Page 83 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 83
April 28, 19881Western Maryland CoIIegelPage 3 _Jonathan Slade and C. Lloyd Hart _ Editors write their final column, recall anecdotes Jon: Well. here itgoes, Lloyd. For to be Woodward and Bernstein, or Freshman year, last issue: I four years we've managed to avoid even Shana Alexander and Jim couldn't believe it. We were about each other by sticking 10our own Kilpatrick. But there is precedent to commit one of the cardinal sins. ~~y~~.~:: !~~i~~;:!!tU;u!:~~,~gin."Jon, you igno- ~=I~W:;~r:v~~~nh~: you've gone offon some bonehead J: What? You want to emulate background. "All headlines must idea that we can actually write a great journalistic teams? I was have VERBS; always ask them to joimcolumn. It'sboundtogetself- thinking more along the lines of spell the name-twice; and never. indulgent and nauseatingly nostal- Tom and Jerry. Bugs Bunny and never cancel an issue." It's more gic. Elmer Fudd.. I'm Bugs. by the than a rnatter of pride. Lloyd: Yeah, every retiring editor way. Fudd wou1dn't know a word We all stood around the in the world does it, and it's never processor from a hole in the type. Look, why don't you just go lot in public, and maybe nobody phone, as if hoping for a miracle, anything you'd want to read. But ground. to your comer, I'll go to mine, and will know the difference. Fair while Bill made the call to the we've resisted so far, so don't you L: Yeah, I've always seen you as we'll write separately. Then we'll enough? Like I said, I'll go first, think .wedeserve it It's not going rth_e_'_'li_ve_i_n_a.,.hO_le..:,_ea_t_food__ ra_W_" _S_ti_Ck_·_em_to.:ge_th_er_,_shake__ han_ds_a ~_._ ••_. c_on_ti_·n_u_e_d_o_n.;.pa_g:.e--,5 Senior Week plans cruise, dinner continued from page 1 the lower level of Decker Center at 9pm. Finally, on Sunday Com- memcement ceremonies will be held in the PELC at 2pm. All the festivities are paid for with money from the senior budget. "& Philip R. Sayre, Dean of Student contributed $2,000- Affairs, for the cruise. And if any money is still needed, tickets will besold for the ball game and the cruise. Senior class president Kevin Heffner has overseen the overall operation. Survey tells of graduate Infact, this seasonwe expect your student !.D. at gate E 6, your employment to admit more students than ever ticket to seethe Orieleswill cost to one of Baltimore'sfiner institu- only$3.50~ continued from page 1 tions. Memorial Stadium. It'sjust our way of helping "It relies on students' own Becausewhen you present support higher education. initiatives and how well-prepared they are to launch job searches, but after talking with business and re- cruiters I see good opportunities out there and a great deal of interest in WMC students," Nosel said. Fifty-two percent of the re- sponding graduates indicated they personally owed money on loans to finance their education, with a median debt of $8,114. The previ- Ya~games,S3bvck~~;:.~~=~~~::~:~~;a=~e:~15yt21'5orolckr_ ous year 70 percent of the respon- _:;=====================-------_l dents accrued debt. L
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