Page 63 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 63
March 10, 19881Western Maryland College/Page 7 Study abroad: Notes by Berke Breathed to Mom and Dad continued from page 5 We had a Christmas party to decorate our tree last week, and ing the street. [f you're not careful, there's a Christmas brunch and gift a black cab or a motorcycle will exchange this weekend. Despite flatten yoo, and city traffic doesn't the fun of buying Christmas pres- help either. We had just gotten ems, and the rush to do our papers, used to looking right first, and we we're all a little sad about saying wenttoGreecewheretheydriveon good-bye. My two best friends live me right like we do in the U.S. in Cedar Rapids. Iowa and Kansas Guess who almost got hit by a ear City, Missouri. It's sad to think I the first day in Greece? In England won 't see them again for awhile. therearezebra walks-they're like Sally is spending next semester in pedestrian crosswalks, but once Wales, and Melanie is going back you put your big toeontc the street. to Iowa. I'll really miss them. traffic must stop for you. They're This past week everyone was great, especially at rush hour. going out with their roommates Thanksgiving will be weird becauseit'stheendofthesemester; this year. Our program has a big Melanie and I went to Dublin for turkey dinner for us, and several the weekend. We had lots of fun til people are having friends or family we decided to spend our last night visit that weekend-there aren't in Dublin, instead of the subsurbs, any classes Thanksgiving Day- to maketteasiertogenotheairport but it won't be the same as being at tocomehome, WefoundaBedand home. Breadfast which looked OK, but it wasn't. The shower was dirty, it December 10 was veryold.and there was no heat Only one more week of in the house. The coin operated .classes, Dad! Mom arrived safely heater in our room turned off at 8 in London this morning, and she's pm and it was too cold to stay up. s!eepingoffherjetlagjustnow. I'll At midnight I awoke to hear be sorry to leave London, but I "FIRE! Everyoneout!" Mel and I can't wait 10tum in the rest of these got our stuff and ran. An old build- papers and be done with school ing behind our B & B was on fire. work. We walked several blocks down I have a two page the street to a hotel made of stone, Shakespeare paper, a ten page An that was warm and cleam What a paper,andatenpagetennpaperfor night! We had fun anyway. Brit Studies (which we'll all do at I miss my friends and you the last minute) all due this week. guys,andImissbeingatWMC,but Also, there's a final exam forArt& I think I'll miss London and the Architecture. We have to identify people here a lot, too. I sort of wish fifteen slides from an entire I had decided to stay all year. butI semester's worth of lectures! We wouldn't have graduated on time, were in class for fours hours per and I've spent SO much money week, fourteen weeks this here, I don't think I could afford semester. Do you know how many another semester! slides we've seen? Love, Kristin r--------------------, Fitzgerald's Carriage House Liquors 'At the Forks' 113 W. Main St., Westminster specials this week ... Corona Beer $5.49/ six pack Budweiser $11.59/ case cans Coors and Coors Lite $11.39/ case cans Heineken $8.49 12 pk. L ~
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