Page 61 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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February 23, 1989!Western Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Helen Lowe/Wendy Ruderman Have the social habits ofWMC students changed in order to protect themselves against disease? Ithink that more students It makes people think Ithink girls are being more I'm not a peeping tom, so I No,because most people get are taking advantage of '3 aboutitwhenthey'resober, careful, because they are don't know what kind of together when they have for Free' at Smith House, but when they get lntoxi- afraid of being used, not social habits the students been drinking and they but some students don't cated they don't practice because of fear due to dis- have, but I don't know tend not to worry about it. think it can happen to them what tbey preach. ease. anyone with problems. Shelly Coates James M. Borra Heather Jarp Chris Covell Chip Barnes Bey Meganhardt News in brief Student suggests IGC reforms Relatives Protest Response to Jet Editor's Note: Suggestions in ings are held at 7pm on ahemate bet. This could eliminate some of non-communication begins as well Bombing this article have been adapted/rom Tuesdays and there are usually lheapathy. during the third week. This time (Washington Post 217) assignments in last/all's Technical conflicts. In addition, people are Rush is an activity occurring period is 100 short for both the Writing Class. usual1ynotifiedof changes too late. every semester which is designed rushees and the organizations. By In this case, telephone calls in addt· to encourage a student to join a inviting more freshmen to Admidst charges of negli- The Inter-Greek council was tion to notices through campus Greek organization. It can beexcit- clubroom parties and having more gence by Pan Am and the United States government, the relatives of rush parties. rushees and confusing. potential ing, challenging established in the 1985-1986 mail may alleviate the problem. IGC has tried to make the process could learn more about each or- Flight 103 victims have added a school year in an attempt to con- Rivalry among the Greeks as a smooth and clear, however this has ganization. new charge of official indifference solidate the then separate Inter whole is unavoidable. but it should been effective when one considers The men have no rush guide- towards their emotional trauma. Fraternity Council and Inter Soror- not be carried into the IGC meet- the number of people who de- lines and are in the process of creat- Colleen Hermann of Hunting- iry Council. TheIGC'spwposeis ings. Itcreates tension in the meet- pledge. The rush guidelines need to ing and. revising them. The ton, N.Y., described how her fam- not only to promote solidarity ings, therefore goals cannot be be revised as they currently are women'sguidlines,asstatedabove ily watched as 10 caskets. one within the Greeks, but also to inte- completed. Better relations could subject to various interpretations. are unclear. Perhaps a rush com- containing her brother's body, grate with the entire campus com- occur with events such as Greek The rules need 10 be clearly ex- mittee could be formed so that the were unloaded by forklift from a munity. Like other organizations, Day, or the all-Greek party which plained for all parties involved. rules are parallel. This will create plane in a livestock cargo area at it does have problems. The main was held two weeks ago. Cocktail Orientation is for tbeorganiza- unity and enable everyone to have John F. Kennedy International problems within the IGC are the parties, trips. and community serv- tions to answer any question for the a clear understanding of what is Airport. organization, rivalry, apathy, the ice are just some of the ways that rushees and to collect rush fee. At going on at the meetings. "There were no representa- rush program, and ambiguity in its the Greeks can work together even Vague fines and penalties are tives of Pan Am there,' she said regulations. lhough they are different With this time, the rushees ask very few also a problem facing the IGC. tearfully at a news press confer- The basic problem within the Greek systems vanishing aU over, questions and the sororities do not ence. 'No one even spoke English, organization is found in its the time is now for all to unite. offer any voluntary infonnation. When disciplinary action is either and that is how my brother came non-existent or 100 lenient, it be- constitution. Vague wording in the Apathy is high among the IGC An additional orientation at the end comes difficult to enforce the es- home.?' document should be made more members. With the majority of the of the Freshman year- could help explicit. The constitution has no members being seniors, they are alleviate some of the problems. tablished rules. Fines for rush vio- President Bush lations are difficult to define while set method for elections. Inorderto knowledgeable, but time is not on Each president would speak for penalties for missed meetings are Announces Revis- regulate elections, candidates their side. With classes, job place- their group and then have a open not enforced. Again. simply speci- could give speeches and answer ment and other activities, IGC can forum for questions as freshmen fying the rules may be enough to edBudget questions for the members in order be on the back-burner. A solution are more inclined to ask questions. (Washington Post 2110) involved in The procedures to lessen the ''popularity vote." would be to put juniors in the IGC Rush are also a problem. Rushees sol~~~:iems within the in the spring. to"learn the ropes." The constitution states thereshouJd They can carry the tenn for a year attend four parties the first week of IGC are solved the or~ization President Bush has asked for new be an agenda for meetings, but is l not followed. Implementing the for the next junior to lake their rush, and then it is limited to two will be able to better sqrve the spending of $768 million in educa- tion for fiscal year 1990. A portion agenda would instantly create a place. With lite senior still around, out of the four the following week. Greek community as well as the of this is requested for mathematics The rushees make a decision and independants. more organized atmosphere. Meet- they can help the new junioc men- and science scholarships.
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