Page 65 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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tne Pti ___e_ICoe if&' .'"... WMC gets AA.C·grant to start philanthropy class Association, butsbe intends to seek by Andrew J. Raith out other agencies that will appeal to student interest. " well as money, isa Students will be expected to form ofphilantbropy," says Marta keep a journal detailing their off- Wagner, the instructor for a new campus work, and write a paper on philanthrophy class being offered .bow their agency fits into the his- next year. The course caJled "From torical framework of philanthropy. Charity to Voluntarism: Philan- According to Wagner. the 9 am thropy in America" is a campus- MWF class will be interdiscipli- wide effort, and is scheduled to narymcfuding lectures by other begin next Fall. faculty members. ''Other profes- The course, History 231, will sors will assist to provide back- be supported through a $15,000 .ground in other areas," said Wag- grant awarded to WMC by the ner. At this time, six instructors are Associationof American Colleges' scheduled to speak to the class on Program on Studying Philanthropy political, religious, economic, and in America This funding will be social First baseman Rob Howell receives a pick-off throw used to offer the class once each Wagner, an assistant profes- during the Terrors' 8-3 loss against Susquehanna, year for three years. sor of history , was selected to teach March 22. Wagner defines philanthropy the course based on previous expe- as "the giving of time or money to Marta Wagner, assistant rience of teaching a similar inter- help solve society's problems." professor of history disciplinary course. Phi Mu, commuters But she also contends that philan- will spend up to 38 hours off -cam- She stated, "I hope toprovide thropy is not trouble-free .. And she pus performing altruistic tasks in insight on how social problems wants students to see these prob- association with community agen- have been dealt with throughout offer band contest lems. cies who have agreed to participate history." Wagner also hopes "to According to Wagner, a large in the program. At this time, the get a wide range of students in the from Phi Mu. "It's an excuse to portion of the class will require only agency that has contacted course, who wouldn't think they by Laura Bekoff give some local bards some expo- philanthropic behavior. Students Wagner is the American Heart had the time to do volunteer work." sure." Phi Mu and the Commuter WMC to host forum on deafness Students Association will host Each band will play a one WMC'sown "Batdeofthe Bands" hour serand the winning group will ,WMC's Center on Deafness the forum. Bumsteinisaneducator tory at Gallaudel, education of me on Friday, April 8. So far, three continue to play for an additional will host a two-hour forum discuss- of the deaf and is presently em- deaf and the deaf community. bands will participate in the con- hour. The winner will also recieve ing the recentGallaudet University ployed at the California School for Two weeks ago deaf students test a prize of $400. Students will be student uprising at 2:30 pm Mon- the Deaf in Riverside. He has been refused to accept a Board of Trus- Auditions for locally estab- able to vote for their favorite band day. April 11, in Winslow Hall, a nationally recognized leader in tees decision tohireahearingpresi- lished bands are still in progress. after each set. Room 100. the deaf community for many dent at Gallaudet, and won the There will be music of various The show will run from 9pm Gerald "Bummy" Burnstein, years .. battl~ when the new president re- styles to appeal to most tastes. to lam in the forum. Admission president of Gallaudet University The forum will also focus on signed and a deaf president was "It's going to be a big perry," willbeSl.50andrefreshmentswill Alumni Association, will conduct the implications of the student vic- appointed. saidKrisTyeryat, arepresentative be available. Sidelights: MacVittie praises freshmen What is your favorite soap opera? academic improvement ,,. thanhalfofthosefreshmanwhodid small groups and have a one-on- • Y&R by Lee Spector poorly in the Fall received similar one situation with the students." II Others letters this Spring. Workshops will be offered for all iii Gen. Hospital This year's freshman class MacVittie stresses that the students. in conjunction with Ca- ~ Don't Watch has improved academically as 113 letters are agreat improvement reer and Counseling Services be- o Days compared to last fall according to over last year's 400-plus letters of gining March 29. • • Guiding Light Geralyn MacVittie, academic ad- academic warning. She partly at- visor to the class and Assistant tributes this to the Peer Advisor MacVittie adds that the sum- Dean of Academic Affairs. (PA) program and study skills mer session planned for this year Approximately 113-120 let- workshops offered for students in will be far more selective and con- ters of academic warning were sent need of help. sequently smaller than the to freshmen at the mid-term. A unusually large group admitted ,,. freshman receives such aletterifhe "At the beginning of the among this freshman class. is currently holding a 'D' or 'F' in semester, the PA's had a series of "They have accepted a lot of two classes. study workshops for the freshmen.. applications already so this should Survey sample: 120 Source: Phoenix MacVittie stated that less In the second half, they will go into be a difficult process," she said.
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