Page 84 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 84
Page 4IWestern Maryland College/April 28, 1988 Editorial Money matters Over the last five years, WMC has undertaken two sizeable mone- tary investments; construction of the PELC, and most recently, the purchase of land for the Quality Inn/College Conference Center. Cur- rently, the school is in the process of developing another major project, the $8 million renovation and expansion of Hoover Library. At a small liberal arts college, where academic achievement is valued much more than any victory on the playing field, shouldn't the library project have taken precedence over the other two? Surely, the need for library expansion didn't occur out of the blue, in crisis fashion. To be fair though, the two previous ventures have paid off well. In particular, the PELC is an awesome facility, both in scope and size, which helps to attract many revenue generating events (such as the Maryland State Wrestling Tournament). But does a Division III school really need a physical education facility of that magnitude? Maybe Some compromises could have been made earlier, re-routing a portion oflhat$6 million Investment fund into some other more academia-related venture. As for the College Conference Center, although it is being operated as a subsidiary of the College, it depends greatly on activities occuring at the PELC as well as other campus events for much of its livelihood. As ~:ti~~.bUSiness Invesunent, it has become a wise and profitable diversifi- ~ -------Letters to the Editor------- thatd~~!~e~~o;~e~=~:~.d~~~n~~~~:~::~:b:~:: should be the dominant structure on campus; after all, it does symbolize much of why weare here. Buras it stands, Big BakerChapelloomsas the dominant remnant of a past era when WMC still retained the Methodist The group's big project of the college community becomes more affiliation. Sadly, our source of knowledge sits amidst acampus full of rich TARGET group year will be a Fun Run which will aware of TARGET's gcodserv- architecture, looking like the Ponderosa atop a hill. Architectural plans are shares interests get both the college and public ices, the college community will finally on the drawing board to rectify that involved. It will be a great event! support and get involved with their Meanwhile, Hoover Library's resources are growing, while its cubic and curiosities . The TARGET Affinity Group likes projects . space is not. No one is out to dispute the library's gross inadequacy. Most the idea of getting involved with recently, after the athletes and visitors were accommodated, the college other Affinity Groups' projects. Joanne Mitchell worked to obtain a state grant of $2 million for library expansion. But, and Editors: We have already been supported by Alice Smith it's a big one, WMC must match that$2 million with $2 million of its own another newly formed Affinity Tracey Snyder before June 1989 or forfeit the grant ...Much of that sum, along with the The newly formed Affinity Group, "Head to Toe." Group remaining $4 million, is hoped to be donated by private individuals, i.e. Group, "TARGET," would like to members; Joanne Mitchell, Holly trustees and alumni. But after recently paying off a $6 million debt for the take advantage of the opportunity Phipps, Alice Smith and Tracey PELC, will these people have any pocket change left over for the library? to share our interests and curiosi- Concerned citi- There's a saying about milking a cow one too many times. ties with the W~Ccommunity and The expansion of Hoover Library is an overdue proposal, one that the public, TARGET is an agency' zen distraught probably should been undertaken prior to the other recent investments. As that deals specifically with the dis- the deadline for raising the matching funds approaches, the least some- abled population. It deinstitution- over Batmobile body could do' is drive a few fake stakes in the ground around the library allzes the mentally retarded and for "survey purposes." Who knows, someone may actually be Inspired to provides them with educational Dear Un-American: donate funds to the cause. opportunities. The afflliation be- tween WMC and TARGET will Consider this a follow-up to enable us as WMC students to the rebyttal by Batman and the provide a stronger tie between the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon in The Phoenix college and the agency. The stu- the March 31 iss~eofThePhoenix. I would like to start by saying thatl dents who are involved with the do not associate with the likes of the group are: Tracey Snyder, Alice Smith, DianePalmer, Sue Thomas, Joker, the Riddler, or the Penguin. Kim Weber, Jennifer Flynn, and Furthermore, I became deeply dis- Editors-in-Chief .... .............. Andrew J. Raith, Craig Cecil Managing Editor.... ..................... ,.Mary Basc:hoff Joanne Mitchell. The group's tressed the day I saw the Batmobile Copy Editor . . Beth Jones advisor is Dr. Rabush. being towed away from the WMC Sports Editor . __._ Cynthia Schater Our group's main purpose is campus. Where is the justice? I Business Manager .... .......... C. Lloyd Hart to provide support for five slightly have not had one wink of sleep News Editor_. . .. Roshini George since its removal; I felt so safe Photoqraphers ... . Kathleen McNulty, Eileen McNulty, mentally disabled women who live Cynthia scoaier. and Andrew J. Raith in twoaltemate houses with TAR- knowing that the Dynamic Duo Reporters ....... Jonathan Slade, Bill Desciak, Dave Sailer, GET. We will also be volunteering was patroling this campus, ridding Tammie Gitt, Lee Spector, Laura Bekoff, Douglas Hitchcock, our time and support to the agency Snyder were involved with a it of such evil villians as the afore- and Christopher Davis whenever possible. We hope to TARGET f~ndraiser which was a mentioned. Now I cannot even Advisor .. ...... Pamela Regis achieve this by interacting with the Hare Ball at Martin's West. The brush my teeth without going with The Phoenix is a bimonthly publication of Westem Maryland College. The TARGET clients, giving special theme was" Alice in Wonderland," a group of friends. Do you know opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor do not nece~~rily attention to the five ladies whom they dressed up in character cos- howtcrrifiedIam to lcavemy room reflect those of the staff or administration. Editorals are the responsibility ot we would like to include in some of tumes and collected raffle ticket at night knowing that Catwoman the editor"in-chief , and are approved by the eciJtorial board. The Phoenix our extracurricular activities. In money. The fund raiser was defi- may be jurking in the conidor reserves the right t~headline, and edit for length, ?iarity, and li~e!ous content doing so we will hopefully develop nitely a big success. ready to attack? AI! letters to the editor must be signed. Author.shlp will be venlled I propose several solutions to Address all mail to: The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, Westminster, their self-confidence .and make The TARGET group is ex- MD 21157 them feel as though they are an cited about their involvement with integral part of the community. the agency and hopes that as the continued on page 8
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