Page 86 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 86
Page 6/Western Maryland College/April 28, 1988 _ Mary Baschoff Performances salvage humor of Durang's plays Severalweekendsago,direc- Although her pacing was slow at play's only dramaticrole, abused by her insanely religious of recognition include Jim Seeker tor Josh Selzer, known for last times and many of Durang's at- Except for descriptions of husband and her three demented as the chauvinistic athletic coach, semester's What the Butler Saw tempts at humor simply weren't nails being driven into Christ's sons (one drug-dealer/pimp, one andDebbieSuite asElaine. Essen- produced two Christopher Durang funny, she won many laughs from hands and several other sacriliges. transvestite-loving homosexual, tially,"Elaine"playedmanydiffer- one-act comedies; Sister Mary the audience because of her Sister Mary Ignatius was not as and one permanently damaged in em roles and, although she tended Ignatius Explains It All For You, character's satiricalnature. offensive as it waspublicized tobe. an industrial accident). to overlap her characters, Suite and The NatureandPurposeo!the The supporting cast (old stu- It poked fun at Catholic religious Of the five family members, basically did a goodjob. Universe. dents of Sr. Mary gone awry)did a concepts suchas purgatory, limbo, the best performance was givenby Overall, bow plays were Sister Mary Ignatius, played satisfactoryjob. WendyRuderman and forbiddenbirthcontrol. Forthe Patrick Johnson who played the well-directed and produced, how- by Laura Green, explained reli- as Thomas, Sr. Mary's lu-year-old most part, the play was worth see- pimp. His appearance, tone of ever,both tended to be slow-paced prizestudent,playedhermalechar- ing. voice, language, and hilariously in areas. to the audience. Green, as the nun, acter extremely well, and gained a The other one-act. Nature violent interaction with his mother In what Drama professor Ira was verybelievable and, reminded high number of laughs. Karen and Purpose of the Universe was (constantly pulling a gun on her) Domser calls a 'Theatre Pig-Out" those members of the audience Saar, portrayed a woman who'd very funny, and received quite a combined to produce a generous weekend.Josh Selzerdeflnitelydid who attended Catholic schools of a had several abortions, and gave an few more laughs than Sister Mary. audience response. his best to produce a successful ~re_w_'_:_'pe_n.:gu_in_s_"_fro_ffi_the_i_' .:._pas_ts_._o..,uts=-tan_di_ng:..:.pe_r£_orm_an_c_e_i_n_the=-_Th_i_S ;p..,la;_y_w_as---,abo_ut_a_w_offi_an O_th_e_, .:._pe_r£_orm_an_ce_s_w_o_rth.:_Y,feast of comedywith bothcourses. Seniors and Grad Students: -Personals-
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