Page 87 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 87
April 28, 1988/Western Maryland College/Page 7 ~ Editors reflect on past experiences as I graduate, I'd want next year's continued from page 5 steff.andthenext year's.tobave an And," the critic at last exerting appreciation for the importance of great artistic license, "the actors protecting the stylistic integrity of done a good job." their product, constraining them- Notice no mention of spe- selves to the letter of the rule if cific characters, actors. or plot. necessary. This attitude hasn't Nine times out of ten, they didn't made me the most popular person even give us the title of the play. on the staff either. The paper lost a And iftheydid,andby somesortof photographer and I lost a friend divine intervention it was spelled over just such a dispute. But in this correctly, that meant the review business.compromise doesn't pay. was probably written by someone actually performing in the show, Imustadmit,UoydandIare which, of course, threw objectivity both concerned about the path The out the window. Phoenix will now take. Despiteour Roland McCahan, #2, reaches in vain for the puck during one of the club's Thus. it was the copy official titles, our attitudes have winter matches. editor's constant task to make sto- pretty much managed to dominate rieslikethisintoarticlesthatsomc- Ice hockey club joins league one, other than the reporter's next the paper-for better or worse-- most of our college careers, and the of kin, would want to read. tension between our opposing phi- major expense it is for each team teams currently are Johns Hopkins, Garbage in, article out: losophies has somehow brought by Cynthia Schafer now." Each team in the league will Bucknell, Georgetown, and Dick- "Wieczorek was brilliant as Agnes abouta balance of responsible jour- in Agnes of God ... " pay a $100 fee to cover expenses. inson. Verbal agreements to join nalism. The Western Maryland Ice Each WMC player currently must the league have been received from Of course, copy editing can I have nightmares now Hockey Club Team became a con- pay $150 to participate for a sea- Gettysburg, Franklin & Marshall, make you rather unpopular. hour If, for about some schlock-minded of the your instance, twelfth re- geekoid wresting control firmed member of the newly son. The high cost per athlete goes and Muhlenberg. search isn't wholely accurate, the paper from timid traditionalists, formed Mason-Dixon Ice Hockey mainly to pay for rink time. "Since The Mason-Dixon League misquoted source will eventually then transforming it into a Mid- Leagueon April 17 aube organiza- there are only two rinks locally, will begin play with 1988-89 sea- hunt you down with libel in his night Star. Forfouryears,wewere tional meeting at Johns Hopkins. they can charge whatever they like. son in October and end in late eyes. And regardless, Little Leslie barraged with people wanting to WMC General Manager On the average we have been pay- February with playoffs to be held in Roland McCahan, who meet with ing about $225 fora two hour prac- March. The league will follow Hemmingway, whowrotethestory print stories about which profes- representatives of four other local lice session. With the new league, NCAA rules where possible. Mi- in the first place. will declare you a sors were sleeping with whom, butcher and place a hex on your sex where you could find the best co- colleges to lay the ground work: for costs will bedefrayed and allow the nor differences will depend upon life. caine in the area, and who on cam- the club league, says, "This will guys on all teams to savor the where the game is played. Referee give these teams a chance to solid- game," stated McCahan. Leagues in different slates may pus had the latest strain of herpes. Although I too have a solid ify and enjoy the game without the The four other confirmed vary on a few minor rules. background in journalistic writing But we are not just old • from high school, and was editor- women gossiping over tea. We are in-chief of our paper (Ion was my the press. And though we may have news editor, by the way), reporting joked extensively in The Phoenix is not my first or best love. I was, office, never in print did we take '"I and still am, captivated by layout, that responsibility **** lightly. the physical CUlling and pasting f that turns news stories into a news- It was a warm night early in paper. A crisp, attractive and con- September 1984. We were driving I slsrent layout is all important in back to school from the Times, l- convincing a reader to pick up your having just "put to bed" the first over the next guy's. Ithad I paper would anyone "read" Why issueofthe"NewPhoenix." pyramid else inverted layout, USA modular 1 Today. Not making your reader writing, headlines with verbs, de- i sorry he chose your paper is an- cent pictures, and it had taken four · • I other matter entirely. consecutive twelve-hour days to This last pcim has been the put together. But it was finally I source of a great many battles finished. We were proud and we I were excited. royaJe over the last four years. As we pulled up to • t t created the set of layout style rules the back of Rouzer, Bill and I for The Phoenix and have stead- leaped out of the car and raced for fastly insisted that no matter how the office. The first order of bus i- late it is, how tired you are, or how ness was to call Jon, who hadn't Cynthia Schafer photo much work it's going to be, if it's been able to go with us, and give Gettysburg fires a shot against the Terror goal during the April 20 matchup. not absolutely right, it's never him the good news. . "good enough." If this sounds a bit He was sitting by the phone. Golf, men's tennis earn wins unbending, Try explaining to a writer in, "Well ... ?" hello when he broke iris, but at least it's easy I'd barely-said to say. thatyoudon'tcareifthatJast para- I thought for a second and, continued from page 2 freshman Brian Panituere. Panitti- Mark Oskam who sported a 5-3 graph "makes the whole story," or as calmly as I could, responded, ere shot a 77 on the course to help record, followed by junior number- to a photographer if he's sure his "Tranquility base here. The Phoe- AIl- MAC candidate Laura Ciam- beat Gettysburg and Ursinus in a three man Kevin Resh at 3-4. work of an "just can't be cropped nix has landed." brucini on defense. Ann Kangas tri-match. Ron Cella had low ScniorIonAnderson was the num- there." Ifitdoesn'tfitthespace,or Bill's face dropped. with 37 goals and 7 assists this scores in two straight matches, bet-one player in the line-up, and can'tbemadetofit, umightas well looked up at him, puzzled. He season, also scored a record setting including an 82 at Messiah. Senior combined with Oskam 10go 5-2 in be Hamlet or the Mona Lisa. replied, "I wanted to say that" eight goals in one game this year. Todd Staub rounds out the top doubles. **** three. Resh and freshman Tim I've always thought that if I May it land for many years The men'sgolfteam is sport- • The men's tennis team was Ruggles combined to go 2-2 in could leave something behind me to come. ing a 7-5 record and is lead by lead by freshman number-two man doubles. '--------------------'
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92