Page 64 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 64
'. Page 8IWestem Maryland ColiegeIFebruary 23, 1989 Rock Reiser Long given hon- Her Alibi reveals Selleck's acting abilities orable mention by Pizza Hut Poriskova makes stew for a dinner By Steve Harlan YOU QUALIFY FOn With "Three Men And A Baby", Tom Selleck finally party given by Selleck. and she INSTANT CREDIT! refuses to eat with the guests silencedcriticswhohadlabled him because of tradition. She leaves and Terror middle linebacker Greg Start making credit pur- strictly a television actor. "Her to the chases nlMEDIATELYI \4e the guests begin to eat, however Long was recently named will send you a Members Alibi" boosts seUeck to even Selleck had previously given some 1988 Pizza Hut Division m All Credit Card at once witl] greater heights while providing a America Football Team as an hon- NO CREDIT CHECK:IiUy any vehicle in which he can truly of the stew to the family kitten. orable mention selection. When Jewelry, Clothing,Sport- During the meal Selleck relates his demonstrate his comic abilities. suspicions to his guests and they all asked about his reaction to the se- Lng Goods,Watches, Elec- Director Bruce Beresford lection, Long stated, "I was defi- tronics [, MOREl All with combineshumorandintrigueintoa have a big laugh at the absurdity. nitely surprised, especially since 1 installment payments out very entertaining murder mystery, Selleckflndsthekitten lyingnexuc didn 'treceiveany recognition from of our "Giant 100+ Pages the bowl of stew as stiff as a board. and complimenting the talents of the Conference." Catalog." Take 12 months Selleck, "Her Alibi" introduces instantly falls in love with just as he and his guests finish Such recognition from the to repay. Your personal Paulina Poriskova as a young Poriskova, and provides her with < eating. This sends a panic through MAC would have been well-de- credit card is a -secood for .. Czehoslavakian woman who an alibi as his lover and the two the house and the race is on to the served. Long was WMC's Most 1.D.- valuable plus check cashing, your etc. begin living together. Meanwhile hospital for stomach pumps. After allegedly murdered a young Valuable Player and Most Valuable Students Credit Group Selleck begins to write his greatest a nightofbilarious insanity they all student at the college she was Defensive Player of 1988. The 6- A-l reference will be on mystery novel using his own return to the house only to fmd that attending. Ponskova, an ex- foot, tso-pcond sophomore started file to help you obtain superstar model does more than experiences with Poriskova. Little the cat had died of natural causes all 10 games and was involved in a other credit cards. So tum heads-in this picture, which does he know that a powerful and oot the stew. twists and turns, team-high 154 tackles, including send in your $5 cac a Iog The plot comes as a pleasant surprise. czech imigmtion team is out to five for losses. He tied for the lead deposit now. {refundable Poriskova turns in a performance catch and if neccesary kill keeping the viewer on the edge of in interceptions with three, and also with your first order} EsUbbh YlUcr8d~lodlV! that is convincing and humorous. Poriskova if she can't be returned their seats, and laughing the entire broke up two passes. Long's best 10a%S7lI!tJdillnCUmn1Md~ ~I The movie opens with Selleck, to her country. Selleck begins to time. "Her Alibi" is definitely a ______ -'=="-1 IOf)'IJJrM~ryBlck) an accomplished author, sweating suspect the young womans great one and well worth the game of the season he was made against 24 Muhlenberg, when away over his latest novel, which innocence as strange "accidents" admission price, andfel1as,Paulina tackles, including 17 solo. ----"'--- his editor has decided that it is not begin happening to him. He is never looked better. up to standard. Sellecks' critics are almost killed when Poriskova ~: MEMBERS P.O.80"'" breathing down his neck, his editor accidently drives into him Students FnRTLAUDERD.I.l.E, is irrate, and his loyal readers are smashing into the garage, and then (four stars C-OI~OO' ~"""" RDlflDA 3BU **** out of five) calling him too predictable and again by a wild arrow which hits over-the-hill. Selleck meets and him in the behind In one scene Youdon'tneed youfRarents' money tobuyaMacintosh Justtheir signature It's never been difficult for students to convince foryou in just a fewweeks. Which gives you and your parents plenty of time their parents of the need for a Macintosh' computer There's no collateral. No need to prove financial to decide just who pays for it all. at school. hardship. No application fee. • Persuading them to write the check, however, is Best of all, the loan payments can be spread over • another thing altogether as many as 10years. .11." -. J& Introducin~le's WhICh IS why Apple created the Student Loan to- StudentLoan-to- Program OwnProgramAntngemOUSloanprogramthatmak~ FORMoREbrFoRMATIOiI bUYIng a Macmtosh as easy as usmg one _ - see Ed Holthause in tho _j Simply pick up an application atthe location • • omoo of Aadomi, Computing. - hstedbelow, orcallSOO 831IDAN Allyour parents • needtodOlsfillrtout,srgn u.and send rt .. ~I_';' -..- - ~ Ifthey qualify, they'll receive a check ~19!I!IAflPle Computer.IIlC A~e. the Apple )O!lO,afll.lMacim!M are regi~eled tradem:ub of Apple Computer, 11K'
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