Page 62 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Page 6fWestern Maryland CollegeIFebruary 23, 1989 Hartman analyzes prejudice Continued from page 4 coming and autonomous person seek a target outside of ourselves. whose views and values are the When it surfaces it shoots out poi- person is afraid, not of blacks or result of one's own courageous soned arrows in the Conn of epi- Jews or females, but of oneseU, of thinking. When the mind of the thets, slurs, and obscenities. It conscience, of freedom, of one's mob has taken over all talk of "in- seeks a sense of self-esteem and own instincts and responsibilities. dividualism" resounds only of the importantly by treating others as Bigots travel in groups and packs. banal and the vacuous ..Itis striking lesser beings of whom, in the last They echo the sentiments of those thatracial and ethnic slurs areoften analysis, it wills destruction. The around them. There is need for written as graffiti on walls in the Jew or black or female is only a Andrea Covington recently led the sale of condom-grams to raise reinforcement of their views, for privacy of bathrooms and are pretext, the victim of our auempt to funds for H.E.R.O.(Heallh Education Resource Organization). The hiding behind the conventional, the shouted in the dark of the night- convince ourselves that our place precisely so that the author of the successful sale grossed over fifty dollars which will be sent to cliche, the mentality of the herd. words can remain anonymous. has a1ways been cut out in the H.ERO. All their answers are ready-made, Or world, that we are truly preem- full of stereotypes. They insist that they are issued form the midst of inent, not outof a true sense of self- We are now in the process of getting a WMC credit card which will one's views are a matter of individ- the group which brays its approval. worth. In bigotry we try to hide It is high time to see prejudice give students and faculty 10% to 50% discounts at various restaurants ual opinion, but thatis butamask to for what it is; aplague that threatens form our own mediocrity and cow- and businesses throughout the surrounding area. Hopefully, we'll hide behind, a pretext for not think- to infect us individually andcollec- ardice. In short, we try to become have these discount cards, good for one year, by early April. ing at all and for holding on to their anything except a genuine human passion. Prejudice has its roots in a uvely. Its source is to be found not being. Results of the GLAR survey has been tallied. Look for them in the fear of not conforming, a fear of just in our ignorance but in our next edition of the PHOENIX. - being an individual, a fear of be- insecwitiesand fearsas well which Justask social head Jim Cardea who is currently "grabbing the bull by Inez reading begins poetry series Plan on several SGA sponsored social events to be held in the Spring. the horns", in spite of his recent basketball injury. By Erwin Gonzalez The WMC English Depart- mentis sponsoring a Visiting Poets Series forthis spring semester. The series was kicked off on Wednes- day, February 15, at 4: 3Opm., in McDaniel Lounge with acclaimed poet Colette Inez, who read a number of her works. Colette Inez is a poet of dis- tinction. In 1973. she won the Great lakes Colleges Association Award for her first book, The Woman Who Loved Worms. In addition to this award, she has been bestowed the PushcartPrize (1986- 87), theKreymborgAward,and the Reedyaward from the Poetry Soci- ety of America. Miss Inez has also been the receiver of the Guggen- Colette Inez, author of Family Life, signs caples of her heim Fellowship (1985-86). a book for students RoclcefeUerFeliowship(1980)and three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships (1975.1988, 1989). his death. Ms. Inez remained in the Today, Colette Inez resides in DOWN Before the reading, she stated. orphanage until war threatened, an apartment in New York over- ....... •.__ v_ "I feel very personal about my then she was moved. She added, "It looking Central Park with her hus- I.J.JaIII J.HJpIlOIe ..... ,.........,._.,... ·3·Loq-IoecboI,tlPdellllird poems. Sometimes I see them as was a secret covenant that my fa- band, Saul Stadtmauer, a freelance __ U.S.Afrk:p_~""'1 4. 0.1 01 ndI hMftd .... drowning and I want to rescue therpaidfor my one waypassageto writer, whom Inez describes as a 5.AnuaI!II 1l.U_' them." She considers herself to be America." major source of support. •4. ~ AnMc...-nt t. FcJpdP ....... a "card carrying ordained poet" and Once arriving in the United Due to the financial assistance u..... " •• (p.I.) ......... 1'.~ those "occasions awaiting." nia to live with a friend of her rently spending most of her free ..A..-.! .... 17 ....... nIIwQ' ,.InItUe,.,..., often carries a note pad. with her for States.sbewastobesemto Califor- of a government grant, she is cur- .1.0-,- ...- It..un.;_IJNd.) ...N.I:....,. Her most recent book. Family father's. This friend had a change time traveling and writing. Thank- 11....... no-wIle ___ D. __ It.En.(Poetk) 1_ 27.......... ., ... ..._- Lift! ,can be interpreted as a poetic of heart, and it was then that Inez ful for the money she adds, "Better u......~ methananM-16." ''becamea misaddressed package." diary of Ms. Inez's experiences as ...- __ ,...... ) - ..._- up in various unstable settings. Island with another friend of her prose called Notes From an Exiled D. WIfe DfUlPt B ........ an abandoned child forced to grow She was then sent to live in Long She is working on a hook of lI._ 3l._ 31."- ...- 25.Y.~) K.MtItIIIr(al..-l) 35. ctmr ...... She is the illegitimate daugh- father. Soon after. she was placed The work: is described Daughur. 37.~ ...,_ ...- ...- as "very frustrating but also very in her first foster home. ter of a Roman Catholic priest who "............. ,.....) 33.1" ............ 4_ enjoyable." was placed, by her mother. in an ....... When asked why she is telling WMC Poet Visiting orphanage in Brussels, Belgium the story of her private life to the The au_ ....,_ 45 ................. thisOl'phanage until she was sentto I'm confessing. I'm chronicling. this semester . 53.- America at the age of eighL Though she On Tuesday, March 7 818:00 1ClIing. I'm sharing." •• Wet 54._QlL) a.I".rNr{Jnf.) ., ..... ,( ..... ) sIIon1yafterber birth. She lived in masses, Ms. Inez replied. "I am DOl Series will offer two mere poets st..... j was conceived inParis, born S•• tw 57...... ...- .,.. .".~.,(Id.) .._ has written various other forms of J?Dl. in McDaniel Lounge, Mr. 'l.vw- ....... ...- ............ inBrussels,"shesuued. "Myf8lber poetry, it appears those concerning William Heyen will be welcmled a.cmoo was an American. Ibelieve be felt her family are often singled out - as weD as Mr. Dabney Stuart 00 M.y ............. !I.e... guilly ..... 1was in an orpbanage." "MypilSlwil1probablyalways W_y, ""w.,. ... Her fathec bad confided ina few of hauntme.ldon'tknowifI'Uever ........ (MIIIr.) March 29a.4:30pm . fJ ..... "" .. ·GnIl ....... also in McDaniel Lounge. his ' ...... IS ..... , his daughter and be able 10 put i. behind. 1 don" __ .. _can:of..,.after know. I hope so, .... 1don'.know."
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