Page 89 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 89
April 28, 1988iWestern Maryland College/Page 9 WMC graduate plans cycling trip across America "It has alway been my dream e with the supplies (such as film, 5 press camera. He is currently to see the United States from the 0 C) camping gear, and a camera) that researching ways to mount the back of a bicycle," says William" he will need. camera on a bicycle, and thereby Mann, a WMC 1987 graduate. The journey, inspired by usingthe bicyclein lieuof ampod. During the summer of 1989. Mann's duel love of bicycling and Currently, one sponsor has Mann plans to make a crcss-coun- photography. will start on-the, East agreed to display Mann's finished try pedal across the United States. CoastatOcean City. Marylandand photographsfollowingcompletion Over a span of approximately three his journey in words' and pictures. commentary made along the way. is tentatively scheduled to finish up of the trip. months, he hopes lO traverse the Mann hopes to be able to publish a To be able to make the trek, either in California or Oregon. Mann is hoping to encourage continent, taking in the natural book of his excursion the following Mann is currently actively seeking Mann plans to shoot primar- others to accompany him on his beauty of the country and recording r-y",,_"_til_i,_in_g_th_, _ph_O_to_grn_p_hS_an_d __ co_'JlO"'_"'_SJlO.:::_=nso_"_to_eq_m_·p_h_im_il_y_in_b_lac_k_a_nd_w_hi_·t'_,_US_in_:_g_a_4 _by__:jo_u_m_e:_y t_o_,x_:_pe_n_-,_nce_Am_en_·ca __ -, Choir concert feaures four GRADUATE soloists TOANEW by Lee Spector The WMC Choir held its spring recital Sunday April 24, at 7pm. In this final show the choir performed two movements. The FOX first was a Requiem, or death march, iii Latin by Gabriel Faure. There were two solos: Pie Jesu performed by soprano Crystal Fox, and Offertory and Libera Me CHEVROLET by baritone Dr. James Lightner. The next was a selection of tunes by Irving Berlin celebrating his tOOth birthday. Pmussionist Lew Keyser SPECIAL COlLEGE GRADUATE came in to help the choir. There FINANCJNG PROGRAM 'were two soloists. Karen L. Snyder sangvBlue Skies'tand Tracey Ann Tokar sang "What'll IDo?" . The performance was dedi- cated to Charles and Augusta Camp, the late grandparents of di- rector Beverly Wells. Zepp to review Bearing the Cross for Books Sandwiched In If you are graduating, you may qualify for: Dr. Ira Zepp will review • Pre-approved credit- Minimum down payment Bearing the Cross: Marlin Luther • Deferral of your first monthly payment up to 90 days, King. Jr. and the Southern Leader- ship Conference, 1955-1968 for or an additional $400 discount through GMAC _ the "Books Sandwiched In" series • All available GMAC discount finance rates on April 7 at noon in McDaniel Lounge. With the purchase or lease-of any new car or truck. Zepp is co-author of Search for the Beloved Community: The Thinking of Martinl.uiher King, Jr. and currently teaches a course on Call tor King. Zepp's course, called "Life and Thought of Martin Luther full aetails! King, Jr.," studies his influence on the American civil rights move- ment, the relation of religion to politics and the practice of non- violence. The book to be reviewed and its author David J. Garrow won the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for biography FOXSAVES YOU THEMOSt AND THAT'SNO JOKE. and the seventh animal Robert F. _j Kennedy Memorial Book Award. L
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