Page 61 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 61
March 10, 1988IWeslern Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on Camp-us Should the Pub be renamed? ([orono I r:...t t ...... Yes, they should The name should stay The name should re- No, because it's an Don't change the change it because it's the same but beer main the same. It's easy one-syllable name. The Pub works too boring. It should be should be served ev- just a place where word to spew out when forme. changed to 'Alladin ery night like real pubs people get together to you're "wacked." Sane'. do. drink and have fun. It's just like a place in Ire- land. Cindy Younger Karen Sullivan Tara Munster Andreas Wood Tina Lambert _ Kristin Albert _ Memories of a semester spent in London Dear Mom and Dad, only two of us in there. My classes arc held in the library, transportation to and from the air- goodbye and gave warnings to be I can't believe I'm actually roommate's name is Mclanicand I which is in the basement of our port, hotel and breakfast for a safe, but to have fun. It is just like here! My flight was Iine, but han- think we'll gel along well. The house. British Studies and British week; all for £209. That's about being in very large family. For all dling those two huge suitcases larger rooms have three or four Politics are in a hall a block or two $400. I'm now used to thinking in that we may get tired of so manyof alone through the airport wasn 'uhe people. There arc 28 of us, and two from here. The classes arc just for terms of British pounds, and not us in one house, deep down we care easiest thing I've done. I expected house managers. TIle house man- us; our professors arc from the pounds converted to dollars. r about each other. Leaving at to be tired when Igot here, but I was agers cook breakfast and dinner for University of London. think going to Greece helped thai, Christmas will be hard. too excited to sleep. I'm glad I us. Wc'rconourownforlunch,but FI)I" Brit Studies we take and it did something else. too. It's easy to adjust to some of decided to come two days early-it since there's a refrigerator specifi- weekend trips for the first half of When the week was over and we the new things here like a huge gave me timetoslccpoffmy jet-lag cally ror students and we're al- the semester to places like the Lake came back to England, I though breakfast, or hearing a different and explore the city before school [owed to usc the kitchen, we don't District. Salisbury to sec Stone- how good it was to be horne again, accent, using 'funny-money' and began. Being on my own in a have LOgo out to cal. benge. Stratford-Upon-Avon, and where I can speak the same lan- seeing double-decker buses, but strange city is lonely, but I can find There arc three ttoors of stu- Burh. We usually leave on Fridays guage, where I am comfortable some things take longer to get ad- my way around, and deal with dent rooms with showers on the because we only have classes from with the people and the culture isn't justcd to. There are many different things myself. first and third floors. and a bathtub Monday to Thursday. a complete mystery. It is strange to words for the same thing here. Thedayeveryonearrived at 7 on the second floor. You should think that I could consider another Instead of asking for french fries Bedford Place was crazy. A lot of sec the shower tine in the morning! November 3 country my 'home' with ketchup, it's 'chips with to- people arrived straight from the We're offered four classes: Fat! Break was great! Living Back ar Ikd(ord, we all had mato sauce,' if they have it. Vine- airport, so they were tired and had Shakespeare, Art & Architecture. in a big city is grcat-you're close stories 10 tdl :ltJd 1'),llln.:;, and sou- gar is more popular for 'chips'. to drag their suitcases upstairs, get BritishPolilics,andBrilishStudies to theaters, museums and shop- vcncirs 10 show (.,\L·h other. The Everyone says 'sorry' instead of settled in, and gct to know names which we must all take. Since each ring, so there's always something few days before break were awful. 'excuse me.' And you don't go 10 and faces. There were other people class isonlyrneelSO[}Cea week. we to do, but [need a break from the There were Iots of papers due, and the bathroom, you go to the '100' or who arrived in England early, so all have class at the same time, so noiscandrhchustfcoracuy. [went we all have the same classes so we rhcttoilcr.' It takes a while to learn we pitched in and helped everyone there's quite a queue (British slang to Teton. Greece for a week with kind of stressed out at the same to look right then left before cross- else. for 'line') for the chewers before two of my Friends here. We got a time. nut when we left for break in My room is small, but there's breakfast. Shakcspc.uc and Art good deal: round-trip air fare, two's or three's, everyone said continued on page 7
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