Page 79 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 79
April 14, 19881Westem Maryland ColJegelPage 7 r--.;..-----------------., Fitzgerald's Gallaudet elects deaf president Carriage House Liquors continued from page 1 ing caused a stir not only in the didateSen.RobertDoleandDcmo- United States, but also in Europe, crane candidate Rev. Jesse 'At the Forks' [Zinser]" sinceshewasa"victimof stating "In a few years, it will get Jackson. Gannon quoted Jackson, circumstances." better there aswell as here." "The problem is not that the deaf 113 W. Main St., Westminster Burnstein also expressed his people can't hear, it is that .the pride in the conduct of the students In relation to the protest, hearing people don't listen." during the protests, saying that the Gannon added. "For the first Lime Burnstein assured the audio specials Ih~s week .. "march was conducted beautifully, in the history of sign-language, encethamoreverydeafpcrsonwas no violence, no breaking things." signing became an issue;" because in favor of the appointment of a Coors and Coors Lite $11.39/case Burnstein reveaJed that as a result Zinsercoutd not sign. On the bther deaf president, but that "every one Stroh's and Stroh Lite $10,99/215 pks. of the Gallaudet incident, his Hand, Gannon feels that· the new is entitled to his opinion.t; ;"r. .; school in Riverside, California president "will be a walking, living Burnstein explained that the Corona' $5.491 Ii pk. may elect a deaf superintendent. example of whatacollege'educated reason behind the uprising was not and now He asserted that the incident deaf person can be." a prejudice against hearing people. could also affect the passage of The students of Gallaudet, He-stated, :'1 am net against-bear- ~ liter California Cooler $3.99 several bills proposed by the Con- according to Gannon, had the sup- ing people, my parents were hear- gress for the Education of the Deaf. portofmanythroughoutthenation, ing and Ithank them for what Iam ' He pointed out that the upns- including former presidential can- lOday, but enough isenough.." L ~ .J "No matter how Sailer reacts bad they are, to Holt's Grandma loves letter on to hear the racism latest " continued from page 3 sort of position to tell him he is wrong? What do we know about it? It is a fact that whites on this campus have greater opportunities to participate in organizations that have all white memberships than do blacks in all black organiza- tions. Yet where is the attention focused? At every campus across the country with any significant mi- nority population you will find "all black" organizations. At most col- leges, you will find Asian/Asian- You miss her sparkling American groups, even though many ignorant people say that ra- sense ofhumor. She misses you and your jokes. Even the cism against Asian-Americans bad ones. That's one good doesn't exist. These groups are a reason tocalllong distance. testimonial to a different life expe- Service rience than that of whites. Is it AT&T Long Distance Be- is another good reason. possible that, of the entire country. cause it costs less than vou WMC is the exception? That there think to hear your grand- is in fact NO RACISM here? mot her stan to giggle be- A man I know/whose opin- fore you even get [0 the ion J respect, told me that he was punch line. interested in tearing down walls So whenever you miss between people rather than build- her laughter, bring a smile ing them up. Again we notice who to her face with AT&T. Reach is being told to tear down walls and out and touch somconef who is not. Many blacks who are If you'd ltketo know more involved with organizations for about AT&T products and blacks do not talk about the people services, like the AT&T Card, who are excluded. No, they talk GIl! us at 1800222·0300. about the support, enjoyment, learning and maturity that they gain from these groups. This does not build walls! This builds commu- nity! Finally, I should add that I am not trying to speak on behalf of any AT&T black person. Nor do I think that Gary's. letter speaks for all the The right choice. blacks on campus. lam white. And I feel that it is OUf responsibility to look at our own actions and atti- tudes.
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