Page 66 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 66
Page 2IWestern Maryland CollegeiMarch 31, 1988 Self-defense class offered Billy D. interviews Williams I The Department of Campus Safety is offering a free self-defense class for female students and steff. The class will be held 00 Tuesday by Bill Desciak April 12 from 7 -9pm in the Combative Room of the P.E.L.C. Officer The WMC men's lacrosse :rr!c~:~iO of the Howard County Police Academy will be the team is off and running this year, The program will be part lecture and part participation. The class ~:~~; ~~~ a~i:t~~~:do!:~ will be limited to thirty people and those interested are encouraged to Kenyon(19-9),St. Mary's(20-1O). sign up at the Campus Safety Office. West Chester (I 1-5), and Division ,-===W::O':::k-:::O:::U'::cl:,:Oth::,::·ng::an=:d:::te::nn::is:::S=hoes::::S::hO:,:U:,:ld::::be=w=o::m=.===~I Drexel (ll-lO) with their only r losscomingtoMt.StMary's(17- Rape Myth #11 8). Myth: Sometimeswomenaskloberapedb~auseoftheseductivewaythey "We're playing real well for dress or behave. this part of the year," said Coach Fact: Men and women aUke dress 10 suit their needs for warmth, Mike Williams. "If we improve comfort, practicality and a desire to be attractive. women do Dot our work ethics at practice, we'll go dress to he raped, nor should they be expected to dress or hehave far." In a manner that conforms to everyone's standards of appropri- Offense: On attack, we have ate ness. It Is wise, however, to be aware Cbat such outward signs Bill Hallet who was tops in the of expression are often misunderstood. MAC's last year in scoring and For help or more intormeaion, call the Rape Crisis Intervention Serivce. fourth in the country. Along with ~=================~ Hallet. in MAC's Craig Reichert and Men's lacrosse coach Mike Williams talks with mid- Ourservicesarefr;;o~~~I:~;~ar~::de~~~ there's fielder David Gould during practice last week. r- last year), John (third Giza. "So far this year, Hallet has ADOPTION 19 goals and 15 assists, Reichart has had two goals ineachof our last thought I asked Williams what twenty he of F & M and Gettysburg two games." has 12 goals and 8 assists, Giza 11 ranked middie being Starting defensive in the top Adoption is the only way we can have a goals and 4 assists, and midfielder has Kevin O'Connor, Phil Key while we were not even mentioned. John Cbessock has eight goals and (face-offs), and Raul Galindo. "We don't have a name for our- family. We are a happily married childless couple seven assists," added Williams. "Kevin has been playing well selves yet, Hobart's record is 1-2 who wish to adopt an infant. All medical and lately, and our mid-field plays well and they are ranked second. In midfield, legal expenses paid. Confidential. Please call us At the offensive Chessock together as a unit," order for us to go to nationals, we have to win the rest of our games," collect. senior co-captain College is Close defense has Scott Wal- added Williams. joined by Washington (301) 762-9285 John & Jill transfer Jeff Downer and sopho- ton, John Bailey, and co-captian "There's two problems we Bill Bolesta, with Andy Pons in the have to get out of the way lf we'are r- '--:======::::::::::::::::::::::::=======~more Dennis Hendersonthe switch from attack who madeto play goal. going to be an outstanding team. middy. "Our close D. does not make First, we have to improve our work The second offensive middy many mistakes, and when they do, habits at practice, and secondly we line consists of junior Mike Mas- Pons is there to make it up. Bailey need to create the mental belief that critz, senior Steve Knight, and heldAlIanBurchcrofWestChester we can win the big game. If we go sophomore David Rosenberger. to no goals, no assists, and he was out and play well we can beat any- "Both lines get a lot of playing third leading scorer in the nation one on our schedule, it's that time," says Williams. "Maseritz last year." simple," said Williams. Oklahoma picked to win NCAA original picks were Temple, Pitt, my picks for the national chernpi- by Bill Desciak Kentucky, and North Carolina. So, onship? Because Dick Vitale is too never let it be said that I don't tell obnoxious. Billy Packer is a space Just to keep the record thetruth.I'mthinkingofchanging 'cadet, And Skip Fennell doesn't straight, I didn't pick any of these my name from Billy D. to Honest even play the game anymore. (We teams to make the final four at the Dea. beginning of the tournament. My So why should you listen to continued on page 3 Lacrosse opens with wins Sign up for Army ROTC Basic Camp. You'llget six weeks of lead the surge by netting four of his Mar. 19. challenges that can build up your by Cynthia Schafer five goals in the fourth quarter. The Terrors' next home leadership skills as well as your SL Mary's was WMC's next matchup will take place at 3 pm at body. You'l also get almost 1700. Men's Lacrosse victim, falling by a 20-10 score on Scott S. Bait stadium on April 4, But hurry. This summer may be Mar. 24. John Giza was the Ter- against Clarkson. your last chance to graduate from The WMC men's lacrosse Women's Lacrosse college w.ith a degree and an officer's squad has opened the 1988 season rors' scoring star in this contest, Mary Washington College comrmssion. strong with a 4-1 record. recording five goals and one assist See your Professor of Military WMC's last match-up was Co-captain John Chessock also fell to the WMC women's lacrosse • Science for details. against Kenyon on Mar. 10 and the made himself valuable by turning team on Mar. 23. The Terrors won Terrors defeated their opponents in four goals and three assists. their first game of the season by a by a 19-9 score. The Green came On Mar. 26, West Chester 14-4 tally. Military Science Department out fighting and netted 10 goals in also dropped a game to the bot- Sharon Landis and Jenny Upper Level of Gill Center the first quarter to ensure the win. scoring Terrors. The 11-5 Terror McLeod lead the Green by netting 876-3804 or camp1l8 ext. 620 victory was inspired by three goal, four goals each. Sandi Stevens put On Mar. 12, coach Mike one assist performances by Giza in three, while Nancy Kammerer Williams' squad took on Drexel at and Craig Reichert. Senior goalie had two. home. The Terrors went into the Andy Pons made 23 saves on the Baseball ARMY RESERVEOFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS fourth quarter trailing 9-6, but afternoon. The WMC baseball team, under came back .to pullout the victory WMC's lone defeat came at 10·9. Juniorattackman Bill Halleu the hands of Mt. Saint Mary on continued on page 3
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