Page 64 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 64
Page 8/Western Maryland College/March 10,1988 _ - Craig Cecil Frantic starts slow, finishes with a bang Frantic is an excellent through sections of the City of Though Polanski borrows movie. Well, at least half of it is. Lights that no tourist would dare more than just a few ingenious Let me explain. frequent. On his trek, Ford crosses ideas from Hitchcock as well as Director Roman Polanski paths with a young French woman adding some new twists of his own wields a classic, well-trod theme in (Emmanucll,' S,'i&ncr) who initi- (there's a brief but clever car chase this Hitchcock-style thriller where ates a rotlcrccastcr j ide of nerves sequence), as a whole he corncs up a man is forced to unravel amystcry for him throughout the rest of the short. Viewers realize immedi- in a totally foreign environment. film. ately that the suitcase is the founda- Harrison Ford stars as that Frantic's success hinges on tion for the entire story. The sud- man, an American doctor on a how well Ford can evoke feelings later. Throughout this beginning is a mysterious, beautiful dynamo, den jolt from inactivity in the first business trip in Paris with his wife. of isolation, confusion, and in- portion of the film, Ford returns to which translates to compelling on half of the film to the non-stop latter Shortly after arriving at their hotel, creasing desperation on the screen. his hotel room much like a drown- the screen. Scigncr has the same portions is spliced together so the couple discovers onc of their But here, because of the foreign ing man reaching for a life-pre- kind of impact on audiences in crudely it can hardly be called a suitcases was switched with an- en vironment hischaracter is placed server. Frantic that Nastassja Kinski had transition. Finally, too many loose other at the airport. After emerging into, those feelings become readily Unfortunately. too much in Exposed. Both films arc similar ends arc left hanging. Some view- from the shower, Ford finds his apparent Ford stays nestled inside time is spent in the beginning of the in the manner they present the Pari- ers will remain befuddled, think- wife absent from the room. Hours a comfortable hotel room until his film, watching Ford struggle with sian underworld, and both ac- ing, "why didn't they just do that?" later, with still no sign of her, he wife dissappcars. Only then is he an unfamiliar culture. Situations tresses evoke the same kind of or "what happened to... " Hitch- finds reason to believe she may forced to interact with French cul- are developed in the slowest pos- innocent seduction. Most notably cock would have been in a frenzy have been kidnapped. The doctor sible ways, and when this is con- is when Seigner performs a rather over Franuc' s negligence. stumbles around in the unfamiliar Because he doesn't speak the trasted with the racier latter portion physical dance routine with Ford. However incongruent the culture, first seeking the aid of the language, Ford's encounters with of the film, it almost seems that While Seigncr's perform- film as a whole is, Ford's solid French Police and then that of the various characters early on sets the viewers arc watching a splicing of ance is fresh and alive, Betty Buck- acting and the excitement level of U.S. Embassy. tone of isolation and confusion. two entirely different movies. ley, as Ford's wife, is simply pa- the second half arc outstanding Both doubt his suspicions, Not only is the French language The second half of the film, thetic. Supposedly playing a sensi- portions which make it worth see- but tell him they will do all they used as a tool of isolation here, but when French actress Emmanuelle tive, loving wife (in theory only), ing. Though Ford ends up frantic- can, which isn't much. Forced to it also impacts the unraveling plot Seigner appears onscrccn, is fan- she gives one of the driest, unemo- ally searching for his wife, Em- unravel this nightmare himself, significantly. Most viewers, along tastic. Here, she leads Ford through tioual performances in recent manuelle Seigner is the real find Ford turns to his only clue; the with Ford, will not realize what has the gritty, backsrects of Paris, movie history. There arc corpses in here. mysterious suitcase. What he finds been said and what implications where numerous, bizarre individu- this film which drip more personal- Rating out of 10: inside takes him on a' journey those words involve until much als are encountered. Her character ity than she displays. "'''''''''''''''' Personals Hang in there, Phi Alph Pledges! been the same without you. Love, wolf is on the prowl. Love, Sarah Jahries. Wendy. (101) Fraternity Frank: Good luck on all Good luck, Phi Alph Pledges! Mary Neil: It would be great to your bids. -Kim. Love, Dawn & Mary Neil know you better. How about this Friday night? Mectmein thePubat Rob C.: I thought I knew you. The Incredible Hulk could beat 8:00. Love, your secret admirer. Where arc your guts? -J. Superman in a battle to the death. Aim: CHILL! Love, Aim, Mike, Debbie R.: You are beautiful. -An Gamma Omicron Delta lives!!! and Scou. Admirer. Marianne-Thanks for being the Barbara R.: How about a round of Petie: Thanks for all your help in bestroomie.andforpuuing upwith golf this weekend? Love, B. transferring Sluff! -Bumstead my sob stories. I'm glad you'll be back next year. You'll be an awe- Angela Coleman: Though I never Althea Ellis: My darling, you arc some teacher. Ilove you. Lee say thank you, I really appreciate my world. Please forgive me. - your generosity & affection. -Er. Your#l man. And quietly and solemnly, Lucifer The most exciting opened the fiery gates and said, Love's like the mighty ocean when Janine: I'm so glad Igot to know you. You've captured my heart- it's frozen; that is your heart. -Jim "WeicometoWMC." few hours To all the WMC Cheerleaders: Reid Alex you'll spend aJIweek. Thanks for a TERRific scasonll Do Dear Monkey, You're a great Zerbetron: Let's dance and beware you guys want me back next year? of the Unknown. roommate! -Weezie Hope so!! Love, the Terror. Hun. Climb. Happel. Navigate. Lead. Hey Jim: Nice fur coat- is it baby Lee: No matter what I do I will And develop the confidence and skills vou \\"011'r get from a textbook. JanetE> Happy 20th! A little late. seal? always love you. -L.R. Enroil in Am1\' ROTC -Idgit 'Niter as one of "our electives. Get the facts Kimba- You've officially been Congratulationstoallofthisyear's today. . "Mommie", I love you! -8. nominated for S.A.D.D. Gamma Omicron Delta pledges. Good luck with rush! Military Science Department Bruce, I thought of you today, and STOL12 IS A RODENT! Luv, B, Upper Level of Gill Center smiled. Thanks. C, and S. Shawn- Only4 months and 3 weeks and you'll be Shawn Chatfield- 876ยท3804 or campus ext. 620 Whenever french fries are in dan- Elvis with the Roc Specs on - hope woops-I mean Ott. Good luck, ger of being crispy and hot. your dad wins another Spuds! Love, Brew. ARMY RESERVEOFFICERS' TRAININL-, C(lRrS .GLAR MAN is there to save the day! Mitch- WE NEED YOU!!! The BLUE tricycle is sitting on the Jim: Thanks for being the greatest RED countertop. Execute com- L -' friend. The plays wouldn't have Watch out hoopsters! The big bad mand immediately. -FNORD.
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