Page 56 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 56
Page 8IWestern Maryland College/February 25, 1988 _CraigCecil _ Poitier's intensity, humor shine in Shoot to Kill If anyone other than Sidney bility that the killer has crossed But Kirstie Alley in the role of a Poirier had been cast in the starring paths with a hiking expedition led mountain guide is questionable, at role in this film, then it would have by a beautiful guide(Kirstie Alley). best. Here, we find her leading a quick1y become apparent just how Because of the unfamiliar territory, group of five men through the shallow and redundant the story Poitier is forced to team up with the mountains, three days away from really is. guide's boyfriend (Tom Berenger), any civilization, or even a tele- But Poirier is no ordinary a rugged, survivalist-type on a one- phone. actor. After a prolonged absense man mission to find her. Now seriously, would five from the big screen, he returns in a At this juncture, the film fo- men be able to totally ignore the big way, with a startling perform- cuses on the relationship, or lack blazing femininity that she radi- ance in the new action thriller Shoot thereof, between these two distinct, ates? For a week? Oh.that's right, ToKUl. yet equally stubborn men. Ber- she does wear her hair tied back. The film is a good blend of enger, the outdoorsman, is at home That must explain it. action, suspense and humor, as on his own turf. But, Poitier who downplayed even though Poitier spots, his character opens up just Shoot To Kill revolves Peltier stars as an FBI agent pursu- possesses all the authority in this exudes confidence 00 the screen. enough to be likeable, while loos- around, and depends upon Sidney ing a jewel thief through much of situation, is as helpless as an infant Instead, he shows that he is human: ening the rugged, stubborn quali- Poitier. He makes the most of this the Great Northwest. Beginningon in this terrain, and readily admits to he does make mistakes. And every ties slightly. opportunity by producing a charac- his home turf in San Francisco, his more experienced colleague, so often, Pottier surprises viewers Although Shoot To Kill is ter with qualities reminiscent of Poitier ends up the loser in the first "I'm big city." Somehow, Idon't with a glimpse of humor in the basically a manhurustory, there arc what made him a great actor in the duel of wits with the mysteriously think viewers will find it hard to midst of tension. His level of per- some problems with this version. seventies; a mixture of intensity, intelligent thief. Not only does the pick up on this. The country boy/ formance is rock-steady, never fal- First, and most annoying, some of warmth, and humor. Eventually felon getaway with the loot, but he city boy concept is played out, tering, and as the film progresses, the scenes run entirely 100 long, though, the realization will sink in manages to kill his hostage as well. producing many humorous scenes viewers will realize they are watch- causing me film to lose any mo- thai Peltier put more effort into his Driven by the thought that he had as the two race towards the killer, ing a master ply his craft mentum it has built up. An addi- character than the writers cared to been outsmarted, the agent sets off the summit, and a climax. Berenger, in his own right, is tional editing session should have do for the storyline. That's unfor- on a lead to Washington, in pursuit Even though all of the per- surprisingly good after his disap- been scheduled for this one. tunate. Poirier is the kind of actor of the thief, now "elevated" to kil- fonnances in Shoot To Kill are pointing performance in Someone that doesn't star in movies, he stars ler status. good,Poitierremainstheunifying To Watch Over Me. At first, it The other glaring problem is in films. Let's hope he is here to Upon arrival, Poitier finds presence throughout He manages seems his character is just anomer a matter of character believability. stay. evidence that his man is making for toplaytheG-manwithjusttheright shallow, stereotypical outdoors- There is never a problem of identi- the Canadian border through the amount of intensity. The expected man. But after Peltier ends up fying Poirier in the role of an FBI Rating out of 10: mountains. There is also the possi- "supercop" idealogue is pulling him out of a few tough agent; the role fits him like a glove. £d"HnH, We can't make you "Rich and Famous," but we sure know how J~~~;;~~~n~ to "Entertain and Enlighten!" appeanng LIVE in the Pub two mghts only CAPBoard ursdayand 9pm Friday, March 3 & 4 In 1969, following an incredibly successful college football career, Eugene Edward ·'Mercury" Morrll was drafted by the Miami Dolpblnl. In 1972 and 1973. the Dolpblnl, with Mercury Morrll. won back to back world championships In 1976 Mereury ManU retired from football due to Injuries and began regularly taking drugs. In 1982. seven yean. after leaving professional football. Merewy Mornt was arrested. trted. and convicted on charges of conspiracy and trafficking In cocaine. In 1986. after three and a half years In a Florida prtson. Merewy Morn. walked out of prison a free man after the Florida Supreme Court overwhelmingly declared that he was not given a fair trial: free of the charges originally brought against him. and free of the plague of drug abuse. In 1£188. onw.esday. March 2, Mercury Manis comer> to Wetltem Maryland College. .Hear hIS Incredible story Iirsthand Mercury Morris on "Drugs and Society" Wed. March 2 7:30 pm McDaniel Lounge sponsored by CAPBoard for ticket information see the information desk
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