIDS. Wouldn't it be nice The SCA forms what some- event really has to be experienced tostepbacktotheMiddleAges,not times seems almost to be a second MEET necessarily as they were, but as national, even international, gov- to be believed. Except for the (basically) modem English lan- emment,a1beit one with no author- they should have been? guage - often with various au- DORIS substance for the men and women, ity outside the realm of its organi- - and an occasional anachronistic That dream bas been given thentic or quasi-authentic accents zation. But then, whargovemmem SCHULTZ several thousand of them across the has? And it's notall agame,atleast (remember what the "A" stands United States and overseas, who not completely. for'?") topic of conversation, you are members of the Society for "Scadians"taketbeprinciples YOUR DECKER CreativeAnaehronism,Inc.,anon- and customs of their organization could almost swear you were in the lO time and place you are trying COLLEGE CENTER profit educational organization quite seriously. Titles and posi- recreate. It's much more intense, at a tionsarenotfrivolous-theymust ~,.,-;:- __ __, BRANCH MANAGER dedicatCd to preserving, promot- be earned. Not all fighters become good event, than even the best ing, and recreating where neces- lJorWSduU., sary the arts and sciences, customs knights, in fact, comparatively few Rennaissance Faire, although they B""""hM"""If'T and courtesies of the Middle Ages. do, due to the stringent require- can be great fun as well. Many of Let Union National Bank help you to establish credit. Members of the SCA, as it is ments. Aknightmustnotoniybea the regular contributors of the Whether you're interested in a checking or savings ac- known, build weapons (out of rat- beuer-than-average fighter, he (or Renneissance Festivals, visitors, count, a VISA card, or even a car loan, we're interested. tan, not steell), authentic shields she) must also be skilled in a wide staff,and merchants, are often SCA in getting you off to the right start. andannoc,andthen fight with them range of courtly graces, be re- or similar. in wars and tournaments. They spected and known to be honor- But whether you are a serious UNION NATIONAL BANK FEATURES hold feasts and revels, and work- able,andbewillingtoswearaquite medieval scholar or just someone FREE CHECKING FOR STUDENTS shops on such diverse topics as serious fonn of fealty, at least as looking toescape fora few hours or medieval costuming, armoury, regards the Society and Society days from the modern world to a • Conveniently located on the lower level of Decker College herbalism, calligraphy and illumi- affairs. And anyone of any rank place where honor and courtesy are Center, across from Englar Dining Hall. nation, brewing, and _authentic whobebavesdisbonorablyts likely more than empty words, and the • Introducing our UNION NATIONAL VISA card featuring music and dance. Any docu- to fmd himself up before a board of very air seems somehow cleaner, low interest rates and no annual fee for the first year. mentable medieval an,craft or sci- chivalry, where he may lose his the SCA probably has something • 5.5% on passbook savings ence can be found somewhere in rank, or even, in extreme or re- for you. ,,·If the sound of distant the SeA. peated cases, be banned from the trumpets and the sight of pennons • Monday - Friday: 9:30 am to 2 pm Beyond this, they have an Society. Knighthood-like aero- snapping from lance-tips sets your organizationalsuucturebuiltupon lades (or "non-fighters include the heart racing, give it a try! Chivalry Where Money Matters ... People Matter More! feudal principles. The country and Order of the Laurel, for talent and may be out of fashion, but it is still overseas territories are divided up willingness to teach in the arts and alive in the Society for Creative 848 -7200 ~ 876-2051 into kingdoms, which are in turn sciences, and the Order of the Peli- Anachronism. ~ subdivided into baronies, shires, can,foradministrativeservice.Re- Anyone interested in fonning ~ and so on. Kings,andoccasionally quirements for these are just as such a group on campus should through contact Tom Harbold :~:a~~::~:~::!:~:~~~fi~~n~s:::~~·m~~ campus mail. AnEctual~gLonder bered by the men as of yell) win visiblepartoftbeSCAtooutsiders, L __ :::- ...J their crowns through their fighting it is by no means the only part. --------
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