Page 81 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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= I WTh~ Phoenix Vol. VIII, Number 11 Western Maryland College April 28, 1988 Measles case discovered, 300 students at risk the degree of severity as did the by Roshini George case five years ago, when the members of the student body were The first case of measles on essentially quarantined. In an ef- campus in five years was reported fort to prevent the spread of the last week. The student suffering disease, these restricted students from measles was on campus dur- were prohibited from leaving cam- ing the incubation period and was pus, or eating in the dining hall, treated at Smith House for a com- unless they had proof ofimmuniza- mon cold. lion. Consequently. the Hea1th In the last thirty years, the Center, in collaboration with the number of reported cases of Maryland Slate Health Depart. measles in the U.S. has been very ment, has reviewed the medical low. Therefore, one case is re- records of all students and notified garded as an outbreak. Recent 300 students who harbor a higher precautionary measures on campus risk of being infected. The letters included free-immunization shots were also sent to students who re- given by the State Health Depart- corded their immunization shots ment on March 27. Cynlhia ScflAfer photo before twelve months of age due to Marlene Clements, Director of Miss Jean, host of Maryland PBS's Hodge Podge recent medical evidence showing Lodge, feeds her parrot during her recent appear- these particlar shots to be lneffec- Marlene Clements, RN. ~:!tsS::=:e~~~=:m:~! ance at WMC. live. Director of Health Serv- even a cold to stop by the Health Measles is a highly conta- ices Center." Clements indicated that gious disease, and early symptoms could be~ly banned by she "is not expecting any more include stuffy nose, cough and measles. The risks of seizures. cases of measles." However. Cle- Harbor cruise set fever. It takes approximately one convulsions and hearing loss meats reiterated the importance of week before the rashes appear. within this age group are high. taking precautions against People in theagegroup 18-32 The situation has not reached measles. for Senior Week Chambers elected to committee by Douglas Hitchcock trip to the Baltimore Orioles game where they play the California Angels. Wednesday is a boat Plans for this year's Senior cruise through the Inner Harbor. Western Maryland College ate the American College in Paris the Commission is responsible for Week have all been finalized for On Thursday the senior dinner will President Dr. Robert H. Chambers for accreditation in FranceApril24 the accrediuuon of more than 500 lheweekofMay 16-21. be held in Englar Dining Hall. On has been elected to a one-year term to 27. Chambers has been a mem- colleges and universities. On Monday, May 16 there is Friday the Baccalaureate Service on the Executive Committee of the ber of the Executive Committee Each commissioner typically aswimming party planned from 1- will take place in Baker Memorial Commission on Higher Education, since 1986. The five-person com- participates in at least one accredi- 5pm. That night is senior night at Chapel at 7pm. There will be a Middle States Region. mittee guides a governing body of . tation visit each year. Champs from 9pm-lam. On Tues- reception at the President'S house As a member of the panel, 24 commissioners with the Higher Last year, Chambers chaired day there is a senior-faculty soft- at 8pm and an all campus party in Chambers will chair a team of Education Commission. the team to evaluate Sarah Law- ball game on the practice fields seven individuals who will evalu- In the Middle States Region, renee College in Bronxville, NY. from 12pm-4pm. That night is a continued on page 3 Sidelights: Survey reports 82 percent Which presicential candidate woutd you tike to see in the White House in 1989? -ot 1986 graduates working 50 According to a recently re- 122 graduates. The Board had sent tty of latest survey's respondents leased survey by the Maryland 245 questionnaires, registering a (62 percent). Mostrespondents(73 40 Slate Board of Higher Education, 50 percent response rate. percent) live in Maryland, with 65 82 percent of WMC's 1986 gradu- Those graduates employed percent in the Baltimore area and 30 ates are employed full-time. full-time reported earning a me- 23 percent in the D.C. suburbs. Since completing their stud- dian salary of$19.101. and 42 per- About 75 percent had first entered ies at WMC, 40 percent of the cemsaidtheircurrentjobisdireclly college at WMC. 20 graduates have enrolled in another related to their undergraduate ma- Employers are looking for educational program. Halfofthese jor. graduates with a well-rounded lib- respondents are seeking master's When compared to figures eral arts education, which keeps 10 degrees. The survey also showed compiled from the previous year, graduates doing well in the job 10 percent are employed part-time 70 percent of the WMC respon- market, according to Cathleen and no graduates reported being dents reported having full-time Nosel, Director of CareerCounsel- unemployed. jobs, yet eamed an average salary ing and Development. Survey sample: 100 Source: Phoenix The survey, conducted for of only $16,704. WMC by the State Board, reached Women constituted a major- continued on page 3
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