Page 80 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 80
PageS/Western Maryland College/April 14, 1988 _ Craig Cecil a big flop Brighl Lights. Big City, the Clara, viewed by him (at least aimed sword. This is also the only novel by Jay McInerney, centers superficially) as an Orwellian crea- scene whichforees Fox slightly out around a young, struggling writer ture out to catch him screwing up. of character. The scene is clearly detailing his path to self-destruc- Lunchbreaks are taken often out of place in the film and should tion in the Big Apple. Bright and early, epitomized by his fre- have ended up on the editing room Lights. Big City', the movie, is 110 quent visits to any establishment floor. minutes of pure boredom. By the serving liquor. Post-work hours The supporting cast (Cates, end, assuming you're still there, are spent with his best, and seem- Sutherland, Dianne Wiest, Swoo- thoughts of the movie self- ingly only, friend Ted (Kiefer Suth- sie Kurtz) produce average per- destructing suddenly seem enlight- erland). Together, they pass the formances, given what little, or no ening. night by visiting various clubs, Here he succeeds. After the open- thoughts are overdubbed with character depth they had to work Whereas the book's story holding "intelligent" conversa- ing minutes, images of him as Alex Fox's voice. But for the rest of the with. The several brief appear- was told in the second-person, and tions with women and spending fade, due to a completely new film, viewers aren't allowed that ances by Cates (no pun intended), se- never mentioned his name, that was more time in bathrooms snorting mannerism, heretofore unseen access to his mind and are left done mainly in flashback It would have made for a guessing. quences, do stand out as emphasiz- hardly acceptable for the move to coke than consuming alcohol. This from Fox. His ironic performance a sense of hurt and the big screen. So, the screenwrit- routine continues unul Iamle hears as a fact-checker who can't deal better movie to continue with those ing to viewers ers created the name Jamie for the that his estranged wife Amanda is with the facts of his own life is audible thoughts. longing that is tearing Jamie up. movie's lead character. Surpris- back, fresh from a success- technically well-done. One does The incongruity of that open- _ When looking for adjectives ingly, that character is played by ful modeling tour of Europe. The wonder though if his performance ing scene with the rest of the film is to sum up this film, three come the yuppie of comedy, Michael J. drugs, drinking, and his obsession may end up glorifying drug use to mirrored in later portions. What immediately to mind: mundane, The Fox, who is not exactly known.for with her set the tone for the rest of many of his millions of fans. director James Bridges gives view- uninteresting. and boring. playing serious roles. Viewers the film. Needless to say, Jamie Unfortunately, no matter ers is a confusion of scenes and movie docs not entertain. Al- ideas. Indeed, when Brigtu Lights, follow Jamie through a seemingly rides an elevator that only goes how good Fox's performance is, Big City though Fox's performance is good routine week, at least at the SIarL down. Bright Lights. Big City constitutes was in production, the (the film's only saving grace), and Appropriately, we first meet At first, it may seem odd that an evening spent in boredom. original director was fired. Bridges psychologists will have a field day Jamie on Monday, in a bar some- Fox opted for sueh a serious, and Supposedly, the film imitates was hired, and numerous scenes anaiyzinghischaracter,mostview- were reshot from new perspectives. where in downtown New York. negative character to play. Not "real" life. If cinema does mirror ers will feel the lack of sufficient He's already drunk. The following really. This being his second dra- reality, then life, accordingly That confusion is displayed right padding in their seats rather than morning, or rather, hours later, he matic role (Light of Day was first), shown here, is boring as hell. The up there on the screen. The best sympathy for this film. Bright drifts into work at the fact-check- it seems as Fox matures he realizes film is just not as interesting as it example of this incongruity is a Lights. Big City is abig disappoint- ing department of Gotham maga- how important it is to establish could have been. In the first scene, scene involving a ferret, which in- ment. out of 10: zine. Here, his slo 'py work is himself as a serious actor and break where Jamie is in the bar, he stares tends LObe comical, but is suddenly Rating -tt-tt-tt constantly scrutini 'by his boss, out of the Alex P. Keaton mold. at himself in a mirror while his thrust into the story like a mis- \ BOARD**CAPBOARD**CABPOARD**CAPBOARD**CAPBOARD**CAPBOARD**CAPBO COMING ATTRACTIONS PAUL STROWE IN THE PUB: 9pm in the PUB FREE! THE CAPITOL SAXOPHONE QUARTET RICHARD EMILIO DREYFUSS ESTEVEZ STAKmUT Ithtot9l~bu(SIIOCbody~gUlodoit! mml ....._.~iJD~IICIIEI.JlMIII~ __ ,JlIjIJll.IlIIIIIIIlIIIUIIItI':l1lf '1:1I!I:1IIRI"'l.Nl1I.!I!!IlWJ~ ".!HII '1JIKIIIiII fBL-w~ .."•._, ..... - ~ ....... FRIDAY, APRIL 15 FRIDAY, APRIL 22 SUNDAY, APRIL 24 NOON, 7, & 9 pm NOON, 7, & 9 pm 3 pm - Alumni FREE! FREE! Admission $ 1 - students, $ 5 - staff
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