Page 57 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 57
ThePhoenix Prestige Cable withdraws last of video equipment February, Prestige confiscated the by Douglas Hitchcock last of the video equipment. Despite the contract, the In- mid-February, the Com- school decided not to take legal munlcauons/Tbeatcr Arts depart- action, mainly due to high court ment was deah a blow by the Pres- costs. Prestige's reason for taking tigeCabJeCompany. In a breach of the equipment was because of a contract, Prestige confiscated its separate legal battle- with Carroll video equipment on loan to the County. school. Those most affected here When Prestige was awarded were WMC communications rna- the cable rights to Carroll County, jors. Slade, a communications it was required to promote the major himself, was in the process public use of its video equipment of making a feature-length video Public Access, a service of Pres- for his senior honors project. Pres- Andy Wood and Karen Quidas portray the lead roles in tige. was in charge of making the tige allowed him to use the equip- Yerma, the WMC drama production directed by Tim equipment available to the public. ment, but Slade's plans were cut Citizens of Carroll County, short when Prestige pulled out in Weinfeld. like senior Jonathan Slade who Peter C. Howardphoto February. used the equipment for a depart- ment project, were allowed to film Dr. Robert Sapora, prafes- been ~:;:: i~~l~~~l~l h~~ Survey reports and then have their work shown on sor of English major scenes, but the parts that cable channel 50. Prestige had an to run from Aug. 1986 until Aug. agreement with WMC which was 1988. But during the third week of continued on page 3 faculty opinion a less demonstrated two-thirds Pub to be remodeled next week- by David Sailer coherent sense of purpose, and therefore had a lower morale level. addition, the wallpaper currently in the Pub onto the terrace in a manner Results of a survey con- Specifically, the study by Tammie Gilt the Pub will be replaced with wood similar to that of the dining porch. ducted by the Council of Independ- showed that WMC faculty wished paneling. A theme for the Pub will The expansion, if approved, would ent Colleges, taken by this for a larger role in the institutional "I'm hoping thatby theendof be developed around the history of cost an estimated $25,000 - college's faculty, showed that leadership of the school. The re- the semester the Pub will be differ- the Western Maryland railroad, $30,000. This expansion could WMC has cause for both celebra- port stated that greater faculty in- ent," staled Director of College with a contest being planned to allow for larger acts toappear in the tion and concern as the college volvement leads to a greater sense Activities, Kathy Dawkins, in ref- name the Pub accordingly. Pub and alleviate the congestion ranked in the middle one-third on a of community. Furthennore, fac- erence to the redecoration of the There are plans underway to around the bar. scale which measured job satisfac- ulty members at WMC feel that a Pub. • obtain photographs of the railroad While Ms. Dawkins assures tion and morale of the faculty. greater sense of community would The remodeling of the Pub is from the historical society to go that any changes in thepubare "just The highest one-third of the be beneficial and might create an still in the planning stages, but new along with the new theme. experimental," the possibility ex- colleges in the survey demon- enhanced learning environment. furniture has arrived and will be put Currently before the budget ists that the Pub will begin to have strated a common goal or mission into place during Spring Break. In committee is a proposal to expand Friday night entertainment. to improve education. The lower continued on page 2 Sidelights: Seiler's Corp. fires Fitzsimmons Do you think an AIDS test should be following Friday night incident required to obtain a marriage license? 2. smoke, setting off the alarm." Avenue residence to New Jersey by Mary Baschoff Fitzsimmons, who was present, following the incident. was apparently involved in the Still, a number of accounts of incident, fueling a nwnber of ru- the Feb. 26 ordeal are still circulat- mors concerning his ''professional ing . • Yes behavior" on campus. "Someone-we don't know 49% lTII No "I was in the wrong place at who--shot the flre extinguisher 4g. o tncectceo the wrong time," Fitzsimmons ex- off," explained a sophomore ANW plained, "and the whole thing was resident who asked not to be iden- bad judgement on my part. Other tified. "Paul came out of the bath- than that, no comment." room, and just as the fife alarm Fitzsimmons, who acquired went off, the [r.nidentifled] guy the nickname "Glar Man" during threw the extinguisher to Paul. Source: Phoenix his year of employment at WMC, moved from his Pennsylvania continued on page 2
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